The 2018 International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2018) Taiwan,2018/6/3

Instructions for ICIM2018Paper Submission








This sample document provides the authors with instructions to prepare camera-ready abstract to ICIM2018. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper within 250 words, written in English, A4 paper, single-spaced, justified, with a font size of 12pt Times New Roman. In the first page, the title should be written centered, in 16pt, boldface Times New Roman, initial capital letters andthe authors’ names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses should be written centered, in 12pt, Times New Roman. Please do not number the pages for your paper. The file should be in Windows Microsoft Word format.

Keywords: Keyword 1, keyword 2, no more than five keywords

Instructions for ICIM2018Paper Submission

  1. Introduction

This sample document provides the authors with instructions to prepare camera-ready submission to ICIM2018. The size of the paper should not exceed 15 printed pages including figures, tables and references.

You should submit a full version of your camera-ready paper via website April 30, 2018, in order to ensure the inclusion of your paper in the proceedings.

  1. General Guidelines

2.1 Authors and Title

The title should be written centered, in 16pt, boldface Times New Roman, initial capital letters. It should be single spaced if the title is more than one line. The authors’ names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses should be written centered, in 12pt, Times New Roman.

2.2 Affiliations

Please leave 2.5cm for top, bottom, left and right margins. Set first-level headings in the text to the center, typed in 14pt and all capitalized letters. Sub-headings greater than first-level headings should be typed in 12ptwith initial cap for the first word.

2.3 Phase

  1. Passages marked

(1)Follow the example

  1. ………


  1. Figures, Tables, and Equations

All figures and tables should be numbered consecutively and captioned, and be placed in text as close to the reference as possible.

3.1 Figures

Figure captions should be centered beneath the figure, in 12pt Times New Roman.

Figure 1. Logo of CSIM.

3.2 Tables

Table captions should be centered above the table body, in 12pt Times New Roman.

Table 1. Table captions.

3.3 Equations

A displayed equation is numbered, using Arabic numbers in parentheses and aligned to the right. It should be centered, leaving a half-line space above and below as the following example illustrates.

Ax = B(1)

  1. References and Citations

The reference format follows that of MIS Quarterly. References should be grouped together at the end of the paper, ordered alphabetically by authors, and referenced by numbers (Gillenson, and Study 1991). The body text of the references should be 12pt Times New Roman.


Put applicable sponsor acknowledgments here; DO NOT place them on the first page of your paper or as a footnote.


  1. Gillenson, M.L. and Study, J.D. “Academic Issues in MIS: Journals and Books,” MIS Quarterly (15:4) 1991, pp:447-452.
  2. McLean, E.R. and Soden, J.V. Strategic Planning for MIS, John Wiley, New York, 1977.
  3. Nen-Fu Huang, Ko-Shung Chen, H. C. Chao and Jen-yi Pen, “A Distributed Multicast Tree Migration Scheme for ATM Based Personal Communication Networks,” Proc. Ieee Globecom London, Nov., 1996, pp.201-206.
  4. A. Pllard, Flow in Tee Junction, Ph. D. Thesis, University of London, London, U.K., 1978.
  5. A. Kareem and C. M. Cheng, Acrosswind Response of Tower and Stack of Circular Cross-Section, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Houston, Report No. UHCE84-6, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 1984.