Name: ______Date: ______
Reproductive Health and Safety – Anatomy Review
Female Anatomy / Function/Purpose1 / Ovaries / These glands secrete the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Each ovary will house between tens of thousands of egg cells (Ova).
2 / Fallopian Tubes / The tubes are muscular and lined with hair that helps to transport the egg cell. The finger-like projections at the ovary end of the fallopian tubes move in a swaying wave like motion moving the egg from the ovary to the uterus.
3 / Uterus / The lining of the uterus thickens on a monthly cycle starting at puberty until menopause and then sheds if the egg cell is not fertilized
4 / Cervix / The cervix connects the vagina and the uterus. The cervix is approximately 1 cm in diameter and is positioned at the lower end of the uterus.
5 / Vagina / The vagina is also known as the birth canal. The vagina is usually between 3 -5 inches long. The menstrual flow passes through the vagina as if leaves the body.
Male Anatomy / Function/Purpose
1 / Testicles / The testes produce the male sex hormone testosterone; Testosterone is also responsible for the stimulation of sperm production within the testicles. The testes produce millions of tiny sperm cells every day.
2 / Epididymis / The Epididymis is where the sperm cells mature. This coiled tube is positioned over the back of each testicle. It connects the testicles to the Vas Deferens
3 / Scrotum / The scrotum has the ability to draw the testes closer to the body when it’s cold or hang looser when its hot. This is extremely important to the production of sperm
4 / Penis / The penis is the male reproductive organ.
5 / Vas Deferens / The Vas Deferens are the muscular tubes that sperm travel through from the epididymis towards the male reproductive organ.
6 / Seminal Vesicle / The Seminal Vesicles are glands near the base of the bladder that secrete a fluid that combines with other fluid and sperm to form semen.
7 / Prostate Gland / The Prostate Gland also produces a fluid that combines with other fluid and sperm to form semen. The Prostate Gland is about the size of a walnut.