ERM HouseholdAssessment Report
(Should be written and submitted ASAP after the completion of Rapid Need Assessment)
- General Information:
Assessment Location:
(Province/District/Village) / Multiple villages of center Gardez and Ahmad Aba, Paktya province.
Type of crises:
(Conflict/Nat. Disaster/Other) / Conflict induced IDPs.
Crisis Location:
(Province/District/Village) / Mostly insecure districts of Paktya and some neighboring provinces.
Assessment Team:
(Name of I/NGO in the assessment team) / PIN , IRC, CARE and DoRR
Crises date:
(date of displacement-Estimated) / July – December/2016
Date of Notification: / 08/ January-2017
Date of Assessment:
(starting date/ending date) / 09-22/ January - 2017
Affected Population:
(Total Caseload: IDP/CAT A/CAT B/Other) / HHs: / Families: / Inds:
145 / 145 / 989
Data collection method / Electronic / Hardcopy
- Assessment Finding and Recommendation in brief:
Due to ongoing armed conflict, military operations and high insecurity many families displaced from the place of origin to Gardez city, currently living with host communities and rented houses, extreme winter season is the main challenge for the IDPs one of the them is lack of job opportunity to find income and feed family members.
On date 08/January DoRR presented list of almost 500 families displaced from different insecure districts of Paktya and other neighboring provinces to Gardez city, Head of DoRR claimed these families displaced due to armed conflict and high insecurity from the place of origin, majority of the displaced population is from Paktya, Said Karam, Ahmad Khail, Zurmat and Jaji Aroub district, on date 09/January PIN, IRC, CARE and DoRR launched the assessment for the mentioned families in Gardez city and Ahmad Aba district, assessment was started from 09-22/January.2017, totally 500 families was assessment by the mentioned organizations and totally 145 families reported by assessment teams eligible and need for emergency assistance.
- 145 families of IDPs need for NFIs package (cash or In-kind).
- 145 families of IDPs need for Food (cash or in-kind).
- 145 families of IDPs need for winterization assistance (Cash or in-Kind)
- 11 families of IDPs are most vulnerable need for extra protection, cash for rent for 3 months are recommended.
- 3 families of IDPs with serious medical condition, cash for health is recommended.
Note: IRC has confirmed they will distribute cash for NFIs amount 6000 AFA for each family, CARE with distribute winterization package.
Food items are remaining as a gap.
- Sectorial Issues:
A)Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihood:
Gardez have extreme winter with less job opportunity, most of the IDPs families depend on daily wage, but they have less chance to find income and to feed family member and small children, lack of the job opportunity in this condition is the main challenge for the IDPs, inside IDPs families have breastfeeding women to take food and feed small children’s, food items left in the place of origin and currently reported with no stock.
Most of the families has borrowed the money from their relatives, and they relayed on less preferred and less expensive food and they reduced number of meal in a day, particularly they are using the mentioned coping strategies when they have problems meeting their food needs.
- 145 families of IDPs need for food items (Cash or in-kind).
138 / 62 / 121 / 121
- 145 families of IDPs need for NFIs package (Cash or In-kind).
Note: IRC has confirmed to distribute 6000 AFA for NFIs instead of Kits.
Majority of the IDPs families living with rented houses, while less number of the families living with host community, no any tension was reported between host community and IDPs families.
- 107 families living with rented houses.
- 38 families living with host community.
Assessment teams didn’t found any family living with Tents and open areas, thus shelter assistance is not required.
All the IDPs families have access to safe drinking water and it is enough for their household needs, main water sources are hand pump, dug well and pipe water, the water quality is good and acceptable for all families during assessment none of the IDPs families was complaining from water, families with rent houses most of them have water source hand pump inside the compound, while others living with host community bring water from neighbors, distance to the water source is 5mins as an average.
All IDPs practicing community latrine, family pit and family VIP latrine, assessment teams reported none of them practicing open defecation, the mentioned latrines have privacy, dignity and safety for all users.
- 82 families of IDPs practicing family pit latrine.
- 62 families of IDPs practicing family VIP latrine.
- 1 family of IDP practicing community latrine.
- No any recommendation is required for WASH.
- 21 Elderly headed HH.
- 23 female headed HH.
- 4More than 3 children’s under 5.
- 3 Physically disabled.
- 57 Breastfeeding women.
- 2 Pregnant women.
- 4 Chronically ill.
For the IPA assistance the following families are recommended which have 2 or more than 2 vulnerabilities and vulnerable than others.
- 11 families of IDPs most vulnerable, cash for rent for 3 months are recommended.
- 3 families of IDPs have serious medical condition, cash for health is recommended.
All IDPs families in Gardez city have access to medical facilities normally they are treating their patients in Gardez civil hospital, while other referring to the private medical clinics located in Gardez city, and have adequate health facilities and medicines
g) Education:
Across the 145 IDPs families currently 67 boys and 45 girls attending school, reasons or others children’s currently not attending school is lack of documentations, lack of fund, distance and children’s are small and not school aged.
ITEM / Unit / Price AFN /Unit / Change in price?(Yes/No/Increase since the displacement/Decreased)
Wheat Flour, White / Kg / 27 / No
Rice / Kg / 80 / No
Oil / Liter / 74 / No
Sugar / Kg / 59 / No
Salt / Kg (Package) / 13 / No
Mung Beans / Kg / 80 / No
(from the cash tool) / 8,000-AFA
i) Other:
- Urgent Priority needs of affected people (as per affected point of view)
Following are three prioritized needs, recommendations;
Priorities from the beneficiaries (in HHs)1st / 2nd / 3rd
Food / 117 / NFIs / 118 / Other (Cash for rent, debt and winterization) / 107
Other (Cash for rent, winterization and debt) / 14 / Food / 15 / Food / 14
NFIs / 13 / Other (Cash for rent and winterization) / 12 / NFIs / 13
Health / 1 / Shelter / 10
Health / 1
- 145 families of IDPs need for NFIs package (cash or In-kind).
- 145 families of IDPs need for Food (cash or in-kind).
- 145 families of IDPs need for winterization assistance (Cash or in-Kind)
- 11 families of IDPs are most vulnerable need for extra protection, cash for rent for 3 months are recommended.
- 3 families of IDPs with serious medical condition, cash for health is recommended.
Note: IRC confirmed to distribute 6000 AFA for NFIs for entire 145 families and CARE international is providing winterization kits for entire 145 families, WFP is not interested to provide food as they claimed was not part of the assessment, so food items are remaining as a gap.
No any challenges were report during the assessment, everything was well coordinated with DoRR, OCHA and with other organizations.
- Annexes
Completed data sheet including gender and aged based data is attached with this report.
Report written by: Sibghatullah Himat/ERM Team Leader-East
Date of writing:30/01/2017