Supplementary Table 1.Sigmoidoscopic assessment of Powell-Tuck Index

0 / 1 / 2
Sigmoidoscopic appearance / Non-hemorrhagic
(no bleeding spontaneously or on light touch) / Hemorrhagic
(bleeding on light touch but no spontaneous bleeding ahead of instrument) / Hemorrhagic
(spontaneous bleeding seen ahead of instrument at initial inspection with bleeding on light touch)

Supplementary Table 2.Endoscopic Findings of the Mayo Score

0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Findings of
flexible proctosigmoidoscopy / Normal or
Inactive disease / Mild disease
(erythema, decreased vascular pattern, mild friability) / Moderate disease
(marked erythema, absent vascular pattern, friability, erosions) / Severe disease
(spontaneous bleeding, ulceration)

Supplementary Table 3.Modified Baron Score

Scores / Description
0 / Normal, smooth, glistening mucosal with vascular pattern visible; not friable
1 / Granular mucosa; vascular pattern not visible; not friable; hyperemia
2 / As 1, with a friable mucosa but not spontaneously bleeding
3 / As 2, but mucosa spontaneously bleeding
4 / As 3, but clear ulceration; denuded mucosa

Supplementary Table 4.Rachmilewitz Endoscopic Activity Index

1 / Granulation scattering reflected light:
No / 0
Yes / 2
2 / Vascular pattern:
Normal / 0
Faded/disturbed / 1
Completely absent / 2
3 / Vulnerability of mucosa:
None / 0
Slightly increased (contact bleeding) / 2
Greatly increased (spontaneous bleeding) / 4
4 / Mucosal damage (mucus, fibrin, exudates, erosions, ulcer):
None / 0
Slight / 2
Pronounced / 4

The Endoscopic Activity Index from to 12 points

Supplementary Table 5.Hanauer’s sigmoidoscopic Index

0 (normal) / 1
(mild) / 2
(moderate) / 3
Disappearance of mucosal vascular pattern

The total scores for the Sigmoidoscopic Index range from 0 to 15 points.

Supplementary Table 6. A specialized medical record form at our inflammatory bowel diseases clinic.

Stool frequency (per day) / ① 0-2 ②3-4 ③5-6 ④7-9 ⑤over 10
Stool consistency / ① loose ②watery
Nocturnal diarrhea / ① None ②Yes
Gross hematochezia / ① 0% ②<50% ③≥50% ④100%
Mucus / ① None ②Yes
General status (P.G.A) / ① perfect ②very good ③good ④average ⑤poor ⑥terrible
Fever / ① None ②Yes
Abdominal pain / ① None ②mild ③moderate ④severe
Abdominal tenderness / ① None ②mild localized ③mild to moderate and diffuse ④severe or rebound
Intake of antidiarrheal agent / ① No ②Yes
Medication / □ 5-ASA □ Steroid □ AZA/6MP □ Anti-TNF agent
□ Other
Compliance of drug administration / ① good ②bad
Side effect of drug / ① None ②Yes
Extraintestinal symptoms / □ Eyes □ Skin □ Arthritis □ Oral □ Other ( )

Supplementary Table 7. Respective P-values for correlation comparisons between correlation coefficients of each endoscopic activity.

CRP / Powel-Tuck assessment / Endoscopic Index of Mayo Score / Modified Baron Score / Rachmilewitz Endoscopic Activity Index / Hanauer’s sigmoidoscopic Index
Powel-Tuck assessment / - / 0.046 / 0.001 / 0.009 / <.001
Endoscopic Index of Mayo Score / - / 0.001 / 0.040 / 0.177
Modified Baron Score / - / 0.611 / 0.017
Rachmilewitz Endoscopic Activity Index / - / 0.047
Hanauer’s sigmoidoscopic Index / -
ESR / Powel-Tuck assessment / Endoscopic Index of Mayo Score / Modified Baron Score / Rachmilewitz Endoscopic Activity Index / Hanauer’s sigmoidoscopic Index
Powel-Tuck assessment / - / 0.040 / 0.001 / <.001 / <.001
Endoscopic Index of Mayo Score / - / 0.686 / 0.003 / 0.008
Modified Baron Score / - / 0.047 / 0.043
Rachmilewitz Endoscopic Activity Index / - / 0.672
Hanauer’s sigmoidoscopic Index / -