
6th Regiment – “Regulars"

NALC 2002

As of 6/17/02 5:05 PM



  1. Map Sheet Ft. Lewis Military Installation Map ED. 4-DMA
  2. National Advanced Leadership Camp 02 SOP
  3. 6th Regiment Training Matrix (HQRAC Form 44)

Time zone (Local).


REG HQA CompanyB Company RHU

1 – 4 Platoon1 – 4 Platoon

  1. Enemy Forces. N/A.

(1)Light / Weather Data:

DateHighLowBMNTSRSSEENT Forecast

19JUN0269490435051521102150 scattered showers

20JUN0269510435051521102150 mostly cloudy

(2) Terrain: In the regimental AO (North Fort), urban with gravel and


  1. Friendly Forces.

(1)Higher Mission: The mission of National Advanced Leadership Camp is to train cadets, develop leadership, evaluate officer potential and to support OCS training for ARNG candidates.

(2)Higher Commander’s Intent: To commission the future leaders of the U.S. Army and to train cadets to Army standards, develop leadership and evaluate officer potential.

(3)Left Unit’s Mission. 5th Regiment is D+7, conducting rappel, rope bridge and confidence / obstacle course training.

(4)Right Unit’s Mission. 7th Regiment is D+1, conducting welcome and in-processing of cadets.

  1. Attachments and Detachments. RHU, B Co. 29th SIGNAL
  1. MISSION: 6th Regiment conducts APFT 200500JUN02 at the corner of 20th Street and H Street (ET296202), and on order, completes accession photos and platoon photographs, in order to success fully complete National Advanced Leadership Camp 2002.


Intent: The regiment must be motivated to obtain the best possible score on the APFT. Ensure the uniforms used for cadet accession photos are the best available. End-state is to provide cadets maximum opportunity for success executing two major events(APFT and accessions photos).

a. Concept of the Operation.

Phase I: A CO reports to the corner of 20th and H Streets (ET296202) for APFT. BCO conducts accessions photos BLDG 9D31.

Phase II: A CO conducts accessions photos BLDG 9D31. BCO reports to the corner of 20th and H Streets (ET296202) for APFT.

Phase III: A CO followed by BCO execute platoon photos at the North Fort Gym. Each company staggers platoons in 15 minute intervals.

Phase IV: Regimental Formation

b. Tasks to Maneuver Units.

(1)A Company:

(a)Properly complete DA FORM 705 (APFT Score Card) prior to arriving at APFT site. Each squad place completed DA705 forms in map case.

(b)Ensure A Company is enroute to the APFT site (ET 296202) NLT 150615JUN02.

(c)Ensure A Company is formed up at APFT site NLT 200630JUN02.

(d)Ensure a platoon reports to BLDG 9D31 for accession photos NLT1040.

(e)Platoons rotate through the DFAC after taking photos.

(f)Ensure a platoon arrives at to North Fort Gym for platoon photo NLT 1325.

(2)B Company:

(a)Ensure B Company finishes breakfast and a platoon reports to BLDG 9D31 for accessions photos NLT 200630JUN02.

(b)Properly complete DA Form 705 prior to arriving at the APFT site. Each squad place completed DA705 forms in map case.

(c)Ensure B Company arrives at APFT site in PT uniform NLT 200915JUN02.

(d)Ensure B Company is formed up at APFT site NLT 200930JUN02.

(e)Ensure a platoon arrives at North Fort Gym for platoon photos as Alpha Company completes their last platoon photo.

(3). A CTO:

(a) Provide (2) cadre to quality check uniforms prior to

accessions photos.

(b) Ensure cadets’ PT Uniform are IAWAR 670-1.

(4). B CTO

(a) Provide (2) cadre to quality check uniforms prior to

accessions photos.

(b) Ensure Cadets’ PT Uniform are IAWAR 670-1.

c.Tasks to Combat Support Units:

(1) Ops section takes alpha roster to PT committee TOC NLT 200600JUN02

(2) Dining Facilities Coordinator: Provide juices and fruits to be

available upon completion of APFT. A Co. and B Co. rations separate to

ensure all cadets receive appropriate portions.

d. Coordinating Instructions.

(1) Risk guidance/reduction control measures: In order to prevent dehydration

it is important to hydrate the day and night before the APFT. Inappropriate

behavior at the APFT site (horseplay, profanity, etc.) will not be tolerated.

(2) Specific Priorities: #1 APFT, #2 accession photos, #3 platoon photos and

briefings. If B Co. has not completed accessions photos, they can be

completed following the APFT.

(3) Order of March: See timeline.

(4) APFT Liaison Officer will link up with each company to act as a guide to

the APFT site.

(5) Upon arrival at APFT site, CO 1SG will turn over command of the

company to the OIC, 2LT Quinn.

(6) Time Line.

0500 / 0530 / All / First Call / Regt Area / PT
0530 / 0545 / All / Formation / Regt Area / PT
0545 / 0645 / All / Breakfast / Regt Area / PT
0630 / 0930 / A Co / APFT / APFT Site / PT
0940 / 1040 / A Co / Hygiene/Barracks Maint. / Regt Area / B
1040 / 1215 / A Co / Accession Photos / Regt Area - 9D31 / B
0630 / 0915 / B Co / Accession Photos / Regt Area - 9D31 / B
0930 / 1230 / B Co / APFT / APFT Site / PT
1240 / 1315 / B Co / Hygiene/Barracks Maint. / Regt Area / B
1215 / 1345 / All / Lunch / Regt Area / B
1315 / 1330 / All / Road March / Regt Area-North FortGym / B
1330 / 1530 / All / Platoon Photographs / North FortGym / B
1530 / 1545 / All / Road March / North Fort Gym-Regt Area / B
1600 / 1730 / All / Dinner / Regt Area / B
1730 / 1845 / All / TAC Officer Time / Regt Area / B
1830 / UTC / SP / CPDT Brief / ROTC Chapel / B
1730 / 2200 / All(-) / Orders Prep/Issue / Regt Area / B
2200 / All / Lights Out

(5) Uniform & Equipment: IAW training schedule

-APFT: shorts, short sleeve t-shirt, sweat bottoms, sweat tops, reflector

belt (worn diagonally across body across right shoulder), and canteen.

Ensure PT Uniform is complete and compatible (all old or all new).

-Uniform for accessions photos is pressed BDU’s with 2 ROTC pins

(subdued worn IAW CC AR 670-1). Ensure brown T-shirt collars do not

sag. Coordinate with PLT TACs for pre-inspection before accession

photos. PLT TACs QC Photos. (See Annex C)

(6) Ensure all cadets are medically cleared for the APFT.

(7) Breakfast before the APFT is optional for A Company cadets.

(8) Committee Specific Guidance: APFT administered IAW FM 21-20.

(9) All cadets fill out a DA Form 705 with name, age, SSN, gender, unit

(with sqd/plt designation), date of birth, and the cadet’s school prior to

APFT. See Annex B.

(10) Each squad in regiment consolidates completed DA 705 forms in plastic

bag prior to APFT.

(11) Juice and fruit will be available behind the DFAC for each company

following their respective APFT

(12) Order of march for the platoon photo is A Co., then B Co.

(See Annex D)

(13) Platoons will march on roads to photos, facilitating the passage of

moving vehicles.

(14) Platoons arrive at BLDG 9D31 for accessions photos in thirty-minute


(15) Stagger platoons for photos at North Fort Gym by fifteen-minute


(16) Only personnel with follow-on training slots will attend the 1830

briefing at the ROTC Chapel.

(17) TACs conduct foot inspections.

(18) Duty platoon: A4 is in charge of SDO and runner responsibility.

(19) Key RAC personnel report to the regimental quad 211030JUN02 for

RAC rehearsal.

(20) Platoons will march CPDT cadets to and from briefing as a platoon.


  1. General: N/A.

b. Material and Services.


Ration Cycle: A, A, A

Order of Chow: A Company then B Company

(2)Transportation: N/A

(3)Maintenance: Barracks maintenance during breakfast hours

(4)MEDEVAC and Hospitalization: Sick Call hours: 0530-0830, 1700-1900. Cadets report to Orderly Room (5D21) to be transported to cadet Care Clinic.

c. Personnel. N/A.

d. Miscellaneous. N/A.


  1. Command.

(1)RTO and RGSM located at APFT site

(2)RXO located in RGT AO

(3)CTO A, B located in RGT AO

(4)Chain of Command: RTO, RXO, CTO A, CTO B.

  1. Signal.

(1)Six Motorola Radios; RTO: Regular 6; RSGM: Regular 9; RXO: Regular 5; A CO CTO: Regular Alpha; B CO CTO: Regular Bravo; Supply: Regular 4; REGT TOC: Regular Base. RGT frequency is B9.

(2)Phone #s

Orderly Room:966-2240

Supply Room: 967-2574

APFT Committee:966-1076

Accessions Photos966-4675

(3)Greeting of the Day:

Lower: “Unity is Strength” (Sir, Ma’am)

Higher: “Regulars by God”

Regimental Motto: “Unity is Strength”

Safety Motto: “Stay Hydrated”




Regimental Tactical Officer




Regimental Sergeant Major


Annex A – Map to APFT Location

Annex B – Completed Sample DA Form 705

Annex C – Diagram of Proper Wear of ROTC Insignia

Annex D – Strip Map to Platoon Photo Site (North FortGym)

Annex E – Strip Map to Accessions Photo Site (9D31)