UpperFreeholdTownshipPlanning Board
November 13, 2014-Regular Meeting
Members Present: Mr. Rosenbauer, Mr. Holmes, Mayor Lori Mount, Mr. Freiberger, Mr. Mele and Mr. Ferrier. Excused Absences: Mr. Faber, Mr. Doherty, Mrs. Dorey, Mr. Raynor, Mr. Stern. Others Present: Mrs. Babbitt, Land Use Administrator, John Maczuga, Planner, and Matt. Kalwinsky, Attorney.
Roll call vote was taken, flag salute, and compliance statement read.
Motion was offered by Mr. Rosenbauer, seconded by Mr. Holmes to approve the October 9, 2014 minutes and motion carried.
Piptrid, Montgomery Cannon Estates, #05-6, Block 12, Lot 7 was presented for adoption of Final Major Subdivision two-year extension Resolution. Motion was offered by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Rosenbauer to adopt this resolution and roll call vote showed unanimous approval with the exception of abstentions from Mr. Freiberger and Mr. Mele.
Presentation followed regarding the Plumsted Wastewater Study--"NJWEA May 2014-A Case Study for Permitting a New WWTF Discharge in New Jersey". Background: In 2009 the Plumsted Municipal Utilities Authority was authorized to investigate a proposed sewer service area as part of the New Egypt Town Center Redevelopment Plan. After several studies and expense it was determined that the only viable solution was surface water discharge to Crosswicks Creek. The treatment plant is designed to discharge 0.6 MGD to the Crosswicks Creek and the creek is classified by the NJDEP as a fresh water category 2. Sewerage Authority will have to be set up. This is a much, much bigger scale than what we discussed in Upper Freehold (Imlaystown). A public hearing has been scheduled on December 17, 2014 in the Plumsted Municipal Building to provide an opportunity for interested persons to present and submit information of the proposed action (New Permit Action)-NJPDES Permit No. NJ0226271.
Budget Committee Update: Line items will be kept intact and John Mele outlined 4 special projects he would like considered for next year (see attached appendix for details): Traffic circulation plan (draft had been done in 2006 but never formally acted upon); By-ways, mapping; Economic Development, ie-look at ordinance and make changes to facade ordinance and design standards and finally, consideration of next steps in Imlaystown if deemed appropriate.
Professional Committee Update: It was agreed to keep our current professionals in 2015 and increase their hourly rate by 2%.
John Mele also apprised the Board that he is not seeking chairmanship (or vice-chair) for 2015 and that a new chairman will need to be appointed in January. Board members thanked John for his devoted years of service to the planning board. Also, Jeff Ferrier, Doug Raynor and Richard Stern have accepted re-appointment to the Board.
After continued board discussion about on-going township issues (COAH, traffic on Old Yorke Road, new Amazon warehouse, tax issues, dog sanctuary, etc.), the motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn.
Susan H. Babbitt-Land Use Administrator
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