Genetics Graduate Student Association (GGSA)

General Meeting Agenda

4 April, 2018, 6:00 PM in REYN 160

  1. Officer updates
  2. President
  3. Annual faculty retreat – want to raise stipend again (woot!) still needs to be voted on though
  4. $28,000 for next year
  5. Ideally up to $30,000 the year after
  6. If you aren’t currently at $26,000, talk to carol about it, because she can’t see what you are being paid!
  7. Carol teaching scientific writing course in fall – really small and intensive
  8. Internship – have 5 interested, so are working on making that happen
  9. Email Sarah Bondos if you are interested
  10. Committee meeting frequency – waiving 3rd years meeting because of prelims, let them know if you can’t have meeting! Can meet after deadline if you have it schedule by the deadline
  11. Going to cause registration issues if past deadline
  12. Carol focusing on outreach, going to promote program, may want students to go as well, email her if you are interested
  13. Vice President
  14. DNA Day April 24
  15. Free food, door prizes, should go even if not presenting
  16. Vendor show – not enough interest, may try to have one over summer instead
  17. Poster Competition
  18. Prizes = money!
  19. Send abstracts in ASAP
  20. Treasurer
  21. Travel Award update
  22. No update, packets being sent to committee now, will get email when have results
  23. 10 awards, 12 applicants
  24. Secretary
  25. Spring Picnic!
  26. May 5 at 6pm
  27. C&J BBQ provided
  28. Students responsible for bringing desserts
  29. Recruitment
  30. Updates on acceptances/rejections
  31. 7 out of 10 accepted, and waiting to hear from 2 still
  32. New students in town – will invite to Spring Picnic!
  33. GPSC
  34. Travel award for GPSC – be on look out for email
  35. Committee Updates
  36. Advisory
  37. Curriculum
  38. Reception
  39. Seminar
  40. Website – send in accomplishments!
  41. Other business
  42. DNA Day: April 24th starting at 3:30pm in Rudder Tower!
  43. GGSA Social Hour: April 18th –Blackwater draw again!
  44. Thanks for a great year!
  45. Outreach Opportunity – May 22, sophomores from Bryan high school coming to visit labs and do hands-on activities, can walk students around as well– contact Rebecca Booth
  46. Elections
  47. Officers
  48. President
  49. Kristin Scoggin
  50. Vice President
  51. Ben Greenwell
  52. Treasurer
  53. Rebecca Booth
  54. Secretary
  55. Jennifer Jung
  56. Recruitment Officer
  57. Matt Jevit
  58. GPSC Rep
  59. Joshua Meehan
  60. GPSC Delegates (2)
  61. Sarah O’Leary
  62. Jorden Holland
  63. Committee Chairs
  64. Seminar
  65. Collin Osborne
  66. Website
  67. Jennifer Jung
  68. Reception
  69. Heather Eggleston
  70. Joseph Dubie
  71. Curriculum
  72. Joshua Meehan
  73. Advisory
  74. Timothy Sveegen