Important XASECO2 admin commands:
/admin help | helpall
/jfreu help | helpall
/players <string>finds online player(s)
/admin players
/admin players <string>finds offline player(s)
/admin players livelists online player(s)
/pm <login/id> <message>
/pma <login/id> <message>
/admin pm <message>
/admin pmlog
/admin wall <message>
/admin endround/admin er
/admin restartmap/admin res
/admin nextmap/admin next
/admin replaymap/admin replay
/admin pass
/admin cancel/admin can
/admin dropjukebox <#>/admin djb <#>
/admin clearjukebox/admin cjb
/admin warn <login/id>
/admin kick <login/id>
/admin kickghost <login>
/admin black <login/id>
/admin ban <login/id>
/admin banip <IP>
/jfreu badword <login/id>
/jfreu banfor <time> <login/id<time> = <xx> mins or <x>H hours
/jfreu players
/jfreu players <string>finds offline player(s)
/jfreu players livelists online player(s)
List of available user commands:
/adminProvides admin commands (see: /admin help)
/helpShows all available commands
/helpallDisplays help for available commands
/recsDisplays all records on current map
/recs helpDisplays this help information
/recs pbShows your personal best on current map
/recs newShows newly driven records
/recs liveShows records of online players
/recs firstShows first ranked record on current map
/recs lastShows last ranked record on current map
/recs nextShows next better ranked record to beat
/recs diffShows your difference to first ranked record
/recs range Shows difference first to last ranked record
/newrecsShows newly driven records
/liverecsShows records of online players
/bestDisplays your best records
/worstDisplays your worst records
/summaryShows summary of all your records
/topsumsDisplays top 100 of top-3 record holders
/toprecsDisplays top 100 ranked records holders
/firstrecShows first ranked record on current map
/lastrecShows last ranked record on current map
/nextrecShows next better ranked record to beat
/diffrecShows your difference to first ranked record
/recrange Shows difference first to last ranked record
/helpdedi | /dedihelpDisplays info about the Dedimania records system
/dedirecsDisplays all Dedimania records on current map
/dedirecs helpDisplays this help information
/dedirecs pbShows your personal best on current map
/dedirecs newShows newly driven records
/dedirecs liveShows records of online players
/dedirecs firstShows first ranked record on current map
/dedirecs lastShows last ranked record on current map
/dedirecs nextShows next better ranked record to beat
/dedirecs diffShows your difference to first ranked record
/dedirecs range Shows difference first to last ranked record
/dedinewShows newly driven Dedimania records
/dediliveShows Dedimania records of online players
/dedipbShows your Dedimania personal best on current map
/dedifirstShows first Dedimania record on current map
/dedilastShows last Dedimania record on current map
/dedinextShows next better Dedimania record to beat
/dedidiffShows your difference to first Dedimania record
/dedirangeShows difference first to last Dedimania record
/dedicpsSets Dedimania record checkpoints tracking
/dedistatsDisplays Dedimania map statistics
/dedicptmsDisplays all Dedimania records’ checkpoint times
/dedisectmsDisplays all Dedimania records’ sector times
/playersDisplays current list of nicks/logins
/ranksDisplays list of online ranks/nicks
/clansDisplays list of online clans/nicks
/topclansDisplays top 10 best ranked clans
/winsShows wins for current player
/lastonShows when a player was last online
/lastwinRe-opens the last closed multi-page window
/statsDisplays statistics of current player
/settingsDisplays your personal settings
/serverDisplays info about this server
/xaseco2Displays info about this XASECO2
/pluginsDisplays list of active plugins
/nationsDisplays top 10 most visiting nations
/songShows filename for current map’s song
/modShows (file)name for current map’s mod
/meCan be used to express emotions
/muteMute another player’s chat messages
/unmuteUnMute another player’s chat messages
/mutelistDisplay list of muted players
/refreshRefresh chat window
/mxinfoDisplays MX info {Map_ID/MX_ID} {sec}
/mxrecsDisplays MX records {Map_ID/MX_ID} {sec}
/mapShows info about the current map
/playtimeShows time current map has been playing
/timeShows current server time & date
/cpsSets local record checkpoints tracking
/cpsspecShows checkpoints of spectated player
/cptmsDisplays all local records’ checkpoint times
/sectmsDisplays all local records’ sector times
/pbShows your personal best on current map
/rankShows your current server rank
/top10Displays top 10 best ranked players
/top100Displays top 100 best ranked players
/topwinsDisplays top 100 victorious players
/activeDisplays top 100 most active players
/listLists maps currently on the server (see: /list help)
/list helpDisplays this help information
/list nofinishMaps you don’t have a rank on
/list norankMaps you haven’t completed
/list nogoldMaps you didn’t beat gold time on
/list noauthorMaps you didn’t beat author time on
/list norecentMaps you didn’t play recently
/list best | worstMaps with your best / worst records
/list longest | shortestThe longest / shortest maps
/list newest | oldest <#>The newest / oldest # maps (default: 50)
/list <xxx>Where <xxx> is part of a map or author name
/list novoteMaps you didn’t karma vote for
/list karma <#>Display all maps with karma >= or <= given value
/jukeboxSets a map to be played next (see: /jukebox help)
/jukebox helpDisplays this help information
/jukebox listShows upcoming maps
/jukebox displayDisplays upcoming maps and requesters
/jukebox dropDrops your currently added map
/jukebox <#>Adds a map where <#> is map number from /list
/autojukeJukeboxes map from /list (see: /autojuke help)
/autojuke helpDisplays this help information
/autojuke norankMaps you haven’t completed
/autojuke nofinishMaps you don’t have a rank on
/autojuke nogoldMaps you didn’t beat gold time on
/autojuke noauthorMaps you didn’t beat author time on
/autojuke norecentMaps you didn’t play recently
/autojuke longest | shortestThe longest / shortest maps
/autojuke newest | oldestThe newest / oldest # maps
/autojuke novoteMaps you didn’t karma vote for
/addAdds a map directly from MX (<ID>)
/yVotes Yes for a MX map or chat-based vote
/historyShows the 10 most recently played maps
/xlistLists maps on MX (see: /xlist help)
/xlist helpDisplays this help information
/xlist recentLists the 10 most recent maps
/xlist <xxx>Lists maps matching (partial) name
/xlist auth:<yyy>Lists maps matching (partial) author
/xlist <xxx> auth:<yyy>Combines the name and author searches
/pmSends a private message to login or Player_ID
/pmaSends a private message to player & admins (admin-only)
/pmlogDisplays log of your recent private messages
/hiSends a Hi message to everyone
/byeSends a Bye message to everyone
/thxSends a Thanks message to everyone
/lolSends a Lol message to everyone
/loolSends a Lool message to everyone
/brbSends a Be Right Back message to everyone
/afkSends an Away From Keyboard message to everyone
/ggSends a Good Game message to everyone
/grSends a Good Race message to everyone
/n1Sends a Nice One message to everyone
/bgmSends a Bad Game message to everyone
/officialShows a helpful message ;-)
/bootmeBoot yourself from the server
/karmaShows karma for the current map
/++Increases karma for the current map
/--Decreases karma for the current map4
/nextmapShows name of the next map
/nextrankShows the next better ranked player
/helpvote | /votehelpDisplays info about the chat-based votes
/endroundStarts a vote to end current round
/ladderStarts a vote to restart map for ladder
/replayStarts a vote to replay this map
/skipStarts a vote to skip this map
/ignoreStarts a vote to ignore a player
/kickStarts a vote to kick a player
/cancelCancels your current vote
/chatlogDisplays log of recent chat messages
/msglogDisplays log of recent system messages
/styleSelects window styles (see: /style help)
/style helpDisplays this help information
/style listDisplays available styles
/style defaultResets style to server default
/style <xxx>Selects window style <xxx>
/donpanelSelects donate panel (see: /donpanel help)
/donpanel helpDisplays this help information
/donpanel listDisplays available panels
/donpanel defaultResets panel to server default
/donpanel offDisables donate panel
/donpanel <xxx>Selects donate panel <xxx>
/recpanelSelects records panel (see: /recpanel help)
/recpanel helpDisplays this help information
/recpanel listDisplays available panels
/recpanel defaultResets panel to server default
/recpanel offDisables records panel
/recpanel <xxx>Selects records panel <xxx>
/votepanelSelects vote panel (see: /votepanel help)
/votepanel helpDisplays this help information
/votepanel listDisplays available panels
/votepanel defaultResets panel to server default
/votepanel offDisables vote panel
/votepanel <xxx>Selects vote panel <xxx>
/panelbgSelects panel background (see: /panelbg help)
/panelbg helpDisplays this help information
/panelbg listDisplays available backgrounds
/panelbg defaultResets background to server default
/panelbg <xxx>Selects panel background <xxx>
/donateDonate planets to server
/topdonsDisplays top 100 highest donators
/musicHandles server music (see: /music help)
/music helpDisplays this help information
/music settingsDisplays current music settings
/music listDisplays all available songs
/music list <xxx>Searches song names/tags for <xxx>
/music currentShows the current song
/music reloadReloads musicserver.xml config file
/music nextSkips to next song (upon next map)
/music sortSorts the song list
/music shuffleRandomizes the song list
/music overrideChanges map override setting
/music autonextChanges automatic next song setting
/music allowjbChanges allow jukebox setting
/music stripdirsChanges strip subdirs setting
/music stripextsChanges strip extensions setting
/music offDisables music, auto next & jukebox
/music jukeboxDisplays upcoming songs in jukebox
/music dropDrops your currently added song
/music <#>Adds a song to jukebox where <#> is song number
/rpointsShows current Rounds points system
/ranklimitShows the current rank limit
/passwordShows server’s player/spectator password
/yesVotes Yes for unSpec
/noVotes No for unSpec
/unspecLaunches an unSpec vote
/messageShows random informational message
/jfreuJfreu admin commands (see: /jfreu help)
/versionShows server version (dedicated built-in command)
/serverloginShows server login (dedicated built-in command)
/t messageEcho message with nickname in > (dedicated built-in command)
List of available /admin commands:
helpShows all available /admin commands
helpallDisplays help for available /admin commands
setservernameChanges the name of the server
setcommentChanges the server comment
setpwdChanges the player password
setspecpwdChanges the spectator password
setrefpwdChanges the referee password
setmaxplayersSets a new maximum of players
setmaxspecsSets a new maximum of spectators
setgamemodeSets next mode {ta,rounds,team,laps,stunts,cup}
setrefmodeSets referee mode {0=top3,1=all}
nextmap | nextForces server to load next map
skipmap | skipForces server to load next map
previous | prevForces server to load previous map
nextenvLoads next map in same environment
restartmap | resRestarts currently running map
replaymap | replayReplays current map (via jukebox)
dropjukebox | djbDrops a map from the jukebox
clearjukebox | cjbClears the entire jukebox
clearhistClears (part of) map history
addAdds maps directly from MX (<ID> ...)
addthisAdds current /add-ed map permanently
addlocalAdds a local map (<filename>)
warnSends a kick/ban warning to a player
kickKicks a player from server
kickghostKicks a ghost player from server
banBans a player from server
unbanUnBans a player from server
banipBans an IP address from server
unbanipUnBans an IP address from server
blackBlacklists a player from server
unblackUnBlacklists a player from server
addguestAdds a guest player to server
removeguestRemoves a guest player from server
passPasses a chat-based or MX /add vote
cancel | canCancels any running vote
endround | erForces end of current round
playersDisplays list of known players {string}
players liveDisplays list of online players
showbanlist | listbansDisplays current ban list
showiplist | listipsDisplays current banned IPs list
showblacklist | listblacksDisplays current black list
showguestlist | listguestsDisplays current guest list
writeiplistSaves current banned IPs list (def: bannedips.xml)
readiplistReads current banned IPs list (def: bannedips.xml)
writeblacklistSaves current black list (def: blacklist.txt)
readblacklistReads current black list (def: blacklist.txt)
writeguestlistSaves current guest list (def: guestlist.txt)
readguestlistReads current guest list (def: guestlist.txt)
cleanbanlistCleans current ban list
cleaniplistCleans current banned IPs list
cleanblacklistCleans current black list
cleanguestlistCleans current guest list
mergegblMerges a global black list {URL}
accessHandles player access control (see: /admin access help)
access helpDisplays this help information
access listDisplays current access control settings
access reloadReloads updated access control settings
writemaplistSaves current map list (def: maplist.txt)
readmaplistReads current map list (def: maplist.txt)
shuffle | shufflemapsRandomizes server map list
listdupesDisplays list of duplicate maps
removeRemoves a map from rotation
eraseRemoves a map from rotation & delete map file
removethisRemoves this map from rotation
erasethisRemoves this map from rotation & delete map file
mute | ignoreAdds a player to global mute/ignore list
unmute | unignoreRemoves a player from global mute/ignore list
mutelist | listmutesDisplays global mute/ignore list
ignorelist | listignoresDisplays global mute/ignore list
cleanmutes | cleanignoresCleans global mute/ignore list
addadminAdds a new admin
removeadminRemoves an admin
addopAdds a new operator
removeopRemoves an operator
listmastersDisplays current masteradmin list
listadminsDisplays current admin list
listopsDisplays current operator list
adminabilityShows/changes admin ability {ON/OFF}
opabilityShows/changes operator ability {ON/OFF}
listabilitiesDisplays current abilities list
writeabilitiesSaves current abilitities list (def: adminops.xml)
readabilitiesLoads current abilitities list (def: adminops.xml)
wall | mtaDisplays popup message to all players
delrecDeletes specific record on current map
prunerecsDeletes records for specified map
rpointsSets custom Rounds points (see: /admin rpoints help)
rpoints helpDisplays this help information
rpoints listDisplays available points systems
rpoints showShows current points system
rpoints <xxx>Sets custom points system labelled <xxx>
rpoints X,Y,...,ZSets custom points system with specified values
rpoints offDisables custom points system
rpoints f1oldSets Formula 1 GP old points
rpoints f1newSets Formula 1 GP new points
rpoints motogpSets MotoGP points
rpoints motogp5Sets MotoGP + 5 points
rpoints fet1Sets Formula ET Season 1 points
rpoints fet2Sets Formula ET Season 2 points
rpoints fet3Sets Formula ET Season 3 points
rpoints champcarSets Champ Car World Series points
rpoints superstarsSets Superstars points
rpoints simple5Sets Simple 5 points
rpoints simple10Sets Simple 10 points
match{begin/end} to start/stop match tracking
amdlSets AllowMapDownload {ON/OFF}
autotimeSets Auto TimeLimit {ON/OFF}
disablerespawnDisables respawn at CPs {ON/OFF}
forceshowoppForces to show opponents {##/ALL/OFF}
scorepanelShows automatic scorepanel {ON/OFF}
roundsfinishShows rounds panel upon first finish {ON/OFF}
forceteamForces player into {Blue} or {Red} team
forcespecForces player into free spectator
specfreeForces spectator into free mode
panelSelects admin panel (see: /admin panel help)
panel helpDisplays this help information
panel listDisplays available panels
panel defaultResets panel to server default
panel offDisables admin panel
panel <xxx>Selects admin panel <xxx>
styleSelects default window style
admpanelSelects default admin panel
donpanelSelects default donate panel
recpanelSelects default records panel
votepanelSelects default vote panel
panelbgSelects default panel background
planetsShows server’s planets amount
payPays server planets to login
relaysDisplays relays list or shows relay master
serverDisplays server’s detailed settings
pmSends private message to all available admins
pmlogDisplays log of recent private admin messages
callExecutes direct server call (see: /admin call help)
unlock <pwd>Unlocks admin commands & features
debugToggles debugging output
shutdownShuts down XASECO2
shutdownallShuts down Server & XASECO2
uptodateChecks current version of XASECO2
List of available /jfreu commands:
helpShows Jfreu commands
helpallDisplays help for Jfreu commands
autochangenameAuto change servername {ON/OFF}
setrankSets ranklimiting {ON/OFF}
setlimitSets ranklimit value
autorankSets autoranking {ON/OFF}
offsetSets autorank offset (-999 - 999)
hardlimitSets hardlimit value
autorankminplayersSets min players for autorank {0-50}
autorankvipInclude VIPs in autorank {ON/OFF}
maxplayersSets maxplayers for Kick HiRank
kickhirankKick HiRank when server full {ON/OFF}
listlimitsDisplays rank limit settings
kickworstKicks worst players {count}
playersDisplays list of known players {string}
players liveDisplays list of online players
unspecUnSpecs player {login/ID} (clear SpecOnly)
addvipAdds a VIP {login/ID}
removevipRemoves a VIP {login/ID}
addvipteamAdds a VIP_Team {team}
removevipteamRemoves VIP_Team {team}
listvipsDisplays VIPs list
listvipteamsDisplays VIP_Teams list
writelistsSaves VIP/VIP_Team lists (def: jfreu.vips.xml)
readlistsLoads VIP/VIP_Team lists (def: jfreu.vips.xml)
badwordsSets badwords bot {ON/OFF}
badwordsbanSets badwords ban {ON/OFF}
badwordsnumSets badwords limit {count}
badwordstimeSets banning period {mins}
badwordGives extra badword warning {login/ID}
banforBans player {mins/hoursH} {login/ID}
unbanUnBans temporarily banned player
listbansDisplays temporarily banned players
messageFakes message from server {msg}
playerFakes message from player {login/ID} {msg}
nopfkickSets NoPfKick {map/time/OFF}
cancelCancels current vote (kick/ban/nextmap/restart)
novoteAuto-cancel CallVotes {ON/OFF}
unspecvoteAllow /unspec votes {ON/OFF}
infomessagesSets info messages {ON/OFF}
writeconfigSaves Jfreu config (def: jfreu.config.xml)
readconfigLoads Jfreu config (def: jfreu.config.xml)