Tuckton Roundabout safety improvements to commence March 2018

Works to improve Tuckton Roundabout for all road users are to commence from 05th March 2018.

Following a number of live trials and public consultation on proposed changes to Tuckton Roundabout, the Council is to start construction works at Tuckton roundabout that is intended to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians whilst ensuring the impact on traffic flow is kept to a minimum.

Currently Tuckton roundabout has a poor safety record, very limited facilities for pedestrians and no cycle facilities. In addition to this, nearby loading facilities outside the Tesco Express store cause congestion for motorists and bus services.

Key improvements as part of the plans include:

  • Four new raised parallel crossings with central islands, for pedestrians and cyclists to improve safety and accessibility. The improved crossings will be provided on the four arms of the roundabout and will provide a much-needed link to the Stour Valley Way cycleway.
  • A shared footway/cycleway adjacent to the roundabout. Cyclists will be able to cycle around the roundabout avoiding interaction with general traffic and directly access the new and improved raised parallel crossings. These measures will ensure that cyclists can negotiate the roundabout separated from general traffic, which will greatly improve safety and accessibility.
  • Lane designation markings will be installed on all four approaches to the roundabout and on the roundabout. This will help ensure traffic approaches and drives around the roundabout in the correct lane.
  • Resolve the ongoing congestion outside Tesco Express by widening the road, relocating the current loading bays and installing no-loading parking restrictions.
  • Prohibit traffic from turning right into and out of the Harvester Public House at Tuckton Bridge.

It is anticipated the works will take approximately 6-7 months to complete. There will be a break in the works over the summer period in late July and throughout August.

During the construction period road closures are planned as follows:

  • Wick Lane – for 6 weeks from 05th March 2018
  • Belle Vue/Stour Road/Tuckton Bridge (between Tuckton Roundabout and Willow Way) – for 2 weeks from 30th March 2018.
  • Belle Vue Road (South) – for 6 weeks from 14th May 2018.
  • Tuckton Road – for 4 weeks from 18th June 2018.

Alternative routes will be signed and advance notice communicated regarding any changes to the proposed road closures.

Footways and access to surrounding properties will be maintained if possible throughout the construction period