Sunday 4th March 2018
(Liturgical Colour: Purple)
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
Rev’d Canon Barry Wright
Readings: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 (p.804); John 2:13-22 (p.749)
9.45am Sunday Club in Church Hall
10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW)
Rev’d Canon Barry Wright
Readings: Exodus 20:1-17; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22
Welcome to our Services today. If you are a visitor, we hope you will feel at home and part of our Church Family as we worship God together. Leaflets and our monthly magazine are available at the back of church with information about our activities. Also, please look at our website –
Please join us for refreshments after the 10am Service
The Week Ahead
Mon 5th 7.00pm Wedding rehearsal
Tues 6thJane taking day off
Wed 7th 9.15am Morning Prayer in Church
10.00am-12 noon Art Club in Church Hall
3.00pm-4.30pm Pilgrim Lent Course 3 in Vicarage
7.30pm-9.00pm Pilgrim Lent Course 3 in Church
Thurs 8th 10.00am Holy Communion (Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln)
(Readings: Hebrews 13:1-8; Matthew 5:10-12)
7.45pm Table Tennis in Church Hall
Fri 9th 9.30 – 11.30am Coffee Morning in Church Hall
11.45am Jane taking funeral of Dorothy Lucy Bulling at Eltham Crematorium
7.00pm – 8.30pm Choir Practice in Church
7.00pm Meeting of Friends Steering Group at 1 Erith Road
Sat 10th1.30pm Wedding of Daniel Jones and Katie Fewtrell
Sun 11th The Fourth Sunday of Lent/Mothering Sunday
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00am Church Parade All-age Service
6.30pm Holy Communion (CW)
Anglican Communion: Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo; The Most Rev Zacharie Masimango Katanda, Archbishop & Bishop of Kindu
Diocese: Sevenoaks Deanery; Rev Martin Booth, Area Dean; Brig Ian Dobbie, Lay Chair
Parish: Lent Stewardship Campaign; Lent Course; further progress in setting up the Friends group; Daniel and Katie being married on Saturday; those living in Calvert Close and Chapman Road
Our Country/The World: Prayer for the families and friends of those who were killed in the shooting in Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland Florida and for a safe environment for our children
For healing and wholeness: Baby Miriam, Timothy Mukibi, Beverley Wilkinson, Andrew Ashby, Thelma Finch, Margaret Poole, Christine Pierce, Shirley Petford, Fred Leany, Emilka Rys, Tony Bozet, Joan.
Those who have died:Dorothy Bulling; Betty Bailey; Joan Lilian Murrells We pray for all who mourn.
Lent Stewardship Campaign. To be held throughout Lent, culminating on Easter Day. All those on the electoral roll or in congregational directory will have a pack delivered to them by a PCC member. Leaflets, letters and response forms are also available for others who wish to participate. We ask you to prayerfully reflect on the information and to respond as God prompts you. Thank you in for your generosity.
Lent Course:“Church & Kingdom” Pilgrim course,Wednesdays 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th March. Afternoons at 3.00pm in the Vicarage and evenings at 7.30pm in church.
Lent Resource from The Church of England: ‘#LiveLent – Let Your Light Shine’ takes you on a 6-week discipleship journey through the Gospel of John, exploring what it means to be a witness. Available in booklet form from Church House Publishing – a few are at back of church – or on a free downloadable app.
Friends: If you are interested in receiving further information about the Friends of All Saints Belvedere, please sign one of the forms at the back of church and give it to Jane or into the Office.
Church Events: Craft Fair- Saturday 24th March 1.00pm-4.00pm.
Summer Fayre- Saturday 16th June 11.00am-2.00pm. 1940’s-VE Day theme
If you can help at either of these events please speak to Michelle Larkin.
Leigh & Michael Averyare both running the London Marathon in April for Brain Research UK. To help with their £4,000 fundraising quest, they will be holding a Pie & Mash Quiz night on Saturday 10th March in the church hall from 7.00pm. Tickets are £10 per adult, which includes a meal and quiz entry. There is also a sweepstake at the back of church if you’d like to get involved with guessing their marathon finishing times! Thank you allfor your continued support!
Local Church events: Friday 9 March 7.30pm End Slavery in our Generation at New Community Church, Station Road, Sidcup; Sat 17 March 9am-1pm Mental Health – The Role of the Church, at New Covenant Church, Welling
Young people needed – Sat 10 March 9.45am-11am in Church – to tie bows for Mothering Sunday posies. Pamela 0208 310 3828
Electoral Roll: The annual revision of the Roll will take place from Sunday 18 March until Friday 6 April 2018. Between 6 April and the APCM on 29 April, no changes can be made apart from the correction of any errors. Only those whose names are on the Electoral Roll are entitled to attend the Annual Parish Meeting, take part in proceedings and vote. Only those on the Roll can put their names for election to the PCC (after being on the Roll for 6 months) or be a sidesperson or ChurchWarden. The current Roll is at the back of Church on the noticeboard – please check to see if your name is there. If you are not on the Roll and you wish to be (subject to certain provisions) please speak to Karen Blower, the Electoral Roll Officer, or the Vicar or one of the Churchwardens. Thank you.
Charity Bowl March/April
Now seems a good time to support The RAF Benevolent Fund, as on 1 April 2018, the Royal Air Force itself will be celebrating its 100th birthday. To mark this occasion, there are various events nationwide, plus two special commemorative sets of postage stamps to be issued on 20th March. TheRAF Benevolent Fund founded in 1919 is an independent charity who receive no regular Government funding. They rely entirely on public support to continue their work, which in the main is to:
Provide assistance to the RAF Family, when they are in need; Support the morale and wellbeing of the serving RAF; Understand the pressures our serving men and women and families can feel under – frequent moves can all take their toll; Deployment, separation and support for both young and older veterans and immediate family members with everything from injury or illness, to financial hardship, disability, emotional wellbeing, transitioning back to civilian life and living independently; then there are the children growing up on RAF stations, to relationship counselling for RAF couples and respite breaks for RAF families and veterans; Maintaining and preserving the RAF Memorial in London on behalf of the nation, and the Bomber Command Memorial in Central London. Chris Martin
Dates ahead
11 MarMothering Sunday 10am Church Parade
25 MarPalm Sunday 9.45am Procession starting from Church Hall
29 MarMaundy Thursday 8pm Communion Service + footwashing and vigil
30 Mar Good Friday
1 AprilEaster Day