Tips for Event Promotion
As the hard-working leaders of the convention committee, you want as many Lions to attend the district convention as possible. Event promotion is one of the most important, and yet one of the most overlooked tasks for a convention. Promote the event early, often and creatively. Promotion encompasses the activities which sell the merit of the event and persuades Lions to attend.
What sells a convention?
The perceived value of the event must be more than the cost of registration.
- Location – a great venue will entice potential attendees to stay and enjoy the location beyond the event
- Great key-note speakers and presenters, including non-Lions speakers and performers
- Entertainers and music – highlight some of the fun that your attendees may have
- Signature service project – you may want to offer the Lions an opportunity that benefits the venue community; to build goodwill and raise awareness about the Lions missions
Use as many of the communication tools and opportunities available
Start with the previous convention
- The incoming Host Committee may want a booth
- Start with a Save the Date card during the previous convention
- Promote early registration and sponsorship opportunities
- Include a “ Save the date”for the next convention in theProgram Guide booklet
- Provide clear registration deadlines and offer an early-bird discount
- Offer a raffle prize for the early bird registrations completed at the previous convention
District Newsletter – electronicand print
- Prepare monthly “ads” or feature articles about the upcoming district convention
- Provide a hyperlink to the district convention page in each edition of the electronic version
- Keep the convention link live and updated at all times
- Feature highlights of the just-completed convention in the newsletter directly after the event to promote and announce the next convention
- Highlight how fun the last convention was and feature Lions who were recognized and honored
- Keep a “Save the Date” window up and visible in each issue; moveits location, to catch more eyes.
- Provide monthly articles regarding the upcoming convention:
- Feature storiesabout key-note speakers
- Feature other presenters including Lions
- Include photos of who is providing entertainment
- Feature a unique quality or history of the venue community
- Share a testimonial from a Lion who attended the previous year
- Group photo and interview of those serving on the committee – and provide information on how other Lions can become involved
- Interview past host club for testimonial about how much fun they had hosting
- Highlight a special convention event fundraiser and who will receive the proceeds
- Provide information of appropriate attire for each gathering/meal
- Highlight the Host Committee Club and their involvement in the convention
Social Media
- Use social media including Facebook and Twitter for announcements and promotion. Add a “like us” option
- Provide a poster-sized board that may be distributed to all of the clubs; great for those with a club house
- All printed convention information should go directly to each club secretary or club newsletter chairperson so that the club may assist in promoting the event
- Make use of the district contact list for a mailing to all members in the district
The District Website
Provide on the home page of the district website a highly visible link to a convention landing page. Make it EASY to find the link. There should always be updated information on that page regarding the convention. Start with basic information and build.
- Provide a “Save the Date”announcement early; it allows potential participants to prioritize the convention on their calendars
- Provide a hyperlink to online registration and travel information (maps) to the venue
- Promote the special speakers – have photos, biographies and short description of their presentation
- Make use of any standard pieces that speakers have ready for promotional purposes, including photos and biographies
- Provide a promotion description of eachspecial break-out session
- Provide an electronic version of the printed program
- Provide promotional material to all zone chairpersonsand keep it on the District Governor’s Advisory Board Agenda
- Registration form should be ready early and if possible, create tools to register online, or provide a computer-writable form
- Set up PayPal for online registrations
- Hyperlink to the area chamber of commerce and convention and visitors bureau
- Highlight local celebrity speakers and presenters
- Excite the Lions about becoming involved in a convention service project
- Announce activities for Leo’s
- Provide phone numbers and hyperlink email addresses to key contact people in charge of events (golf outing)
- Provide a Schedule of Events as soon as it is finalized
- Provide information on pricing - individually priced events and full-registration price
Club websites
Any information contained on the district website may be provided to club webmasters to double the electronic outreach efforts.
Individual Member Electronic communications
Make use of the district membership email list to email an invitation to each individual Lion
DA CNV TEP 06.06.14