Father we thank You that, YOU are our only SOURCE.

We declare that the FLOODGATES of heaven are open unto us and THE BLESSING is pouring out.

In the Name of Jesus, as we give our Tithes and Offerings today, we believe we receive from the LORD:

  1. Our Harvest Resource Centre; Debt FREE, FINISHED, FURNISHED, FULL and FLOURISHING
  2. Resources and divine partners to provide Food, Water, Clothing, Health and Healing, Shelter, and Freedom to those in need
  3. Souls and more souls from various cultures and ages
  4. Anointings, Gifts of the Spirit and callings
  5. Dreams, visions, revelations and angelic visitations
  6. Divine manifestations and filled with the fullness of God
  7. Deep and experiential knowledge of God,
  8. Heaven’s storehouse opened and a surplus of prosperity poured out
  9. Every need supplied according heaven’s riches
  10. Riches, Honour, Glory, Favour and Success
  11. Supernatural provision
  12. Jobs or better jobs
  13. An insatiable demand for our skills, talents, abilities, gifts and training
  14. Positions and promotions
  15. Raises and Bonuses
  16. Benefits, Sales and commissions
  17. Favourable Settlements
  18. Estates and inheritances
  19. Investments
  20. Interests and income
  21. Multiple streams of income
  22. Rebates and returns
  23. Discounts and Offers
  24. Big Cheques in the mail
  25. Gifts and Surprises
  26. Finding money
  27. Lost monies and properties found
  28. A restoration of anything lost, stolen or missing
  29. Funds transferred into our accounts
  30. Bills paid off
  31. Debts supernaturally paid off, demolished and cancelled
  32. Royalties received
  33. Expenses reduced
  34. Academic excellence
  35. Scholarships, Fundings and PhDs
  36. Professionalism and excellence in all our endeavours
  37. Impossible projects to come into existence
  38. Ideas, Concepts and Insights
  39. Divine Creative Ideas for wealth, business and job creation
  40. Divine Credits and excellent credit ratings
  41. Patents and Intellectual properties
  42. Contracts and Awards
  43. Knowledge, understanding and wisdom
  44. Answers to the needs of humanity
  45. Divine Helpers
  46. Divine Appointments
  47. Blessings and Increase

Thank you, LORD, for meeting all of our financial needs that we may have more than enough to give into Your Kingdom and to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This is the year of experiencing the LOVINGKINDNESS of The Lord like never before. This is our year of experiencing theHOLY SPIRIT ministering to us, teaching us, leading us, reminding us and showing us things to come. He will give us the treasures of darkness and lead us to the hidden riches of secret places in this land, for a testimony of His LOVINGKINDNESS (Isaiah 45:3). Thank You, Father, that You crown our year with a bountiful harvest! Father we give You all the praise. Thank You Lord! Hallelujah! AMEN!!

We declare that we are not surviving but we are thriving and we are not failing but indeed we are flourishing. We seal our provision and increase Now in the mighty Name of Jesus and in the power of His precious blood. WE ARE A SWIMMING IN AND OVERFLOWING WITH THE LOVINGKINDNESS OF THE LORD! AMEN!