Board of Podiatric Medicine
2829 University Avenue S.E., Suite 430 Minneapolis, MN 55414-3245
Phone: (612) 548-2175 Fax: (612) 617-2698
March 4, 2013
Members Present:
Stephen Powless, DPM, President, Nicole Bauerly, DPM, Eugene Dela Cruz, DPM,James Nack, DPM, Margaret Schreiner, Judy Swanholm
Staff Present:
Ruth Grendahl, GoeffreyKarls
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Powless, President, at approximately 5:30 p.m. at the Board Office Plaza Conference Room, 2829 University Avenue SE, Minneapolis, MN, and a quorum was declared present.
Minutes of the previous quarterly board meeting were approved. Motion by Dela Cruz, seconded by Bauerly; motion carried.
Executive Session – Closed to the Public at 5:45
The Board met in closed session for the purpose of reviewing ALJ Findingsof Fact regarding Robert Mullin, DPM. Motion by Schreiner and seconded by Nack, to accept the December 12, 2012 ALJ’s Report. Based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, the Board further ordered his license be revoked, allowing forapplication ofrelicensure after a minimum of (5) years from the date of the Order.
Licenses Issued
Alex Scholl, DPM
Desiree Scholl, DPM
Scott Torness, DPM
Reinstatements: Blayne McCaffrey, DPM, Scott Runde, DPM
Professional Corporate or Firm Report
Grendahl reported that upon review of the Secretary of State’sbusiness website, there were
professional corporations or firms that appeared to still be incorporated, but have not filed an annual report with the Board or paid the $25 annual filing fee. Grendahl reported she would be reviewing all past filing and following with those identified.
Continuing Medical Education Request
MPMA requested 1.5 CME credits for attendance at the Twin Cities Foot & Ankle Conference. Upon reviewing the program content it was determined that statutory requirements for continuing education were met and it was approved by the Board. Motion by Schreiner, seconded by Nack; motion carried.
Fiscal/Budget Report
The Board reviewed budget revenues and expenditures reports, as well as other financial reports generated by the Administrative Services Unit (ASU) and Board, per the 2005 OLA Financial Audit recommendation stating that Board members should be provided detailed, monthly revenue and expenditure accounting transactions report for their review and approval during regularly scheduled Board meetings. No concerns were raised about the monthly revenue and expenditure accounting transactions. Financial reports were accepted; Motion by Schreiner, seconded byPowless; motion carried.
Executive Director Wage Increases
Grendahl reported that contracts were approved for employee wage increases for 2011-2013. It was reported that a current performance review was conducted at the December 3, 2012 Board meeting, a requirement for awarding any of the wage increases. A motion to grant the available performance wage increases was made by Schreiner, seconded by Bauerly; motion carried.
Next Board Meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for June 17 @ 5:30PM.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:00 p.m. Motion by Schreiner, seconded by Dela Cruz; motion carried.