Foxes’ newsletter Term 1

Welcome back to the new school year! I hope you all had a wonderful summer and look forward to getting to know you all better during the coming weeks.

PE sessions are timetabled for Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please remember, if your child wears earrings, to remove them on these days. Some sessions will be outdoors so, if the weather is warm, please make sure that your child is well sun creamed!

As we discussed in the meet the teacher session last year the topic until Christmas will be based around coasts. We are planning a couple of seaside trips. Suitable robust clothing will need to be worn, but a piratical theme, (striped tops and bandanas) would look marvellous!

Individual school photos will take place on Tuesday 9th October. On Friday 28th Septmeber there will be a Harvest bake off, followed by an autumnal colours non-school uniform day on Monday 1st October, (more information to follow).

Joy Elvy and Andrea Richardson

Curriculum for Term 1:

Our new topic is about coasts and the seaside. Will we be learning about geographical features as well as comparing modern and historical seaside holidays. We will also be finding out about famous people linked to the sea, such as pirates and Grace Darling.


Fiction stories with seaside settings, such as the Lighthouse Keeper’s Cat series and Katie Morag, as well as non – fiction explanation texts about the seaside and famous people linked to this topic.


Counting, place value, estimating, rounding, adding, subtracting, money, measuring and shape.


Electricity – designing, building and improving circuits as well as safety procedures.

Home Learning

School reading books will continue to be changed three times a week. Monster reader stickers will be awarded for those children that read three times a week, with a prize awarded for those who do so all term. However, if you also wish to share other texts, such as newspapers, comics, recipes, environmental print and favourite home stories, then this would be extremely beneficial. Home learning activities, linked to the week’s learning, will be set along with spellings.