Testimonials & Results from Recent Qivana Users

Cholesterol and Triglycerides reports:

1)This is from Glenn. Just wanted to let you all know the results of my much anticipated doctors appointment this morning and the official results from my lab work; My primary care doctor said, "For a one person study, "WOW" incredible results". My Cholesterol is down even more from the health screening numbers, my Triglycerides, HDL and Total Ratio were confirmed from my the health screening with my doctor of 12 years.Here are the actual results compared to last year; I started on Qivana April 2009.

July 2008June 2009

Cholesterol 240 176

Triglycerides407 150

LDL167 102

HDL42 46

TC/HDL Ratio5.7% 3.8%

2) April 2010 from Barb who is a professional nurse:

I am so excited, I can hardly stand myself!The doctor came in and thefirst thing she said was, “You have lost 22 pounds!” Then she said, “And you should see your lipid panel!”Her exact words were, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep on doing it”.The difference between two months ago and now is nothing short of a miracle!

Here is the before and after:


Cholesterol, Total 280 (H) 138 normal range125-200

HDL Cholesterol 44 (L) 48normal rangegreateror = 46

Triglycerides 371(H) 157 normal range less than 150

LDL-Cholesterol162 (H)59normal range less than 130

Total Chol/LDL Ratio 6.4(H) 2.9 normalrangeless than or = 5.0

My blood pressure and cholesterol are so good that my medicine has been cut in half!It just doesn't get any better than this! Thank you so much for taking the time and caring enoughto introduce me to QIVANA!


3)I started taking Qivana back in March 2010. Here is the data from mid Feb 2010 along with the recent lab results I got today as follows:


Total 190 147

HDL 37 43

Triglycerides 165 107

LDL120 83

CHOL/HDLC Ratio 5.1 3.4 should be < 5.0

My doctor was happy with these new results and told me to keep doing whatever it was I was doing.


4) My Mom turned 87 in April of 2010 and was taken off cholesterol medication after 25 years when her doctor told her there was no longer a need to be on the drug. She took the Core essentials and probiotics for about 6 months.

5) My Dad’s triglycerides were 249 on Feb 9, 2010 and on April 6, 2010 his triglycerides went down to 158.

6) This is from Dan April 2010:

Hi everyone. Just thought I'd share this with you.I just had my blood work done and got my cholesterol results. Before I started on Qivana, my numbers were:

LDL = 227 HDL = 29 Triglycerides = 281

My new numbers (after Qivana) are:

LDL = 181 HDL = 36 Triglycerides = 159

I keep staring at the Triglycerides numbers and still can't believe the change. Amazing!


There are now over 75 testimonies of how this product has allowed people to sleep and most report no longer needing to take sleeping pills. One of the men said when they wake up they are groggy and tired and takes awhile to wake up. Since taking this product they awake rested and not groggy. One of the ladies reports she wakes up in the night and has to take a Pepto-Bismol or a Rolaids. This has been going on for the last several years. 2 days after taking the probiotics and essential powder product she slept through the night with no problems. She now reports it is no longer necessary to take Pepto-Bismol or Rolaids.


Many people have said this product has cleared up their allergies. One of my friends said his allergies were so bad it would wake him at night from being stuffed up. After 2 days on the product he noticed a difference and in the 3rd day he was all cleared up and able to breath without taking any medication.


Gladys has suffered with Asthma for years, takes medication and is on an inhaler. She told us she wanted to see if this product could help her as it has helped people with allergies. Within 6 weeks of taking the product, her symptoms were completely gone so no need for medication or the inhaler.

Jan 2010

Diabetes and A1C test

April 2009 one gentleman had his blood checked and his A1C test was 9.6 and Triglycerides were 201. The A1C test was dangerously high. He started on this product Sept 20th and got retested end of Oct. His new numbers were as follows: A1C now 5.4 and Triglycerides 82. The doctor told him that was amazing to have his numbers drop so fast and asked what he did. All that changed was taking this product.

There are many cases of people that have gotten their numbers down to the low one hundreds and keep them in that range while on this product.

Blood Pressure dropping

A 72 year old male got a 5 day sample and called to report his blood pressure dropped 10 points after the 4th day of taking the product. An 82 year old reported that his pressure dropped 20 points after 3 months on the Core essentials.

No more medication

I was introduced to Qivana in August 2009 by a friend of 33 years, she had told me how it had been helpful with her nephew’s allergies and stomach problems and had helped her with her Gall Bladder issues, I bought a box and really felt the effects within days, before Christmas I realized I wasn’t taking my Allegra-D and Nasacort every day for my allergies or breathing treatment for my asthma, Nexium, sleeping pills, and hormones.

Now after 6 months I am off 10 prescription meds!!!!! And feel great!!!!

Cindy 2010


One of the independent business owners has a cousin with psoriasis so bad it’s in her joints and needs to be on pain medication everyday. She got on the product and a week later forgot to take her medication and realized the pain was gone. She continued with the product but stopped her medication and the pain hasn’t come back.

Multiple Sclerosis

A lady with MS for more than twenty years told us she has not been able to lift up her left leg and put on her pants for the last 8 years. She has to sit down to get her pants on. After only 10 days on this product she showed all of us how she was able to lift up her left leg as high and as fast as her right leg. After 3 months is now able to walk very fast on a treadmill without holding on to the rails. She was never able to do that.

Here is a follow up email about 8 months after taking the Core system products:

So I had my follow-up appointment with the neurologist today, the first one since last fall. I met this time primarily with the nurse practioner, a new addition to the office. I only saw the doctor at the very end.The nurse practitionerreviewed my meds vs supplementsthat were listed inmy records and asked me about the herbal supplement I was taking. She became genuinely interested when I told her what had happened to my MS symptoms 9 days into taking the Qivana Core products. She studied my history and then asked me about my symptoms now. I told her I had no symptoms now. Then she put me through a small battery of strength and resistance tests and was REALLY impressed.

Oh yeah, and my blood work today from last fall was fabulous and my blood pressure was 124 over 72. I still RUN up the steps at work everyday and pop back down them at the end of the day.

E.D.-Erectile Disfunction

One recent user reports that he has been on E.D. medicine (Cialis) for the past three years. Within two weeks of starting the product, he was able to eliminate the medication completely. “It was as though the clock was turned back years”. He's quoted as saying, "It's great to be able to perform whenever I desire without the use of prescription drugs".

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia

Cheryl reports her original diagnosis of CFS was in 1991. Since then my condition has been verified and/or treated by seven different doctors and specialists. My current doctor considers CFS and Fibromyalgia opposite ends of the same (illness) spectrum. Since my primary complaint is fatigue, I refer to my illness as CFS, although muscle and joint pain has also been part of the problem. For six years I underwent regular acupuncture treatment accompanied by Chinese herbs. For one year I went for weekly and then bimonthly message therapy. These treatments did help to some degree. The glands in my neck stopped swelling up all the time and my muscle aches lessened. Although I am still on medication, nothing has helped me feel as good as I do now. When I started taking Qivana products I hoped, but was not optimistic, that it would help my CFS. Over the past 18 years, there have been short periods of time when I would feel rather normal. Those days usually lasted a few days, but occasionally a week or two. So, once I started feeling better I couldn’t be sure that it was the Qivana products. After a few months I was continuing to improve, but still a little skeptical. Then I started on the Detox. After taking the Detox for over one week, I was feeling sooooo good, that it was unmistakable that it was the Qivana products that had made the difference. I’m continuing to feel better and have not regressed back to where I was before starting the products.

Dec 2009

Bio Meridian test

A chiropractor tested 2 people in March of 2009 before getting on Qivana. Their graph was high greens, 5-6 yellows and 1-2 reds. Green is healthy, the lower the better. Yellow is where inflammation starts and red is where disease starts. They test systems of the body like nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, metabolism, immune as well as specific organs like liver, pancreas, skin and also the blood. After 2 months on Qivana, these 2 people were retested and all results were green and on the low numbers of green. This showed amazing results internally.


Someone said the 2 products helped their arthritis but the detox really made a big difference in the joint pain and joint movement.


Most people report the energy it gives them and not the type that spikes you up and then you crash. It is more of a constant even energy. There is no crash as there is no caffeine or tons of sugar in this product. One person reported they had so much energy when they first took the essential powder they felt they could clean their house with a toothbrush after doing all the yard work and 10 other jobs that have been on their list to get finished.

Lap band Stomach problems

One of the ladies who has had stomach problems for 2 years, started after she got lap band surgery on her stomach. She throws up on a regular basis and has problem holding food down. After taking the product for 2 weeks is now able to eat anything and hold the food down.

Decreased anxiety
Andrea reports”I woke up and realized that I am just starting to feel this overall sense of increased happiness/decrease in anxiety. Not hugely noticeable, sort of subtle - but I felt it today. Then my friend mentioned to me today that she heard through Dr Oz that serotonin - the primaryneurotransmitter that gets stabilized by anti-depressants, gets absorbed in the lining of the intestines. If anything happens there with serotonin, it would make sense that there could be an anti-depressant effect once the gut is fully functioning. All I know is this stuff rocks!
Oct 1, 2009

Degenerative disc pain

Erin writes about a year ago I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. Mydoctor sent me to have epidural injections into a bulging disc in myneck. The medicine (steroids) was to relieve the inflammation and reducemy pain. I was also to go to physical therapy to work on lessening thebulging (I don't know if that's the proper explanation).I wentto have the procedure done, and the radiologist was unable to administerthe medicine after two attempts. He told me if he didn't get themedicine in the exact place and the medicine got into my system I wouldget extremely sick. He said I should come back in a couple of days totry again. Needless to say, I never went back.Fast forward 6 months. After being in constant pain now for a year, Igave in and called the doctor. He reordered the epidural injections, andI was set to try and have the procedure again. By chance I startedtaking this product. After just TWO days, my neck pain is virtuallygone! If my neck starts to ache, I take the "pixie stick" and with inminutes my pain is gone.As Kathy can attest to, I am a doubting Thomas, and don't usually buyinto all the hype of the latest, greatest product on the market. I don'tknow about all the medical stuff. All I know is this stuff works!! As aside note, I was also having trouble with my knee (I'm a gym rat and haveabused my muscles and joints over the years). My knee pain has alsodiminished quite a bit.AMEN!!!
Oct 2009

Tarsal Tunnel

Denise has had severe pains in her ankles and feet from tarsal tunnel and she describes it was in constant pain for 15 years. She had the operation that is suppose to heal it and it did not help. It got so bad; she couldn’t stand on her feet for more then an hour at a time. At one point, she thought she would be confined to a wheel chair. After taking this product for a little over a month, the pain stopped and she was afraid to say anything thinking it was a fluke. After 2 months on the product she spent 9 hours on her feet with her daughter at an amusement park for her birthday and was completely pain free.

Oct 2009


I have got to tell you how much Qivana has helped me! First of all in these stressful economic times it has kept me calmand has prevented my ADHD from flaring up and secondly, I just lost another ten pounds more easily than just working out and diet alone! Real results!

Dec 2009


A couple has been taking the product for 1 month and said both of their complexions have changed. The male said his complexion has smoothed out and his wife’s checks are rosier. He said it has made them both look younger and can’t believe the change in so short a time.

Jan 2010


One of our IBO’s is bi-polar and after being on the detox product her disease went away. They said she was ridden with metals and this made the difference in her body.

Jan 2010

Hives (auto-immune):

I had never had an ongoing heath issue when, all of a sudden, I developedHIVES (an autoimmune disorder). I went from healthy, to havingoutbreaks of hives as much as 2-4 times per day… sometimes every 4 hours.

I was taking antihistimes AND steroids (Prednisone) and they helped alittle bit, but didn’t completely get rid of them. The hive outbreaks interrupted both my sleep and work and wereongoing for over a month and a half until a friend recommended Qivana. By the 8thday of being on the Qivana Qore System, my hives were completely gone.I have not had to take antihistimes or Prednisone at all (those twotogether would cost about $40‐50 a month).I feel better, havemore energy and have even noticed improvements in other areas (like Iused to have a lot of problems with my legs falling asleep when I sat for along time (circulation issues), however since being on Qivana, noproblems with that either. - Sue Jan 2010 LATER UPDATE.. another benefit I have realized is that BQ (before Qivana) my feet would swell up when I stook on them for as little as an hour and a half. Now they never swell… even after 10 hours on my feet. My personal feeling is that it is a good example of the anti-inflammatory properties of the Qore System.

Personal Profile of Ethel:

Medical History:

  • Heart Attack in May of 2001, resulting in open heart surgery/Triple bypass.
  • Cholesterol levels thru the roof at 435
  • Triglycerides at 1257.
  • Hospice patient for 18 months.
  • Weight ranging from 160 to 195 pounds.

Diagnosed with:

  • Post-Polio syndrome,
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • nerve damage resulting from Shingles on 3 different occasions,
  • Osteo-Arthritis,
  • antibodies for Lupus found in blood,
  • Chronic pain

My Story

In May of 2001, while on vacation in Disney World, I went into cardiac arrest, which resulted in 2 weeks hospitalization and triple bypass surgery. I was placed on hospice upon my return home due to my heart fraction rate and damage to my heart. I was not expected to survive. My cholesterol level was 435 with my triglycerides being 1257

I have suffered for years with chronic pain throughout my entire body starting at age 18 months old when I was diagnosed with Polio. It went into remission leaving me with chronic leg pain. Over the years the pain has intensified leaving me unable to walk at times. I have been diagnosed with Post-polio syndrome, Fibermyalgia, and Lupus antibodies and Osteo-Arthritis. I also have nerve damage as a result of 3 separate cases of shingles. All of these components together have brought my pain to levels beyond treatment with pain medication.