• Progressive wiffleball is a variation of regular wiffleball, which is similar to softball and baseball.
  • Called PROGRESSIVE Wiffleball because the scoring is progressive, all players can score multiple points for the team and the points scored are added from day to day cumulating in ONE FINAL SCORE at the end of the week.
  • An inning consists of each team having a turn to be up to bat and score as many points as possible for their team. Each at bat consists of ALL team members having a chance to hit, run and score points before there side of the inning ends.
  • To SCORE points a player will HIT the ball off a TEE (cone) PLACE THE BAT INTO THE BASKET, and then run around the bases in proper order touching the TOP of each large cone to score points. Players will run as fast as possible to touch as many cones as possible within the time it takes the DEFENSE to complete the task of retrieving the ball and throwing it OVERHAND from player to player in the field and then BACK to the DESIGNATED PLAYER located on the STOP SPOT. Once the ball is in POSSESSION of the DP the team yells STOP to ending the scoring run of the hitter.
  • All players on the offensiveteam MUST hit, add points for total. EXTRA points will be awarded if runner is interfered with on the base path. Runner may NOT JUMP OVER the bat basket – 1 point will be subtracted.
  • Defensive team must remain SPREAD out in the playing field. They must throw the ball over hand from player to player.
  • Safety rules: do not swing the bat until checking to make sure no one is behind you, do not walk behind anyone getting ready to swing the bat, team waiting to hit must stand off to the side not behind the batter, fielding (defensive) team must stay out of the base path and not get in the runners way. Runners have the right of way. Bat MUST be placed in the basket, do not jump over cones or the basket, be aware of fielders to avoid any contact.