Gaston Christian Church

Where Grace, Truth & Love Abound

March 26, 2017

5339 S. New Hope Rd. Belmont, NC 28012

704-825-8252 |

Bible Classes, 9:30 am | Worship & Children’s Church, 10:30 am


·  Please complete the tear-off attendance strip of the bulletin and place it in the offering plate. Our Kidz Block Student (pre -K thru 5th grade) will be dismissed after our announcements to the Fellowship Hall for their classes.

·  Kidz Block Please be sure that you stopped at the Check In table and check in your Preschool or Elementary age students.


·  10:30 am – prayer group

·  6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, Garage Crew’s Mid-Week Meet-Up - MS/HS Bible Study @ the Osterbrook’s

SAT: SPRING WORK DAY We need help cleaning buildings & grounds. Please sign up to help & help with lunch.


·  New Series continues: At The Cross with the message, “Jesus Took God’s Wrath”

·  CIY DEADLINE – Middle school students must have their $50 deposit and all registration/medical forms to Ken.


·  April 6 – Prime Timers 1:00pm – 3:00 pm

·  April 15 – Easter Extravaganza 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Come enjoy flashlight Egg Hunt, a chance to pie Ken…..we need candy, helpers, cooks, etc. Please sign up if you can help.

SOUND TECHS NEEDED! We need your help. Please see Walt Wroble, Scott or sign up!

We need help cleaning the church for June & July.


Communion Meditation Randall Slusher

Serve/Offering Prayer Bob Via Terry Grammer

Count/Serve Larry Couch Mike Griggs

Serve Norb Bauers Richard Henson

Stage Mike Griggs Randy Grace

NURSERY: Melissa Manners Amanda Coulter

Last Sunday: Attendance: 98 Offering: $3,282 Weekly Need: $3,675

Mar Mortgage Fund: $845 (-$355) $1,200 needed

At the Cross

Jesus Began a New Covenant

Hebrews 8, 9, 10

Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance …

[Hebrews 9:15a, esv]

The Old Covenant:

·  Did PROVE that NO ONE is perfect.

·  Did illustrate the UGLINESS of SIN

·  Did show us just how SERIOUS an offence sin is to God

·  Did not TAKE AWAY sin

·  Did not bring people CLOSE to God

Jesus is the mediator of the NEW COVENANT (Why is this important?)

·  God keeps His PROMISES (Jeremiah 31:31-34)

·  We can better UNDERSTAND the Bible

·  We are under GRACE and not “the law.”

“I sin. Jesus TAKES IT AWAY!”

The Old Covenant depended on US; the New Covenant depends WHOLLY upon JESUS

We do NOT get to negotiate our OWN TERMS

The New Covenant was given to us by GOD’S OWN CHOICE.