- Chair:Chief Nurse (Shelley Dolan)
- Head of School: Cathy Wilson
- Nominated staff member from School (annual rotation): 2014-15 Deputy Head
- School Business Manager: (vacant post)
- RM Head of Financial Management: Karry Tymieniecka
- RM Assistant Director Organisation and Development: Sam Greenhouse
- RM Lead Cancer Nurse/Divisional Nurse Director: (annual rotation) 2014-15: Justine Hofland
- Head of School – Academic Partner: Julia Gale, SGUL
- LCA Representative: Jackie Green, LeadCancer NurseCroydonUniversityHospital
- Local Commissioner: Dr Kay Riley,Barts Health NHS Trust
- AHP representative/advisor: Iain Beith, Head of School of Rehabilitation Sciences, SGUL/KU
- Commmunity Services Representative: Debbie Lindon-Taylor, Divisional Nurse Director, RM Community Services Division
- RM Lead for Health Services Research: Theresa Wiseman
Chair / Chief Nurse
Secretariat / PA to Head of School
Quorum / 4members must be present, including 1external to The Royal Marsden (RM)
If a member is unable to attend, they shall nominate a deputy to attend the meeting in their absence. The nominated deputy shall have voting rights for that meeting and will provide the relevant comments/feedbcak to the member they are representing.
Frequency of Meetings / Quarterly
Main Aims / The School Board shall provide The Royal Marsden School with assurance, strategic advice and support to ensure that high quality, contemporary, clinically relevant education is offered and delivered.
Duties and Responsibilities / To provide the Head of School with support, advice, approval and governance in relation to The School’s:
Educational Activity
- Scrutinise reports on relevant quality indicators eg student feedback; progression reports; outcomes; stakeholder engagement; feedback from the relevant commissioners
- Consider any internal and external factors such as changes in healthcare policy) which may have implications for the activity of the School
- Monitor the Academic Partnership between the School and its validating HEI through review of twice yearlyreports
- Monitor the quality of provision through scrutiny of quarterly reports from the Programme Board
- Review, discuss, advise and approve the School’s Business Strategy as reported from meetings of the School’s Business and Finance Advisory Group
- Review the School’s Risk Register
- Monitor the progress of the School’s Business Strategy
- Monitor the School’s progress and outcomes in the Quality & Contract Performance Management Assessment
- Scrutinise, discuss or recommend financial reports produced by (a) School’s Finance Manager and (b) the School’s Business and Finance Group
- Ratify the recommendations of the School’s Business and Finance Group regarding module costs and pricing structures
Relationships with other committees /
- Business and Finance Group (School)
- Programme Board (School)
- Clinical Advisory Group
- Academic Partner Executive meetings
- Any other relvant Committees
Recording / All key decisions and action points will be recorded.
Responsible/Accountable to / The Royal Marsden Management Executive Board
Reports / Notes and action plans from School Board meetings will be shared with relevant staff and committees in the School and acedemic partner if required
Minutes of meetings will be made available to HENWL
Agenda, papers and minutes / The agenda will be drafted by the Board Secretaryin collaboration with the Board Chair, Head of School and other members
Agenda and papers will be sent out 5 days before the meeting
Minutes will be taken at the meeting, and prepared by the Board Secretary (PA to Head of School) and circulated to the group for comments.
Process for declaring and managing conflicts of interest / All members should declare any conflcit of interest at the start of every meeting and will leave the room when issues where any conflict of interest arise are to be discussed.
Date created / April 2014 – Revised December 2014.
Revision date / Three months after the first meeting of the revised Board, to ensure that the Terms of Reference are fit for the agreed purpose – then annually or if required before then.
Ts of R School Board RMS Version 2 Sept 2014 for review March 2015