Rev2: 4/05
Standard Designation (e.g., RP 2A): 11S - seriesBudget Year: 2009-2010
Title, Edition: recent reaffirmations and ballot
Matrix Ranking (Class 1, 2 or 3): 2
Subcommittee: 11
Proposed Action (new standard, revise, reaffirm, withdraw): revise
PART 1 – Committee Resources
What is the business need for the proposed action? If possible, please indicate potential cost savings to industry.The series of API 11S standards include many recommended practices for electric submersible pumps, including installation and testing various components. These have been used worldwide in the industry; but, there has not been a thorough technical review for many years. Updating the necessary standards should provide the users with the latest technology and code requirements for improved operating practices.
What is the scope of the standard?
Is this standard on the work program of another standards development organization (ISO, ASTM, ASME, etc.)?
If yes, is the work being coordinated with the appropriate group? Are there special circumstances that would justify independent API initiation of the proposed action?
Are a volunteer chair, content manager, and group of experts available to perform the proposed action? Please include names and company affiliation if available.
Yes; Norman Hein - Oil & Gas Optimization Specialists, Ltd. (Chair); Wayne Richards - Global Oilfield Services;John Bearden - Centrilift; Brad Stone - API Refining Committee; the Brazilian representative from ISO TC67-SC4; others are being solicited.
Is there a need to commit resources to supplement the development of the draft? Would a paid content specialist accelerate progress on the revision? Is there a readily available content specialist?
There is a need for more users representatives. I am attempting to solicit membership or at least input from a few other industry consultants, so there should not be a need for paid specialists.
Are there special format requirements for final document (i.e., knowledge of ISO template required), significant graphics, photos or equations required that would need extraordinary resources?
I do not believe there is a current need for any special format or resources at this time.
Please provide any other information that is pertinent to the proposed action?
What are the implications of not initiating the proposed action? Include potential safety, reliability, environmental and financial impacts that may arise.
This equipment uses very high electrical power and the latest applicable code requirements should be reviewed and included to improve safety and increased run time.
Is there research proposed to accomplish the proposed action? If yes, complete Part 2 of Resource Model.
Project Timing
/ Start date: / Draft ready for letter ballot:TG/WG
(estimated number of volunteers needed) /Chair
(“$ amount “if needed” or volunteer”) / Content Management(“$ amount “if needed” or volunteer”) / Resource Request
($ and/or people)
PART 2 – Research
Proposed Research Title:
Proposed Project Scope:
Research Amount: $What is the business need for the proposed research?
Is the proposed research edition-specific for a single standard or will it result in technology enhancement for multiple standards?
Is research necessary prior to scheduled revision or can it be done concurrent with revision?
How does the research support the proposed action identified in Part 1?
Is a joint industry project (JIP) a possibility?
Are there opportunities for leveraged research with other organizations?
What are the implications of not performing the proposed research?
Estimated Completion Date:
Prior Research Funding (related to current edition of the standard or revision):
Anticipated Future Research Needs (related to current edition of the standard or revision):
Year 2: $Year 3: $ Year 4: $
Total Request (Part 1+Part 2): $
Submitter:Norman W. Hein, Jr