Robin Wexler, CTRS
15 Euclid Avenue
Massapequa, NY, 11758
2010Continuing Education
ForRecreation Therapy & Activities Staff
Cedar Manor , OssiningNY
Morris Hall, Lawrenceville N.J. (near Princeton)
Sheepshead Nursing and RehabilitationCenter, Brooklyn
Nassau Extended CareCenter, Hempstead, Long Island
SomersetGardens Assisted Living, Plainview, Long Island
For information contact Robin Wexler, CTRS at 516-799-7094 or
Please use on form for each registrant and include the form with payment
Mail to Robin Wexler, 15 Euclid Avenue, Massapequa, NY, 11758
Agency ______
Please circle the workshops you will be attending:
I will attend Cedar Manor Programs:
August 19 / October 14 / December 16 / February 10, 2011 / April 14, 2011 / June 16, 2011I will attend Morris Hall Programs:
August 9 / October 4 / December 6I will attend Nassau ExtendedCare Programs
July 20 / September 21 / November 16I will attend Somerset Programs:
August 5 / September 30 / December 2I will attend Sheepshead Programs:
July 12 / September 13 / November 8The more programs you register for, the less it costs per program!
Registration cost
1 program $55 / 2 programs $110 / 3 programs $165 / 4 programs $220 / 5 programs $275 / 6 programs $3307 programs $350 / 8 programs $400 / 9 programs $450 / 10 programs $500 / 11 programs $550 / 12 programs $600
13 programs $585 / 14 programs $630 / 15 programs $600 / 16 programs $640 / 17 programs $680 / 18 programs $720
(ADD $4 per program for CEUS) (Or pay for CEUs at workshop in check or cash)
$4 x / # of programs = / $ ____+ ____ / Total amount enclosed____Make registration check to Robin Wexler
Add $4 per program for program for CEUs
Recreation Therapy & Activities
Continuing Education
Cedar Manor Cedar Lane, OssiningNY10562
.2 CEUs per session Lunch and Learn
Join us for a Workshop & light lunch
(Mini sandwiches, fruit, beverages will be provided or bring your own bag lunch!)
11:30 AM- noon Registration Noon- 2 PM- workshop
August 19- “But We Aren’t Old!” Targeting the Younger Residents in Your Long Term Care Facility” -Get some new ideas & strategies to spark your staff and increase active therapeutic recreation participation by younger residents. Learn to implement art, music, games, special events, intergenerational activities, leisure counseling and leisure education activities to meet the younger residents’ treatment goals in long term care or rehab units. Register by August 5
October 14 - Cooking Activities for Groups and Individuals in Therapeutic Recreation Activities - How and why to develop and lead cooking activities in therapeutic recreation. Learn how cooking activities can improve client functioning and the contraindications for this type of activity. Developing resources and materials for groups and individuals for easy cooking programs even if you don’t have a kitchen. Register by September 30
December 16- Managing Challenging Behaviors in Dementia Care-Dementia can result in behaviors that caregivers find challenging, such as confusion, aggression, hoarding, sundown syndrome, and wandering. Learn effective techniques to more easily understand and manage these troublesome behaviors. Understand the etiology and pathology of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Comparing and contrasting the symptoms and pathology of dementia, stroke, traumatic brain injury and mental illness. Register by December 5
February 10, 2011 -Leadership Techniques for Discussion Groups in TR - Leadership techniques and resources for reminiscence, sensory stimulation, bifolkal, current events and other types of discussion groups. The differences between therapeutic and diversional groups and where they fit into your programming. Register by January 31
April 14, 2011- Dealing with Difficult People - Effective strategies for dealing with difficult administrators, coworkers, and residents or patients in all sorts of settings including hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living etc. Understanding basic human needs. Dealing with difficult participants in TR. (behavior management for the confused, the disruptive, the combative and the nonparticipatory).Comparing and contrasting the etiology and pathology of dementia, traumatic brain injury and psychiatric disabilities. Establishing therapeutic trust. Stress of relocation. Creating support for the new resident.
Register by April 5
June 16, 2011 - Enhancing Creativity: Leadership skills for Drama Activities In Therapeutic Recreation- Developing resources, adaptive techniques and leadership skills for drama activities in your TR programming. . The differences between therapeutic and diversional groups and where they fit into your programming. Leadership techniques and resources for drama games, play reading and putting on a production. Register by June 5
Recreation Therapy & Activities
Continuing Education
Morris Hall, One Bishops’ Drive Lawrenceville, NJ08648
.2 CEUs per session Lunch and Learn
Join us for a Workshop & light lunch
(Mini sandwiches, fruit, beverages will be provided or bring your own bag lunch!)
11:30 AM- noon Registration Noon- 2 PM- workshop
August 9 Recreation Therapy Programming for Regressed Participants- The needs and nature of individual with dementia, chronic and persistent psychiatric illnesses and those with degenerative conditions. How the senses work across the life span. Learn strategies to deal with difficult behaviors. Leadership skills therapeutic recreation programming to meet cognitive, sensory and social goals for low functioning participants. Register by July 28
October 4 Stress management for the Recreation Therapist - Coping strategies for difficult situations, what is stress and how does it affect us? Creating balance between professional and personal roles.Effective strategies for dealing with difficult administrators, coworkers, and residents or patients. Understanding basic human needs. Dealing with difficult residents in TR. Return to your agency reenergized with a new set of resources, activity skills and ideas. Register by September 25
December 6New Educational Ideas in Therapeutic Recreation to Satisfy High Functioning Geriatric Participants - Get ready for the “Baby Boomers”! Just because your participants are chronologically old, doesn’t mean they are low functioning, confused or old fashioned, can’t or won’t learn new skills orhave conservative ideas or behaviors. Try something new to spark motivation in your staff and participants. Learn how to lead easy, safe, group pleasing goal oriented horticulture, nature, cooking, science, community service, intergenerational & other hands on activities. Leadership strategies support for the new residents or participants through therapeutic recreation. Resources for cost effective, goal oriented activities. Register by November 25.
Sorry, but no refunds can be made for non-attendance or cancellation.
Credit for another workshop or another person attending must be made at least 3 days
before the workshop.
Recreation Therapy & Activities
Continuing Education
Sheepshead Nursing and RehabilitationCenter
2840 Knapp Street, Brooklyn, NY11235
.2 CEUs per session
9:30-10 Coffee and registration10-noon Workshop
Monday, July 12 Using Recreation Therapy as a Tool to Reach Key Treatment Goals Understanding basic human needs. Dealing with difficult residents in TR. (Establishing therapeutic trust, Stress of relocation. Creating support for the new resident, behavior management for the confused, the disruptive, the combative and the non participatory).Revisions in MDS and f tags will be discussed. Register by July 1
Monday, September 13 Targeting Men in Therapeutic Recreation Programming: Leadership skills for active participation - Return to your agency reenergized with a new set of resources, activity skills and ideas for crafts, woodworking thematic activities, and leisure counseling skills to increase participation with male residents and patients in your TR programming. Learn how to motivate men and expand your programming to reach them by understanding how men of various generations perceive & value leisure and recreation.
Register by September 3
Monday, November. 8 Using Reiki, Yoga and Other Modalities in Recreation Therapy. How can a recreation therapist use the mind/body connection? Resources, skills, and leadership techniques for goal oriented movement activities to meet the needs and nature of your participants including improving physical functioning,palliative care, and dealing with stress & pain management.Register by October 3 1
Do you want to arrange a workshop at your agency?
For information on customizing inservice training for your staff.
Contact Robin Wexler, CTRS at 516-799-7094 or
Sorry, but no refunds can be made for non-attendance or cancellation.
Credit for another workshop or another person attending must be made at least 3 days
before the workshop.
Recreation Therapy & Activities
Continuing Education on Long Island
2 locations-Nassau Extended Care & Somerset Gardens
.25 CEUs per session
9-9:30 Coffee and Registration 9:30- noon workshop
Nassau Extended CareCenter
1 Greenwich St.HempsteadNY11550
Tuesday, July 20 Getting Support for TR from staff and Administrations How to change "no" to "yes" and change grumbling into smiles, how to motivate difficult residents and patients, deal with administration, supervisors, coworkers, support staff in other departments and other professional staff. Information on dealing with stress, time management, becoming a professional and building a staff team. Register by July 10
Tuesday, September. 21“But We Aren’t Old!” Targeting the Younger Residents in Your Long Term Care Facility -Get some new ideas & strategies to spark your staff and increase active therapeutic recreation participation by younger residents. Learn to implement art, music, games, special events, intergenerational activities, leisure counseling and leisure education activities to meet the younger residents’ treatment goals in long term care or rehab units. Register by September 10
Tuesday, November 16 Activities to Reach Sensory Goals Integrating Sensory Activities into Group and Individual Therapeutic Recreation Activities.-How the senses work across the life span. Why sensory stimulation improves client functioning. Contraindications for sensory stimulation. Developing resources and using sensory stimulation in other TR activities. Developing your own sensory stim kits, materials for groups and individuals. Register by November 5
SomersetGardens Assisted Living
150 Sunnyside Blvd.Plainview, NY11803.
Thursday, August 5.Issues in Multiculturalism and Religion in TR Activities and their Impact on TR Programming and Leadership - How do various cultures view and value leisure and recreation and how does it influence therapeutic recreation? Often, providing religious observance is the responsibility of TR in residential settings and how the RT can develop leadership skills and resources in this area. Register by July 25
Thursday, September 30 Stress management for the Recreation Therapist - Coping strategies for difficult situations, what is stress and how does it affect us? Creating balance between professional and personal roles. How to deal with difficult people who create stress for you. Register by September 20
Thursday, December 2The Etiology and Pathology of Alzheimer’s disease and Other Forms of Dementia.-The stages of dementia and leadership skills for recreation therapists. Comparing and contrasting the symptoms and pathology of dementia, stroke, traumatic brain injury and mental illness. Register by November 20
Now at 5 Locations
Cedar Manor , OssiningNY
Morris Hall, Lawrenceville N.J. (near Princeton)
Nassau Extended CareCenter, Hempstead, Long Island
Sheepshead Nursing and RehabilitationCenter, Brooklyn
SomersetGardens Assisted Living, Plainview, Long Island
Sorry, but no refunds can be made for non-attendance or cancellation.
Credit for another workshop or another person attending must be made at least 3 days
before the workshop.
Cedar Manor - Cedar Lane, OssiningNY10562
Directions on their website
Morris Hall- , One Bishops’ Drive Lawrenceville, NJ08648
Directions on their website
Nassau Extended Care: Directions on their website
Sheepshead Nursing and RehabilitationCenter, 2840 Knapp Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11235718
BELT PKWY exit number 9, towards KNAPP ST/SHEEPSHEAD BAY. Go onto SHORE PKWY Turn LEFT onto KNAPP ST. Parking on the street
SomersetGardens Assisted Living 150 Sunnyside Blvd, Plainview, NY, 11803 Directions on their website: