Douglas County Schools
Program for Exceptional Children
IEP/Individualized Transition Plan
STUDENT NAME ______DOB______SCHOOL ______
Initial ITP Date / Review Date / Review Date / Review Date / Review Date / Review DateAssessment: Student and Parent Questionnaire Completed (date)______
I. Desired Measurable Post Secondary/Outcome Completion Goals (These goals are to be achieved after graduation and must include goals for Education/Training and Employment)
A. Education/Training:______
B. Employment:______
C. Independent Living (as appropriate): ______
II. Course of Study
A. Student will graduate from high school by:
1.Pursuing a regular education diploma through completion of general education high school coursework, earning required credits and passing all components of the Georgia High School Graduation Test.
2.Pursuing a regular education diploma through completion of high school Access courses, completed Individualized Education Plan goals and objectives, and successful completion of all components of the Georgia Alternate Assessment.
3. Pursuing a Life Skills or Employment Readiness diploma through successful completion of Individualized Education Plan annual goals with concentration on functional life skills curriculum.
B. Parent/Student has been informed that the Life Skills and Employment Readiness diplomas do not meet requirements for admission into the military or most colleges, universities, or technical schools. ______(initial)
(For students who enter 9th grade in the 2011-12 school year or later)
- Student will graduate from high school by:
1. Pursuing a general education diploma through:
a.Completion of general education high school coursework
b.Earning required credits
c.Passing the Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT)
d.Passing all courses associated with End of Course Test (EOCT)
- EOCT contributes 20% to course grade
2.Pursuing a general education diploma through:
a.Completion of high school Access courses
b.Earning required number of credits
c.Completed Individualized Education Plan goals and objectives
d.Successful completion of all components of the Georgia Alternate Assessment
- (Must have also taken the GAA in middle school)
3. Pursuing a Life Skills or Employment Readiness diploma through successful completion of Individualized Education Plan annual goals with concentration on functional life skills curriculum.
(For students who are in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades during the 2011-12 school year)
A.Student will graduate from high school by:
1.Pursuing a general education diploma through:
a.Completion of general education high school coursework
b.Earning required credits
c.Passing the Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT)
d.Passing all courses associated with End of Course Test (EOCT)
- EOCT contributes 15% to course grade
e.Passing one of two EOCT’s in each of the four content areas or the corresponding subject test of the GHSGT
2.Pursuing a general education diploma through:
a.Completion of high school Access courses
b.Earning required number of credits
c.Completed Individualized Education Plan goals and objectives
d.Successful completion of all components of the Georgia Alternate Assessment
- (Must have also taken the GAA in middle school)
3. Pursuing a Life Skills or Employment Readiness diploma through successful completion of Individualized Education Plan annual goals with concentration on functional life skills curriculum.
III. Transfer of Rights
A. ______was notified on ______that all rights in matters of special education will transfer to him/her at age 18. (Required by age 17)
B. ______was notified on ______of his/her rights.
(Required by age 18)
IV. Preferences, Strengths, Interests, Experiences:
A. List any extracurricular involvement in sports, clubs, and volunteer work:______
B. Vocational Interests: ______
C. Vocational Strengths: ______
D. Vocational Weaknesses:______
E. List any part time jobs held during high school. Also list successes/problems related to part time employment:
F. List any job training through Community Based Vocational Training or Work Based Learning:______
G. Additional Comments: ______
H. Additional Assessments (list and date): ______
Post-Secondary Educational/Career Training
Goal / The student will prepare to participate in the following post-secondary option:
___ College ___Technical College ____ On-the-Job Training ____Other: (specify)______
as measured by participation in _____ of the following Transition Preparation Activities.
Transition Preparation Activity / Person(s)/Agency
Responsible / Date To Be Initiated / Date Completed/
Participate in high school general academic program and complete coursework for diploma selected
Participate in the followingpre-vocational activities/curriculum:
Participate in the followingcommunity based activities:
Participate in community basedvocational training worksites
Pass graduation tests/courses / Attach results:
Register and take college/tech collegeentrance testing/ apply for neededaccommodations
(SAT, ACT, ASSET, etc.)
Receive information regarding GED
Visit the career center _____ time(s) to review available options
Request psycho educational evaluation upon passing the GHSGT
Apply for financial aid, HOPE, FAFSA through
Visit ______colleges/technical colleges
Goal / The student will prepare to participate in the following adult employment situation:
____Competitive Employment ____ Supported Employment (Job Coach)
____ Day Supports/Day Habilitation ____ Volunteer Work ____ Other: (specify)______
as measured by participation in ______of the following Transition Preparation Activities.
Transition Preparation Activity / Person(s)/Agency
Responsible / Date To Be Initiated / Date Completed/Outcome
Complete courseworkin the following vocational area: / Attach results:
Complete Career Interest Inventories / Attach results:
Complete Career Assessments
Participate in the following employment readiness activities:
Participate in School Based Work Program
Participate in independent work experiencein the area of:
Schedule Vocational Rehabilitation Referral
Complete Vocational Evaluation (Voc. Rehab.)
Meet with the followingAdult Agencies:
Develop resume
Complete portfolio through the CBVT/CBI program
Obtain/arrange transportation for Work
Adult Daily Living (as appropriate)
Goal / The student will prepare for daily living as an adult by:
____preparing to live in one of the following environments:
____ Independent Living ____ Reside with Guardian/Family ____ Dependent Living;
____developing skills for self-advocacy;
____ identifying _____ community resources;
____ considering:
___ SSI ___ Wills and Trusts ___ Insurance Needs ___ Medical Plans ___ Medicaid Waivers
as measured by participation in ______of the following Transition Preparation Activities
Transition Preparation Activity / Person(s)/Agency
Responsible / Date Initiated / Date Completed/Outcome
Determine student’s needs/ways to increase independence
Obtain GA identification card or driver’s license (circle one)
Verbally express understanding of his/herdisability
Participate and provide input on IEP/ITP
State accommodations needed for post secondary school/ employment success
Make contacts with appropriateagencies/resources (list)
Develop awareness of government resources(list)
Develop awareness of community resources for recreation and leisure activities(list)
Complete necessary applications for Adult Agencies/SSI
Consider medical plans/options based onneed
Consider plans for wills and trusts
Personal/Social/Sexual Responsibilities (as appropriate)
IEPTransition Goal / The student will identify appropriate resources for personal, social, and or sexual development needs as measured by participation in ______of the following Transition Participation Activities
Transition Preparation Activity / Person(s)/Agency
Responsible / Date To Be Initiated / Date Completed/Outcome