NUS Business School

Department of Management & Organization

MNO3321 Training and Development

Course Instructor : A/P Lim Ghee Soon

(Office: BIZ 1 #08-57 Tel: 65166932)

Session : Semester 2, 2012/13

Course Objectives:

This module aims to prepare students for the challenging task of training and developing employees to help organizations realize their missions and visions effectively.

You will be given the role of an internal or external training consultant and tasked to conduct projects to put theories and concepts into action. Learning by doing will be the theme of this module.

We will learn the mechanisms and practical value of (1) learning principles & theories that characterize the internal experiences of learners and their interactions with trainers; (2) specialized T&D methods & strategies for individual learners; and (3) organization-level developmental strategies.

Students are expected to be knowledgeable about the field of human resource development (HRD) and the multi-level approaches to employee T&D efforts by the end of the module.

The module is highly application oriented and student assessment will be based solely on the continuous assessment projects designed for the module.

Both your presentation skills and knowledge about training and development will be assessed.

All students are expected to take part actively in the IVLE discussions.

Main Textbook:

Lim, G. S., Werner, J. M., & DeSimone, R. L. (2013). Human Resource Development for Effective Organizations: Principles and Practices Across National Boundaries. Singapore: Cengage Learning.

Course Outline*:

Lesson / Topic / Readings
1 / Introduction: T&D as a Profession / Lim, et al Chap 1
2 / Basic Employee Learning Principles / Lim, et al Chap 2 & 3
3 / Employee-Organization Interface / Lim, et al Chap 4 & 5
4 / Training Process Dynamics / Lim, et al Chap 6 & 7
5 / Employee Socialization & Orientation / Lim, et al Chap 8
6 / Technical & Social Skills Training / Lim, et al Chap 9
7 / Employee Coaching & Counseling / Lim, et al Chap 10 & 11
8 / Career & Management Development / Lim, et al Chap 12 & 13
9 / Organizational Learning, Development, & Change / Lim, et al Chap 14
10 / Developing Organizational Diversity / Lim, et al Chap 15
11 / Individual Project Sharing / -
12 / Individual Project Sharing / -
13 / Individual Project Sharing / -

* This course outline should be used flexibly.

Methods of Assessment

Group Case Study & Presentation: 30%

Individual Contributions to IVLE Discussions: 30%

Individual Study & Sharing (Term Paper): 30%

Individual Class Attendance/Participation: 10%

There is no final examination for this module.