Townsview School - PSSC Meeting
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 @ 6:30pm
Meeting Minutes
→Pat Thorne→ Steven Jones→ Angela Ketch
→Andrea Everett→ Melissa Harris→ Murray Lee
→Lisa Dunlop→ Ligia Carvalho→ Anna Hamill → Heidi Horner → John Vail
Sent Regrets
→Andrew Garnett→ Kristen Stephens→ Carol Cormier
→Heather Hogan → Sandy Schaeffer
Welcome / Call to Order
- Both Andrew and Sandy were absent – so Pat Chaired the meeting and brought the meeting to order
- Pat thanked the many parent volunteers and recognize that December is a busy month you still keep coming for us – thank you.
- Pat forgot to – but want it recorded that Angela Ketch is our new Vice Principal and has stepped and is doing a fantastic job
DEC Remarks – Heather Hogan
- Heather sent her regrets and she has plans to attend as many meetings as she can, she truly wants to come out and meet the parents of the schools that she serves. Heather wants to thank the parent volunteers and wishes each of you a Merry Christmas and a safe and restful holiday season
Old Business
- Approval of October 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Moved by Murray LeeSeconded by Anna Hamill
To accept the October 5, 2016 PSSC Meeting Minutes as presented.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
New Business
- Wearing Hats at School
→No one seemed to have much information on this, so we will table this until the February 1st meeting
→The admin did explain their hat policy – admin had said that students are not permitted to wear their hats in school during the day. Students are asked to put their hats away once they are at their lockers and or cubbies. There are times when the school may have an event to raise funds, such as WE Act committee to have a “hat day” and students pay a loonie to participate, and if they don’t have a loonie they can still participate.
- Prayers at School
→No one seemed to have much information on this, so we will table this until the February 1st meeting
→Admin did state that the only time that they could recall where prayers would have taken place this year would have been at the Remembrance Day School Ceremony (as part of the ceremony)
- Home & School Update
→Candy Grams
→Family Movie Night – Arthur’s Christmas
→Helping with middle school dances – selling pizza and cold drinks
→They also raised approx.. $360.00 at the bake sale held during parent teacher night and day at the school
→The H&S is sponsoring the purchase of spin bikes for classrooms – they have just recently purchased 2 for classrooms
→H&S is partnering up with our Resource department to purchase sensory items for students who have special learning abilities
- School Improvement Plan
→ Pat sent it electronically last week
→ Any questions
• point of conversation is that the group felt that they wished they had the
report card before the parent-teacher meetings
• the group felt that it would be a good idea to explain the rationale (the
what and the why of both plans) of the SIP and PLEWP to the general
parent population. Let the parent community know where to find both
documents (if they are wanting to read them). Great idea and Pat will
do this for the next parent newsletter, to go out in January, 2017
• admin will ensure that both the SIP and PLWEP are posted on our website
School Update
• Parent Teacher Interviews
→ Admin felt that it went well from our perspective
• Townsview Twitter Account
→ connected to our school website
• School Improvement Review
→Steve explained the process of both the school internal team and district external team to look over the 32 indicators and how each team assessed their rating based on evidence observed around the school.
→Admin shared a brief summary of the comparison report – overall it was good and we recognize that we have a few things to work on
→Steve pointed out that the District External Team was very impressed with how the school made them feel so welcomed, the parent forum (great feedback) and the excellent behavior of our students & staff
→Staff feel that going through this process will provide a real focus and direction of our school as we move forward
→Admin acknowledged that once they shared the results with the staff that they would share with the PSSC as well
→UNB Varsity Basketball Team Visit
• 2nd part of the morning – they played an inter-squad game for our students. The
university athletes then had lunch with our K-2 students
→Christmas Concerts – Wednesday, December 14th
• Doing it all in one morning – new tradition for the school, holding it in the
elementary gym
• We recognize that parking may be a bit of an issue, each group of classes have a
specific timeline. We have scheduled the performances to provide a break
between grade groups to allow for transitioning of parents coming and going
Grade K-1 classes(8:45am-9:30am)
Grade 2-3 classes (10:00am-10:45am)
Grade 4-5 classes (11:15am-12:00pm)
→Christmas Care Tree
- In our front lobby and we are collecting donations of mittens, scarves and hats to help decorate our tree.
- We are accepting donations for Sanctuary House, Carleton County Animal Shelter and the Family Food Bank
→Basketball Teams
→ We have 3 basketball teams
- Varsity Boys – Luke Flemming & Ben Gray
- Varsity Girls – John McKay
- JV Girls – Lance Minard
→Middle School Drama
- The name of the drama production is “Aladdin”
- Our drama production will take place on Saturday, January 14th with two shows – one at 2pm and the other at 7pm
→Elementary Drama
- The name of the production is “Golly Gee Whiz”
- Just getting started – our drama show will be in April at WHS
→The Learning Partnership Entrepreneurial Adventure Program
- Two classes in middle school who are participating in an enrichment opportunity called the Entrepreneurial Adventure. This program has been designed by the Learning Partnership (a national charitable organization that supports and advances publicly funded Education in Canada) to develop students’ enterprising spirit, financial literacy, innovative thinking and social responsibility.
- We had a visitor from the Learning Partnership visit our classes yesterday to explain how the program works; through mentorship from teacher and business partners, students will work together to learn about planning teamwork, presentation skills, risk management, marketing, financial literacy and business as well as develop personal enterprising qualities. In small groups, students will identify a venture concept (business idea) and plan, promote and launch their ventures in a public showcase (will be held end of April).
- All profits will go to a charity (that the class will decide on) more information and updates as we progress. Our business partners that will be mentoring us through this program will be Nicole Robertson from BMO and we are in the process of securing a 2nd business partner from the community.
- PSSC Budget - $964.66
- Moved by Murray LeeSeconded by Lisa Dunlop
To spend the balance of the budget on School Connects and paper to assist in
the printing and delivery of our parent newsletter.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
Future Agenda Items
- Next PSSC Meeting – Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Moved by Lisa Dunlop to adjourn the PSSC meeting.
Motion Carried