FlaSEIA Board of Directors Meeting
May 7, 2014
Houlihan’s, Orlando
Attendance: Wayne Wallace, Reed Wilson, Patrick Altier, Justin Hoysradt, Troy Millar, Victor Eyal, Bill Gallagher, Joe Pietrzak, Tom Harriman
Absent: Scott Egglefield, Colleen Clark, Josh Bessette, Bob Zrallack, Steve Gorman
Guests: Chris Maingot
Staff: Wendy Parker, Charis Tyson
At 10:15 a.m. President Wayne Wallace called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The February 2014 Board meeting minutes were presented. The March 25 conference call minutes were presented.
A MOTION was made by Patrick Altier to approve the minutes from the February 2014 Board meeting and the March 25 Board conference call; SECONDED by Justin Hoysradt. The motion passed.
In the president’s report Wayne Wallace talked about the SACE Solar Uprising that was April 10 in Tallahassee. Wayne Wallace, Patrick Altier and Troy Millar attended the event. Charlie Crist spoke at the event. Troy Millar spoke to Patrick Sheehan at the Office of Energy.
Buck Martinez with FPL joined the meeting to explain their new solar initiative, the Community Solar Project. FPL wants to build 2.4 MW which is funded through a voluntary monthly addition of around $9 to customers’ bills. There would be more of a push in Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Sarasota counties. He talked about trying to attract manufacturers to the state. Their profits from the project will go to charitable organizations. They are opposed to the rebate program because everyone pays for solar for just a few people. In their minds that program is ineffective.
Patrick Altier told Buck Martinez that FEECA can be redesigned to work better. Buck confirmed that the Community Solar Project has already been submitted to the PSC. Buck Martinez said he would provide FlaSEIA with the bid process information. He indicated that FPL’s motivation is to keep advancing solar. Buck left the meeting.
There was discussion with each Board member being given a chance to voice their opinion. The conclusion was that all solar is good.
The position that will be given to Buck Martinez, on the website and in a press release will be that utility solar is great and that choices for the customers is the goal and consumer rooftop solar is important. FlaSEIA will support the Community Solar Project along with the extension of FEECA with revisions. FlaSEIA supports all solar and would like to see more choices for customers.
In the treasurer’s report the financials were presented.
A MOTION by Reed Wilson to accept the financials was SECONDED by Justin Hoysradt. The motion passed.
The golf tournament was discussed. Two sponsors still need to pay. If they pay, the tournament should make about $5,000.
The group talked about whether the golf and tradeshow should be done again. The consensus was that they need to do something to continue with the momentum.
An annual meeting and auction was agreed on as the next event. Everyone needs to be asking for and buying items for a silent auction. Dwight Dudley and Charlie Crist were mentioned as good guest speakers. Sponsors will be needed as well. It will be held in July in Orlando.
Patrick Altier gave a legislative report. He thinks that if tangible is added the bill probably won’t pass next year. Charged to see how each county will view and value it.
Justin Hoysradt gave the marketing committee report. He said the website is ready for launch and he had emailed a list of concerns. Soon you will be able to search by area. There needs to be a place to host it and it should be a major company like godaddy. Justin suggested paying $2,495 for support for the new website. FlaSEIA doesn’t have money in the budget for this. Justin also wants to pay to boost visibility on Facebook up to $50 a month and ask for donations through Facebook. Patrick Altier suggested just starting with this new dues structure since that is potential money from day one and then look at other things once money comes in. There was discussion regarding paying for support for the site.
A MOTION by Patrick Altier to launch the site and when three members upgrade to platinum memberships then FlaSEIA will pay for a one year maintenance agreement was SECONDED by Troy Millar. The motion passes.
The membership report shows that nine companies said they are not renewing their membership. Patrick Altier offered to call Capital City Bank; Tom Harriman will call Solar Skies; and Reed Wilson will call Wayne’s Solar.
Wendy Parker Barsell reviewed the new member benefit programs that have been launched including payroll processing, AsktheSeal.com seal of confidence and background check program, Transworld Systems debt collection program and BenefitBay a health insurance portal.
Victor Eyal gave a report on SEIA outreach. His contact at SEIA has changed. SEIA wants to know how they can help. Justin Hoysradt indicated he wants to talk to them about Salsa Labs. It was suggested that FlaSEIA ask SEIA for a letter of support for FEECA. Patrick said that people can talk at the PSC as an interested party too. FlaSEIA should also ask for scenarios on values of systems for taxes on third party ownership.
Solar PAC has money available. Wendy explained the PAC checks should be given out when we know more about who is running for office later in the summer and fall. Reed Wilson suggested taking talking points and going to speak with them first to see who will support solar before writing checks. Solar Champion plaques should be ordered and presented to Latvala, Brandes, Rehwinkel Vasilinda, Passidomo, Diaz, Berman and Dudley.
For the Board of Directors, Reed nominated Chris Maingot. Other suggestions were Remo Eyal.
Reed thinks there is a need to figure out some way to speak in one voice with FARE. Discussion of FARE merging into FlaSEIA brought up the point that they are more than just solar. The idea of hiring Mike and see where FARE members decide to go was mentioned; so was a joint umbrella where they both exist. Board members felt there would need to be a way to be sure Mike was filtered somehow. Reed said he would come up with what they would want from Mike.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.