Minutes of the February 24, 2014 Germantown Town Board meeting, held at the GermantownTown Hall, Germantown, NY, commencing at 7:00pm
Present: Supervisor Joel Craig
Councilman Don Westmore
Councilman Mike Mortenson
Councilman Matthew Phelan
Not Present: Councilwoman Andrea Dunn
Recorded by: Town Clerk Joyce Vale
Supervisor Craig opened the meeting and led the Pledge to the Flag.
Supervisor Craig welcomed High School students from Mr. Beaury’s class.
Motion to approve the January Town Board meeting minutes was made by Councilman Mortenson, second by Councilman Westmore, with all in favor and none opposed.
Motion to paying audited bills made by Councilman Westmore, second by Councilman Phelan.
Supervisor Craig: Aye
Councilman Westmore: Aye
Councilman Mortenson: Aye
Councilman Phelan: Aye
Written Communication
None reported by Town Clerk
Department Updates
Maintenance- reported by Anthony Cidras
-Ordered and received UV bulbs, replacing old ones out this week.
-Main Care serviced the sewer plant heating system
-Titan, the roofing company that put a new roof on the highway garage, there is still a problem with a few leaks. Roof is still under warranty, as long as Anthony keeps complaining to them.
-Begun clean up in the ActivityBuilding.
-A lot of shoveling and salting, due to a lot of snow.
Anthony mentioned that a resident of Germantown, Matt Mortenson, was in the Olympics, the 2 man luge.
Supervisor Craig asked about the Parsonage. Anthony said, the frozen pipes are being taken care of.
Supervisor Craig mentioned that the Sportsmen are requesting a fishing derby in the sometime in late April or May. Anthony has been trying to get them to come back here instead of having it on the Roe Jan. The sportsmen will stock the pond for this event. In the past this event has been successful.
Highway-reported by Rich Jennings
-Fixing broken mailboxes, due to amount of snow we have had and all the snow plowing that had to be done. Replacing some of the rotten wood.
-Will be in touch with the cub scouts and Martin Overington in regards to river sweep and road side cleanup.
-Pothole season, if you see any pot holes, please call the highway department.
-There is an issue with the rear end of the John Deere tractor. Last year Rich got an estimate from Keil’s in the amount of $4,650.00 which was approved by the Board. Rich met with Supervisor Craig and Councilman Westmore at the town highway garage. They found some other broken parts for an additional amount of $4,058.00 for a new housing for the transaxle. Photocopied the pictures of it. He assumed the Board has seen the pictures of it. Rich had received a quote for a new tractor. His opinion would be to fix the old tractor versus buying a new one. Hopefully get another 3 years out of it. The sidewalk project is coming up and he would like to eventually get a tool cap to do snow blowing, and the salting of the sidewalks and a vehicle that Anthony can use in the summertime. More logical to do at this time. Rich is asking permission for the additional $4,058.00 to fix the John Deere tractor.
Supervisor Craig asked for quotes on a new tractor. Rich stated 5 years of payments of $13,585 for a total of $42,000 for the tractor. The mower would be $22,000 or $24,000, which would bring the cost over $64,000 for a new tractor.
Rich said, this tractor does not have a lot of hours on it. Prior authorization to fix the tractor were upwards of $6,000. The exact amount to fix the tractor would be $8,708.00.
Supervisor Craig made a proposal to spend up to $10,000 to fix the old tractor.
Motion made by Councilman Westmore, second by Councilman Mortenson.
Supervisor Craig: Aye
Councilman Westmore: Aye
Councilman Mortenson: Aye
Councilman Phelan: Aye
Councilman Westmore asked if we got a big thaw, what would happen.
Rich stated the highway department has been going around trying to push low spots and intersections to prevent water build up, anything that is an issue.
Councilman Westmore asked about the shortage on salt. Rich said he has a reserve of 450 ton. With his is last load, he will be at 400 ton. With 150 ton in the building, with mixing today, he used some. We should have enough to use for next November and December. He also mentioned that the County was in short supply.
Sewer-reported by George Sharpe Jr.
-Average flow is 23,000 gallons per day
-Received 2 call before dig requests
-Given us all a copy of the letter to the Department of Labor
-Working on completing rate scales forms to get quotes on contractors. Hopefully will get it done this week,
-Not one big project, little stuff here and there
Police-reported by Roger Rekow
-128 hours logged for the month of January
-1 criminal arrest
-10 traffic tickets
-23 warnings
-2 auto accidents with property damage
-1 DWI
-1 Deceased deer in the road
-1 reported drug sale
-1 EID (alarm)
-1 vehicle blocking roadway
-1 unlawful possession of marijuana
-1 suspicious person
-1 assist other agencies
Park patrols: Cheviot:-35 times,Anchorage:-34 times, School:-35 times, Palatine Park-35 times, Dales Bridge:-26 times.
Supervisor Craig said, right now the charge for the school is $40.00 per officer for security for an event. There are other municipalities and organizations that would like to hire our police. Supervisor Craig sat down with the town board to discuss raising the fee to $50.00 per officer per activity for security detail.
Motion made by Supervisor Craig, second by Councilman Mortenson.
Supervisor Craig: Aye
Councilman Westmore: Aye
Councilman Mortenson: Aye
Councilman Phelan: Aye
No report, Sue Raab is in China.
Economic Development-presented by Roy Brown
- First meeting will be held on Thursday, March 27th at 9:00am
- They will set up things to do this year
- On Friday, Roy Brown, Supervisor Craig, Sue Brown, Don Westmore, Corrine Curry and a man from RhinebeckSchool that lives in Germantown, met with the Register Star to promote the GermantownSchool and town.
Councilman Mortenson spoke in regards to the Emergency Plan committee, they could use more volunteers. Next meeting will be on March 7th at 6:00pm in the ActivityBuilding. This will help town be ready to help in case of emergencies. FEMA and the Red Cross are putting a lot more requirements on updating the system.
Old Business
None reported
New Business
Our Code Enforcement Officer needs to attend a class to update his training, to be certified in Floodplain Management. It is in Poughkeepsie on March 25th and the cost will be $80.00 plus travel expenses.
Motion made by Councilman Mortenson, second by Councilman Phelan.
Supervisor Craig: Aye
Councilman Westmore: Aye
Councilman Mortenson: Aye
Councilman Phelan: Aye
Supervisor Craig mentioned the re-appointment of Michael McCagg to the Grievance Board. His term would go through to September 30, 2018.
Motion made by Councilman Westmore, second by Councilman Mortenson.
Supervisor Craig: Aye
Councilman Westmore: Aye
Councilman Mortenson: Aye
Councilman Phelan: Aye
Supervisor Craig said that the Planning Board met. For awhile there was not enough for a quorum, then a board member showed up and they could continue with their business. It was suggested to Supervisor Craig that they appoint an alternate until the planning board is full. Supervisor Craig would like to appoint secretary, Jami DelPozzo to be the alternate.
Motion made by Supervisor Craig, second by Councilman Mortenson.
Supervisor Craig: Aye
Councilman Westmore: Aye
Councilman Mortenson: Aye
Councilman Phelan: Aye
Supervisor Craig said that the Town applied for a Justice grant (J-cap), we were offered a portion of the grant and we have to accept that. We only got $600 or $700 for computer equipment. We had requested about $2,000. We did get a new copier/printer/scanner for $700. We had requested more security for the building, some new doorsand had asked for $2,500, we were approved for $2,000. Supervisor Craig said, he is not sure how they came up with these amounts, but we will take it.
Motion made by Councilman Mortenson, second by Councilman Phelan.
Supervisor Craig: Aye
Councilman Westmore: Aye
Councilman Mortenson: Aye
Councilman Phelan: Aye
Supervisor Craig thanked Judge Beaury for doing all the work on the grant.
Supervisor Craig said,there is a request for a new lap top for the Assessor. When he went to upgrade his software the new program could not install. Will check the State bids and decide next month.
Supervisors Report
Town Clerk expanded hours from 9:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday.
Town Board workshop is planned for March 17th at 7:00pm. There will be open discussion. If anyone has a particular item to put on the agenda, contact the Town Hall.
Councilman Phelan is chair for the July 4th event. He will be working closer with the Board on defining what kind of an event they want. They will be needing some volunteers to help with this event. He would like to come to the next Board meeting with some kind of plan for the event.
Open to Public
Kay Abraham commented on the meeting with the town accountants. They went over the reports and there is a better understanding where the town stands financially.
Steve Savoris said that he feels there is a safety issue, where Palatine Park Road meets Route 9G. There is a blind spot during the day. He asked if a mirror could be put on a post to see oncoming traffic.
Rich suggested maybe shaving the bank to the left to gain a foot of sight. Rich will look at a map and maybe bring the state down to take a look.
Roy Brown spoke in regards to the Germantown Lions Club’s Apple Festival to be held Saturday, September 20th, starting at 8:00am to 6:00pm for activities and with fireworks at 7:00pm. He’s hoping for a bigger event this year. He is also looking for the Town Board’s support. Roy will fill Supervisor Craig in on the event. A suggestion was made by Supervisor Craig of maybe combining the advertising for 4th of July celebration and the Apple Festival.
Brian DuBois said the Germantown Boys Varsity Basketball are playing a sectional game at the Glens FallsCivicCenter at 5:00pm. Supervisor Craig said, we are very proud of them.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Councilman Mortenson, second by Councilman Westmore, with all in favor and none opposed.
Next town board meeting is March 24th at 7:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,