Department of Computer Information Systems (CIS)

College of Business

Grambling State University

Spring 2017 | CIS 115 – Introduction to Computers & Software Applications

Instructor: Mr. Kevin D. Sly

Office: JTS room 341

Phone: (318) 274-2320


CRN / Time / Day / Location
21448 / 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm / Monday - Wednesday / JTS 322
20156 / 2:30 pm - 3:50 pm / Tuesday - Thursday / JTS 319

If you have any questions, you are encouraged to make an appointment with me as soon as possible. You must make an appointment at least one day in advance.

It is the responsibility of the student to insure that all course prerequisite requirements are met prior to enrolling in this course. Students are subject to administrative removal from course if, at any time, it is determined that course prerequisite requirements have not been met. No prerequisite is required for this course.

Special Services: If you need accommodation in this class related to a disability, please make an appointment to see me as soon as possible. My office hours and phone number are listed as above.

Course Description

This course provides an overview of Computer Information Systems and extensive hands-on exercises using application software. Emphasis is placed upon computer hardware, software, procedures, data and human resources, and the integration and application of computer software including word-processing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation.

I. Rationale

The mission of the CIS Department is to prepare students for information systems-related careers and pursuit of advanced studies. The emphasis of this course is to develop computer application skills, vital for use in the business environment. This course teaches students the fundamentals of computer technology and using software applications to develop solutions to problems in a computer system's environment. The pedagogy of this course includes lectures, class discussions, and hands-on developments.

II. Competencies

In accordance with DPMA/AITP's curriculum recommendation for Information Systems Programs (IS1997), three levels of competency will be assessed:

Level 1: competency is basic knowledge acquired through a course required of all students in the college and through the courses in the student's major.

Level 2: design and programming of applications, design and use of databases.

Level 3: development of models and systems.

III. Behavioral Objectives:

This course is designed to introduce students to Computer and Software Application provides an overview of Computer Information Systems (CIS) and extensive hands-on exercises using software application for business. Upon the completion of this course, a student should become proficient in the following areas:

IV. Course Content

a.  Usage of computers in society.

b.  Utilization of basic word processing techniques.

c.  Utilization of basic presentation graphic techniques.

d.  Utilization of basic spreadsheet techniques.

e.  Utilization of basic database development techniques.

V. Learning Activities

a. Computer Literacy

  1. The Components of a Computer
  2. Networks and the Internet
  3. Computer Software
  4. Categories of Computers
  5. Elements of an Information System
  6. Computer Applications in Society
  7. Exam 1

b. Word

  1. Chapter One. Creating Documents with Microsoft Word
  2. Chapter Two. Formatting and Organizing Text
  3. Chapter Three. Using Graphics and Tables
  4. Chapter Four. Using Special Document Formats, Columns, and Mail Merge
  5. PDF development
  6. Exam 2

c. Excel

  1. Chapter One. Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data
  2. Chapter Two. Designing Effective Worksheets
  3. Chapter Three. Using Functions and Data Tables
  4. Exam 3

d. Access

  1. Lesson 1: Creating a Database Form
  2. Database Basics
  3. Creating Database Datasheets and Forms
  4. Opening a Data Sheet
  5. Entering Records
  6. Enhancing Datasheets and Forms
  7. Summary Exercise
  8. Lesson 2: Editing and Printing a Database
  9. Modifying Datasheets and Forms
  10. Changing an existing Datasheet
  11. Printing Headers and Footers
  12. Editing, Inserting and Deleting Records
  13. Printing Datasheets and Forms
  14. Summary Exercise part I
  15. Summary Exercise part II
  16. Exam 4

e. PowerPoint

  1. Chapter One. Getting Started with PowerPoint 2003
  2. Chapter Two. Creating a Presentation
  3. Chapter Three. Formatting a Presentation
  4. Exam 5

VI. Special Course Requirements

a.  Must be in class on time. Considered absent if not present when roll is called.

b.  Must remove all head gear prior to entering the classroom (male and female). Considered absent if not removed (dress appropriately for class – this is the College of Business).

c.  Must turn off all cell phones prior to entering class. Twenty-five points will be deducted from each student each time a phone goes off in class.

d.  Must not bring food or drinks into classroom.

e.  Must save all documents on a Universal Serial Bus (USB) storage device). Documents can not be saved permanently on the hard drive.

f.  Must not work on out-side work during class (i.e., surfing the Internet, checking email, sending instant messages, etc). Twenty-five points will be deducted from each student each time someone is caught violating this rule.

g.  Must not copy another student’s assignment. Copying another’s work is cheating, and is strictly forbidden, and will result in a grade of 0 for the student. If caught a second time, it will result in an F for the course.

VII. Evaluation Procedure:

Class Participation / 10%
Exercises / 30%
Out of Class Assignments / 10%
Performance-based examinations / 50%
Grading scale
100 - 92 = A / 91 - 82 = B / 81 -72 = C / 71 - 62 = D / <61 = F


VIII. Textbook and/or other required materials or equipment

GO! with Microsoft®: Office 2007 Edition

By RobertL.Ferrett, JohnPreston, SallyPreston, LindaFoster-Turpen, AliciaVargas

This syllabus subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.