Didcot Town Team Meeting

5.30pm to 7.00pm. Tuesday 13th November 2012

Flint Room, Cornerstone Arts Centre


1.  Present

Cllr Ann Ducker (South Oxfordshire District Council and chair of the meeting), Cllr Nick Hards (Didcot Town Council), Di Chesterman (Didcot First), Karen Leahy (K-Design, Town Map producer), Toby Warren (South Oxfordshire District Council), Andy Robinson (South Oxfordshire District Council)

2.  Apologies

Cllr David Marsh (Harwell Parish Council), Julia Williams (Former Chair of Didcot Chamber of Commerce)

3.  Notes of meeting on 18 September 2012

It was agreed the notes covered the matters discussed at the meeting.

4.  Matters arising

Cllr Nick Hards reported that the Town Directory was progressing but the listing was not yet complete. It was agreed that the Chamber of Commerce could assist in completing the list. The directory will be published on the town council’s website and Karen Dodd, the town council officer preparing the directory was also obtaining web addresses for as many of the entries as possible.

Cllr Ann Ducker advised that she had emailed Cllr Nick Carter, of Oxfordshire County Council, but has yet to receive a response.

Toby Warren advised that due to an oversight, all the dates arranged for future Town Team meetings clash with Harwell Parish Council meetings.

Toby Warren was asked to asked to come up with alternative dates for the future meetings.

Toby Warren advised that Cheryl Reeves, South Oxfordshire District Council’s equalities officer, had a meeting with Cllr Bill Service, who had kindly offered his County Council Area Stewardship fund of £30,000 towards the cost of the improvements that had been identified in the Broadway Access Audit. It was also confirmed that one of the damaged litter bins on the Broadway has been replaced and the other would be replaced in the very near future.

Toby Warren advised that the £10,000 Government funding awarded for Didcot Town Team projects had been received by South Oxfordshire District Council.

5. Town Map and signage

It was agreed that key places in Didcot, such as the Civic Hall, the Wave and the Registrar’s office, should be on the map as it was aimed predominately at visitors to the town. It was also agreed that three maps should be on the board (One of the town centre, one of Didcot and one of the local area).

Everyone concurred that the design of the board stand was suitable but a silver colour for the stand was preferred. It was agreed that apart from the station forecourt, another good location for a map would be by Sainsbury’s supermarket, near the steps.

Everyone present was asked to report back to Toby Warren with comments on the design and content of the map by 28 November.

6.  Pop-up shop and other empty shops

Toby Warren reported that someone had applied to use the pop-up shop at 120 The Broadway in the run up to Christmas. Mr Richard Kennell runs an educational charity called ‘Need a Direction’ and provides work experience and employability skills to young people. If the scheme is successful there is a possibility of Mr Kennell also renting another vacant shop unit in the Broadway.

Andy Robinson was asked to help Mr Kennell move in and help set-up.

Andy Robinson reported that the owners of 182 The Broadway had kindly given permission to three local charities (South & Vale Carers, Friends of O.S.C.A.R and ENRYCH) to advertise in the shop windows to raise awareness of their charities and promote them.

7.  Broadway Newsletter

Andy Robinson produced a draft of a quarterly newsletter, specially designed for shopkeepers on the Broadway and in the Orchard Centre. It was agreed that the newsletter was a good idea and should be published.

It was agreed that the newsletter could be used to revive the Christmas window dressing competition, with the Mayor of Didcot acting as the judge. It was agreed that there should be first, second and third prizes, hopefully provided by a sponsor. Certificates, to be displayed in the windows of winners should also be provided.

Andy Robinson was asked to try and get the newsletter out for the following week, which be hand delivered to each business.

8.  Any Other Business

No other business was announced.