Republic of the Philippines)

City of ______) S.S.


I, Raissa Katrina Marie G. Ballesteros, of legal age, Filipino, and with office address at Room 203 JGS Building, Scout Tuazon St., Bgy Laging Handa, Quezon City, after having been duly sworn, hereby state as follows:

  1. I am the duly elected and qualified Corporate Secretary of The Philippine Foundation of Ang Lingkod Ng Panginoon, Inc. - National (hereinafter, the “Corporation”), a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.
  1. At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Corporation held on 19 March 2011, where a quorum was present and subsisting, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, to wit:

Resolution No. 12-01

“RESOLVED, that Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company (hereinafter called “Metrobank”) be and is hereby designated a depository of the funds/monies of The Philippine Foundation of Ang Lingkod ng Panginoon Inc. - Greenhills branch (hereinafter the Corporation) and that the Corporation be, and is hereby, authorized to open savings, time, current and/or trust account with Metrobank Head Office and/or any of its branches;

RESOLVED FURTHER, that any two (2) of the following be authorized (i) to sign, execute and/or deliver any and all documents in connection with the opening of the account(s); (ii) to withdraw the funds/monies of the Corporation by checks, receipts, drafts, bills of exchange, withdrawal slips, orders for payment or otherwise; and (iii) to sign, endorse, draw, accept, make, execute and/or deliver, for negotiation, payment, deposit or collection, checks, receipts, drafts, bills of exchange, orders for payment and/or other similar instruments in connection with the account(s):

1.Leo Marconi Carillo______

2. Maria Virginia C. Estacio______

3. Kris Ewican______

4. Christine Llanes______

5. Heinrich Martinez______

6. Maria Regina Abrera______

7. Maria Sabrina Rodriquez______

RESOLVED FURTHERMORE, that Metrobank, its directors, officers, employees, agents or authorized representatives are each entitled and authorized to rely on these instructions as valid, binding and effective upon the Corporation and that Metrobank, its directors, officers, employees, agents or authorized representative shall not be liable for any act done or suffered by them in reliance of and upon faithful compliance with the above instructions, it being understood that any and all risks and costs arising from the above instructions shall be for Corporation’s sole and exclusive account;

RESOLVED FINALLY, that all things/ acts done and documents execute and entered into by the aforementioned signatories pursuant to and in accordance with the foregoing authorities are hereby confirmed, affirmed and ratified. Likewise, all things/ acts done and documents executed and entered into prior to this Resolution are hereby affirmed, confirmed and ratified .”

  1. The Corporation has a Board of Trustees composed of seven (7) members and the following are the current members of the Board of Trustees elected in the annual meeting of the members held last 14 September 2011:

Board of Trustees:

  1. Eduardo Mendoza
  2. Gregorio T Viterbo Jr
  3. Jerome Orbe
  4. Roy Anthony Luna
  5. Dulce Alimbuyuguen
  6. Ma Lourdes Sitaca
  7. Riza Carasig
  1. The principal officers of the Corporation elected in the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Trustees held on 14 September 2011 are as follows:


  1. Eduardo Mendoza – Chairman/ President
  2. Gregorio T Viterbo – Vice-President
  3. Raymund Gerard Samson – National Director
  4. Dulce Alimbuyuguen – Treasurer
  5. Raissa Katrina Marie G Ballesteros – Corporate Secretary


  1. The foregoing information is in accordance with the records of the Corporation and Securities and Exchange Commission;
  1. The above resolutions are valid, binding and subsisting and shall continue to be the valid, binding and subsisting instruction of the Corporation such that Metrobank, its directors, officers, employees, agents or authorized representatives have the right to rely upon said Resolutions until and unless Metrobank has received original copy of subsequent Secretary’s Certificate or Board Resolution expressly superseding/ invalidating the above-referred Resolutions.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ___th day of March 2012 at ______.

Raissa Katrina Marie G Ballesteros

Corporate Secretary

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ______day of ______at ______, affiant exhibiting to me her Philippine Passport No. XX3129267 issued in Manila on 03 March 2009.

Doc. No.______;

Page No.______;

Book No.______;

Series of 2010.