This information is valid as of December 31, 2009.

My objective was to create a user account, and be able to get web access to find out my account balances and manage my internet access service.

I do not have a phone, or any services other than Telcel 3G internet access.

I would like to thank “”

Okay, here’s the front page of Access the login page by clicking on ”Atencion a Clientes,” the top item on the right side menu bar.

Now you get the following screen. Press the “Registrate Aqui” (register here.)

Simple. Enter the phone number of the 3G internet service. Maybe you can use a cell phone, but I don’t have one. The device needs to be able to receive text messages!

I’m pretty sure this is your login username as well.

Oops, I didn’t get the next screen shot.

The next page is where you enter your name, address and email.

It took about six tries to get past that page, as it wouldn’t let me leave any fields blank. Note that “C.R.” is the first three digits of a phone number, like an area code.

The Security Question might be a challenge, so either translate each one, or just remember that a “mascota” means a pet, so pick that one and use a pet’s name or something. I don’t have a pet, but what the heck.

The email is important, but I don’t know about the rest. For an address, I used my Marina. I also used their phone number. I sure hope they aren’t now on a telemarketing list, but you can’t leave the fields blank.

In fact, the only valid information entered was my name and email. Clearly this information isn’t cross referenced with the information on the actual account. That’s a good thing, since I have absolutely no idea what address and contact information was used when the account was set up. At the time, I was just standing there with a stupid smile on my face saying “No hablo mucho Espanol” and the guy behind the counter was saying “No Problema.”

Okay, the next screen says:

Dear user, your registration Customer Service Online was performed successfully and your assigned PIN will be sent to your phone via a text message so we recommend you keep it on and within a coverage area.
This PIN you can change it whenever you want in Online Customer Service.
To access the site just go to the home page and provide your number and your PIN Telcel.

About two minutes later, the Banda Ancha de Telcel 3G utility on my laptop received the following text message with my PIN assignment.


Number: Telcel:


Estimado(a) MYNAME tu NIP es: MYPIN Atte: Atencion a Clientes en Linea

Time: 31/12/2009 10:27:56

Cool. So then, back to the login page. Enter the phone number (username) and PIN, and the following screen appears.

“Saldo” will show your current account balance.

“Alta de Servicios / Consulta” will show a limited usage history.

Select “administra tu cuenta” (account administration) to change your PIN and personal information..

The “Alta de Servicios / Activacion de servicios” (service activation) page is where you can select a service plan, and the time frame for activation.

Note that you can direct the service to start on a future date. Cool.

You can also set up automatic reactivation.

Here’s a screen shot of that page:

You can set up the account for automatic reactivation. Those two buttons at the bottom of the page say:

Quiero recontratar el mismo paquete en forma automática al finalizar su vigencia.
Las tarifas publicadas incluyen el 15% de IVA

He leído y estoy de acuerdo con las condiciones de Activación del Servicio a través de Internet

Which means:

I want to rehire the same package automatically at the end of their term.
The rates include 15% VAT
I have read and agree to the terms Service Activation via Internet

You can cut and paste the terms of Service into “” to read them.

Wally Bryant

s/v Stella Blue