Summer NM HS Lacrosse Meeting 07/26/14

Location: Santa Fe Double Tree Hotel

Time: 2:00 – 3:30 pm

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Old Business
  1. Formation of the NMHSLA
  2. Adoption of the Rules and Regulations
  3. Editing January blackout clarification

Matt would prefer something more formal, but he feels there shouldn’t be full pads allowed. Everyone agrees to no pads for January. Sticks and conditioning are allowed.

  1. Other Changes?

Tracy is asking that Sections 3 and 4 should be reversed. She is also asking that we remove the New Team Letter requirement since we already have the application. Approval that sections will be switched so Members becomes #3 and Rules Making will become #4.

  1. Website
  2. Official source for all current HS lacrosse activities
  3. Discussion of administration and usage of site
  4. Adoption of youth leagues into current site?Yes
  5. Input into asking for the girls’ game to be included into siteYes
  1. Referees
  1. Updates on viable refs

Matt will try cold-calling football referees for help. We will look into former coaches to help referee.

  1. Dates for clinics?

No no’s 9/13, 9/21, following weekend, first weekend in November. Youth league starts 9/14.

  1. New Business
  2. New Teams?
  3. Cibola HS a possibility

We will find out more about them as the school year starts.

  1. If we go to 7 teams, how does this affect our tournament bracket?

If we go to 7 teams, we will only promote the top 4 teams to the playoffs.

  1. New teams on probationary status defined by Rules and RegsAll agree
  1. Fall Ball
  2. Official start and end dates

9/14 - December

  1. Perhaps send new/returning players to help with Ryan’s clinic
  1. Fall Tourney
  2. Discussion on 7v7 Tournament

October 18-19th or 25-26th perhaps. 4 combined teams?

  1. Scrimmages?

Teams are allowed to scrimmage if numbers hold up

  1. Other
  2. Consensus on head coaches being required to take USLacrosse Level 1 CEP (online portion)

Head Coaches must have certification done by 2/15/15 and sent to Neal.

  1. Dates and times for Fall meeting (Spring Scheduling Meeting)

Tentatively scheduled for Oct. 18 or 26th.