Region 9 Works Council


October 25, 2013

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Batesville Community School Corporation

Administration Building

626 N. Huntersville Rd.

Batesville, IN 47006

Conference Room

I.  Call to Order and Welcome: Chris Lowery called the meeting to order and welcomed attendees

II.  Roll Call :

In the affirmative of Region 9 Works Council appointees:

Chris Lowery

Melissa Ferry

Kathleen Huffman

Steve Mackey

Marilyn Metzler

Rebecca Reeves

Sue Smith

Brad Street

Carl Galey

Jesse Brand

Jan Holm

Guests included.

III.  Introduction of Members: Brief introductions were completed

IV.  Orientation

A.  Bylaws: Chair confirmed that bylaws were understood and asked if there were questions regarding their content. There were none

B.  Election of Secretary: Melissa Ferry of Honda Mfg of Indiana appointed as the secretary

V.  Purpose and Vision for Works Councils: Jaclyn Dowd reviewed the orientation PowerPoint reviewing key concepts and points for the council. Key Points:

A.  6 Main themes in governor’s plans 3 of which are aligned to education & training. Governor has 2 plan As: Two “prime paths” for students

B.  This is part of a statewide initiative approached regionally & locally. Objective is to cross pollinate across regions as findings & recommendations are brought forward, aligning initiatives and having them coordinate at state & local levels to meet the needs of industry

C.  Although impact is regional, items will be rolled up to state levels with impact through overarching entity: Center for Career and Innovation. Council activities and findings will work to confirm strategic plan to roll up to general assembly by July 1, 2014.

D.  Council members noted that council should keep not for profits such as ECO15 in mind and be sensitive to their efforts and not to conflict with them. Another item mentioned was the need for marketing materials; materials to market programs to students, parents and guidance counselors. Tie it into the Dream it-Do it program. Additional mention of how to better market and communicate these programs to companies. Jaclyn requested that the council formally float these items/ requests up.

E.  “The Challenge” video was not reviewed in the meeting for the sake of time, however it may be viewed via a link on the councils’ website

VI.  Evaluation of Regional CTE Data

A.  Brad Street reviewed Southeastern Career Center programs & CTE courses/credits/pathways

B.  Sue Smith of Ivy Tech Shared Dept of Education data and also shared website which shows all dual certifications:

C.  Representative from Indiana/Kentucky Regional Council of Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Fund shared information on their training programs

VII.  Next Steps: Council’s next meeting will be held Thursday, Oct 31 at Southeastern Career Center , 901 W. US 50 Versailles, 47042 10:30am-12:30pm

Brad would like to give a brief tour of the center after the meeting. Dana will provide an agenda for Brad to post. It was requested that moving forward, if a member is unable to attend a meeting, please send someone in their steed.

Two sub-teams will each work to gather information for final report due to the state Nov 1. Each sub group will summarize their information and forward to Chris who will then work with a few others to compile and summarize the information. Chris will then forward summary to council members for review before the 10/31 council meeting. Sub-groups should not only summarize their information for their specific questions, but also take a stab at answering the analysis questions on the template as well.

A.  CTE sub-group will gather information on CTE Pathways and data. Marilyn Metzler will be responsible for summarizing their information & forwarding it to Chris by COB 10/30. Members of this sub-group are: Steve Macky, Sue Smith, Karl Galey, Brad Street Marilyn Metzler & John Burnett. They will compile their information via email

B.  Employer Sector sub-group: Kathleen Huffman will be responsible for summarizing their information and forwarding it to Chris by COB 10/30. Members of this sub-group are: Kathleen Huffman, Jan Holm, Melissa Ferry, Rebecca Reeves. Marilyn will also reach out to John Burnett & Jim Battin for their input also. Kathleen will contact Jillian Nead at the state for data. This subgroup is meeting Tuesday the 29th from 1:00—2:30 at Southeastern Career Center

C.  Analysis sub-group: Wednesday the 30th Chris will meet with Jesse Brand, Kathleen Huffman, Barry Parkhurst & Sue Smith to summarize the report prior to pushing it out to the rest of the council at the end of the day 10/30.

VIII.  Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.