
Itisimportanttoestablishasharedpurposeforyourprogram.Thisincludesvision, missionandphilosophystatements.Itallowseveryonethathascontactwithyour programtounderstandwhatyoudoandwhyyoudoit.

Avisionstatementisanorganization’spurpose.Itisapreferredfuturestate.Itexpresses whatcouldbeinaperfectworld.Itisthebridgefromtodaytotomorrow.Itissearching yourheartforwhatisimportant.Itisaboutadream.Itneedsdeliberateeffortand commitmenttosucceed.Avisionstatementcannotbejustoneperson’sidea.Everystaff membershouldknowandbecommittedtothevisionoftheprogram.Itshouldpermeate everyaspectofyourwork.Yourvisionisreachedthroughyour...

MissionStatement:Amissionstatementispositive,active,short,clearandrepeatable.It definesthebusiness­whatyoudo,forwhomyoudoit,howyoudoitandwhy.Itstates “how”yourteamwillattainyourvision.Itisinclusive.Itisyourpurpose.“Wewill…we dothisby…”Useamissionstatementtofocusyouractivitiesandbusinesspractices, marketyourprogram,makeboarddecision,supportgoalsandlongrangeplanning.

PhilosophyStatement:Identifiesthepurposeandgoalsofthechildcareprogram.A philosophystatementisanarrativethatincludesyourconception(ideas)ofteachingand learning,adescriptionofhowyouachievethisandjustificationforwhyyouteachthatway.

Thestatementcandemonstratethatyouhavebeenreflectiveandpurposefulaboutyour program,communicateyourgoalsasanearlychildhoodprofessionalandthe correspondingactionsinyoursetting,provideanopportunitytopointtoandtietogether theothersectionsofyourparenthandbook.






Assignment Steps -Create a Philosophy, Vision & Mission Statements for Your Program

  1. Step One-Think about your program that you plan to create (based on the different options covered in chapter 1). Create a name for your program and list what type of program (i.e., Full Day Head Start Program, etc.).
  1. Step 2- Next, develop a brief program philosophy based on the concepts covered in class as well as using outside resources. Your program philosophy should be in alignment with your approach to early childhood education (i.e., the curriculum, etc.).
  1. Step 3- Next, reflect on your values, aspirations for your program and based on what you learned in class and through exploring programs and your own thoughts, create a vision statement. Remember, your vision is a broad and ambitious view of what the program can accomplish and should match your purpose which is reflected in your philosophy statement.
  1. Step 4-Next, create your mission statement. Make it a simple, short, and easy to remember statement. Remember, your mission statement should guide all of the program’s decisions.

5.  Step 5- List Follow the format below (Philosophy, Vision & Mission). Remember to check your spelling and sentence structure. This would be an example of what you would pass out to visitors of your program.

Name of Program: ______Program Type: ______

·  Program Philosophy:

·  Program Vision:

·  Program Mission:

*Remember to include a reference page for any information you use that belongs to someone else!

Philosophy, Vision & Mission Statements Grading Rubric = 55 points

CATEGORY / A=55-49 points / B= 48-44 points / C=43-38 points / D-F=37-0 points
Written Analysis / Developed a clear and well throughout philosophy, vision and mission statements based on the concepts covered in / Developed a clear philosophy (but lacked some detail), vision and mission statements based on the concepts covered in class and outside resources. / Partially developed statements based on the concepts covered in class and outside resources. / Statements lacked development and based on the concepts covered in class and outside resources.
Clear and complete documentation / Covered the program philosophy, vision and mission thoroughly. Writer makes 0-2 errors in grammar or spelling that do not distract the reader from the content. / Covered the program philosophy, vision and mission, but lacked some details. Writer makes some (3-5) errors in grammar or spelling that do not distract the reader from the content. / Partially covered the program philosophy, vision and mission. Writer makes errors (6-8) in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. / Did not cover the program philosophy, vision and mission statements? Writer makes many (more than 8) errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Due September 20, 2016