College Credit Datatel Meeting

Monday, April 22, 9:00am
1. / OpenCCCApply Status Update / Stuart
2. / OpenCCCApply BOG Waiver Discussion:
ITS will pay to retain the XAP BOG Fee Waiver until such a time that the OpenCCCApply form is completed and tested. / Stuart
3. / Curriculum Families:
Discussion held and test scenarios presented by Sergio
Sergio provided some documentation on customizations another school has completed. He will send contact information at a later time.
Implement by 2013FA / Tiffany
4. / Update of Major/Program via WebAdvisor
Only Financial Aid approved programs
Cannot delete only add
Completely optional link, link address change
Multiple changes are acceptable, as they do not impact anything / Open Discussion
5. / Student Type validation modification request: Look into modifying the process to account for dates the student type was modified and apply it to the current term reporting for things such as SB15 and MIS. Doug has told Chris this could be modified by him. / Chris
6. / Modification to student type, if a student applies for a late start section; backdate them to the day before the term begins on RYAT. This will help resolve some errors that occur in AR. / Chris
7. / Backdate residency that is -1 day before the term begins to -30 days before the term begins to catch any 1 day workshops that occur before the beginning of the term. ASPR modified. / Robert
8. / EMT Discussion:
Targets, can we build functionality into EMT to account for these? Report to compare actual vs. targets to define annualizers. P1 used for all calculations, P2 only used for PAC.
Actuals would also need to be multiplied by F Factor for D, ID, PAC/PANC to get funded FTES.
Be able to run reports comparing forecast and actual against targets.
Splits of targets are percentage based, can be defined by schools or they can add a number value.
Fiscal year based reports, actual + forecast, will I hit the target what if scenarios / Sergio
9. / Check with Bay on why three inactive lines appear on some student programs, should there have been only 1? Chris would like to personally thank Bay with all of his heart for his dedication to this project… / Chris
10. / Project List Priorities / Stuart
11. / MIS Update: / Stuart
12. / Other:
Batch SPRO: Instead can we just ELF in all graduates and graduate them. Legacy transcripts are not being factored into Certificate Tracking, may need to research this. Leigh Ann and Sergio to provide an SCC program to Legacy program crosswalk or definition.
New Report Request: Return On Investment Report: Currently with the data at hand we could create a Department level ROI to manage and quantify costs vs. benefit.
Discussion on 320 reporting, need for a report that supplies all needed 320 information in a single entity, for both colleges to validate and Gina to enter into website. / Open Discussion
Next Meeting: May 20th
Datatel Training Room

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