All Councillors are summoned to meetings of


to be held at the Pavilion on Thursday 21st September 2017 at 7.30pm

Full Council Meeting

  1. Public questions and comment on items on the agenda – 3 mins each (comments will be noted and referred to as item arises in the Agenda)
  2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS of interest both personal and prejudicial on items on the agenda
  3. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES for absence
  4. To approve and sign minutes of the meeting held on20th July 2017& 18th May 2017 (sign only) – ALL – 5 mins
  5. District Councillors reports– District Councillors – 5 mins each
  6. To consider action points from previous meetings– ALL – 2 mins each

Additions to bank mandate / ALL
Bank statements to Chair / AS
Developments on purchase of the recreation ground (subject to any legal/commercial sensitivities) / PC
Dog Mess / AS
Blocked Drains / JA
Section 106 applications / PC
Recreation Ground car park & Church Green posts / PC
Procedural Documents and Residents Database / All & PM
Parking on corners / AS
Tables & Chairs on Greens, Verges and Footpaths / AS & PC
Speeding operation / AS
  1. Chairman’s announcements – AS– 10 mins
  2. Public Correspondence – ALL – 5 mins each
  3. Oak tree on Church Green
  4. Invictus Training using the Recreation Ground
  5. Trinity Claims/Caroline Miller subsidence claim
  6. New Notice Boards – AS – 5 mins
  7. Tree Issues – AS – 5 mins
  8. Pavilion Management Committee:
  1. Alcohol Licence – AS
  2. Decorating – PMC
  3. Play Area inspection Report – AS
  1. Councillors updates:
  1. AS – Street Services
  2. PC – Planning
  3. RH – Transparency & Communications
  4. JA – Amenities
  5. AF – Businesses and Local Groups
  6. PM – Neighbourhood Plan
  1. Transport Stakeholders Update – PM – 5 mins
  2. Planning: to consider the following applications(15/7/17 – 14/9/17)

17/1248 / 24 Knights End Rd / Extensions
17/138 / Land off Berry Close / Amended plans
17/1299 / 22Main St / Rear Extension
17/1326 / 21 Welham Rd / Tree work
17/1331 / Fernie Hunt Kennels / Tree Work
  1. Planning: to receive the following decisions(15/7/17 – 14/9/17)

17/886 / 7 Langton Rd / Side extension / Approved
17/600 / Berry Close / Discharge of conditionns11/15/17 / Approved
  1. Correspondence for discussion– ALL – 5 mins
  2. Finance reports– ALL – 10 mins
  1. Invoices due - AS
  2. Cheques for BCC Rebate – AS
  1. Items for a future meeting

Councillors: Paul Claxton (Chairman), Jon Almond, Adam Shepherd, Anne French, Peter Mitchell, Richard Henwood

District Councillors: Phil Knowles, Sarah Hill, Barry Champion

Clerk to the Council: Martin Ellingworth. 4 Elm Drive, Market Harborough LE16 9DS

01858 464808 / 077424 61048