January 16, 2017

There was no meeting due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday.

January 17, 2017

The Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:30 a.m. Present were Chair Karen Skoog, Vice-Chair Steve Kiss, and Clerk of the Board Rhonda Cary. Commissioner Mike Manus was excused. K. Skoog offered the invocation and led the flag salute.


Public Works Director Sam Castro was present to discuss an on call policy. Also present was Human Resources Manager Spencer Shanholtzer.


S. Castro requested an executive session regarding collective bargaining pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) for 15 minutes from 10:55 to 11:10. Also present was S. Shanholtzer.


S. Castro was present to review a Memorandum of Understanding with the Forest Service regarding snow plowing services. Also present were Interim Community Development Director Andy Huddleston and Consultant Gregg Dohrn.


A. Huddleston was present for a Community Development update. Also present was G. Dohrn. There was discussion about the Planning Commission’s recommendations regarding marijuana regulations and the appointment of a steering committee for sub-area planning.


The Board recessed for lunch at 12:15 p.m.


Wildlife Conflict Specialist Candace Bennett was present for a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife update.

o  Cougar – There was discussion regarding attacks on dogs, a pilot project, management of collared cats, and houndsmen.

o  Wolves – C. Bennett spoke about winter flights which identify collared wolves, supplementing collars within a pack, and replacing collars. Also discussed were the various packs in Washington and Idaho, informing residents of wolf activity, mapping, and lethal protocol.

C. Bennett expressed interest in providing a presentation at a town hall meeting in the county.


Prosecutor Dolly Hunt was present for an update. Discussion included public records requests and topics for upcoming meetings of the department heads and elected officials.


District Ranger Gayne Sears was present for a Forest Service update. Discussed were the forest plan meetings, the LeClerc allotment, dispersed camping, and upcoming projects.


Financial Manager Jill Shacklett was present to discuss on call pay. Also present was S. Shanholtzer.


Consent Agenda - Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried unanimously. The Consent Agenda includes this week’s Agenda, the Minutes of the Board’s January 9, 2017 meeting and the following items:

Investment Earnings (year-to-date) $2,119.44

Approval of vacation rollover request for JoAnn Boggs

Resolution Accepting Treasurer’s List of 2016 Property Tax Refunds


Pend Oreille County Weed Board Early Detection Rapid Response and Neighborhood Cooperative Cost-Share Projects Title II Funding requests

2016 Operation Stonegarden Grant Agreement E17-169


2016 Emergency Management Performance Grant Agreement E17-147



Correspondence Received:

1.04 R. Allen-Washington Tribes article

1.05 TEDD-2017 Membership Dues


Correspondence Sent:

J. Lafave-PNC support

Invitation to Steering Committee for Sub-Area Planning (11 recipients)

D. Comins, D. Osweiler and J. Stuart-Extension of Planning Commission Term


As of this date, the Board approved vouchers for payment as listed and made available by the Auditor’s Office. The following vouchers/warrants/electronic payments are approved for payment:

Salary and Claim

Current Expense $ 46,179.17

Counseling Services $ 12,948.26

Fair $ 1,000.00

Park $ 425.09

Road $ 47,677.22

Veteran’s Assistance $ 1,948.67

Emergency 911 Communications $ 1,386.40

Capital Projects $ 363.36

Solid Waste $ 33,638.67

Risk Management $ 115.51

Equipment R&R $ 31,627.68

IT Services $ 10,377.54

TOTAL $187,687.57

Checks 162185 through 162312 totaling $186,909.07 and Electronic Fund Transfer 10857 totaling $778.50 dated January 17, 2017.


K. Skoog declared the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

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