Network News

3176 A Via Buena Vista

Laguna Woods, CA 92637


From Around The World

Every week we receive appeals for Harvestime International Institute materials from around the world. We are able to respond to these requests because of the faithfulness of our donors and prayer partners. Your prayers fuel the fire of our outreaches. Your gifts provide the resources to meet the needs.

This month we are featuring reports from a few of the many Christian leaders we dialogue with around the world. Through the Internet, it is safe to say that Harvestime is now in practically every nation--for sure we know our materials are on every continent of the world.

FROM NIGERIA: "Thank you so much for your wonderful teachings and what you do for the Lord. I visited your website and was much blessed,uplifted, and encouraged by your teachings. I am currently pastoring a congregation of forty people.I am the founder and leader of the group. My wife is in charge of our little piece of land where we grow vegetables,bananas,potatoes, and maize to support our family and keep the ministry going.We work very hard to make ends meet. We are carrying out our Bible study and services under trees.We do not even have funds to put up a tent of worship. We do not have access to biblical teaching materials and we have only two KJV English Bibles. Most of our folks are uneducated and unemployed, hence they are poor. We are located in a remote village.The few who have jobsearn less than dollar a day. Through your courses, we will be strengthened in a deeper understanding of the Word of God."

-Rev. Peter

FROM THE PHILIPPINES: "I am presently a teacher of Harvestvale Bible Institute (HBI), managed by the Church of God Seventh Day, Philippineconference. I took your curriculum back in 2002-2004 under Pastor Carlito P. Ortiz, my professor from Evangelical Church, Philippines. I was blessed and fortunate to come upon your free Biblical studies online which are very useful in our church today, especially in doing seminars and lectures for all workers in the church in our country. In fact,using Harvestime materials we have organized an institute which welcomes all interested students, regardless of what churches they belong to."

-Pastor Villarante

FROM HONDURAS: "I am a missionary in Honduras, ministering in rural villages. I am currently building relationships in one village and the president of the village is expressing interest in becoming a pastor and building a church in his village and for people in the surrounding area. I would like to use your curriculum to set up discipleship training with him. I anticipate this could bring in more students as well and would like to get your Immediate Institute to get started on the right track before this grows too quickly. Thank you for the blessing of being able to use your materials at no charge, they have been a blessing to me as I have been utilizing them for personal study as I check out the content of each course. I am blessed by them and know many others are too." -Pastor Dodd

FROM KENYA: "I downloaded the training courses and they are of great importance to me. I trained as a community change agent and the course on Mobilization Methodologies really played a major role in my work. I have preached the Gospel in 53 churches. May God richly bless you and continue to give you insight. The work you have done is a treasure to us, the young generation of gospel crusaders." -Pastor Steve

"Thank you for the powerful response of materials which you sent. This year,I am conducting outreaches in fiveregions. In Nairobi region we have seven churches in the central region. We have eleven churches in the Mombasa region and in Homa Bay region. We also have churches in Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and India. In addition, we run orphanages for 800 children. We are thankful to you and pray that God continues to pour His glory upon your ministry." -Pastor Daniel

"I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages - villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in the world."

- Robert Moffat



Yours for the harvest,

Argis and Patricia Hulsey