1.1 Symbol

–explain how symbols work and how they relateto human experience

–name three different types of symbols, giving anexample of each

–show how the ability to create symbols is adefining characteristic of being human

–show, with an example from each, the power ofsymbols in contemporary secular society and incontemporary religion.

1.2 Ritual

–explain the meaning of “ritual”

–name two different types of ritual, giving anexample of each

–differentiate between personal and collectivemeanings of ritual

explain “ritualism” and give one positive and one negative feature of ritualism

give an example of religious ritual in contemporary culture and explain its significance for those who participate

give an example of a secular ritual in contemporary culture and explain its significance for those who participate.

1.3 Sacrament

–explain “sacrament” and its relationship to ritual and symbol

–in the case of two Christian denominations explain the meaning of sacrament for followers

• explain the function of the symbols used in eachsacrament/sacramental celebration.


2.1 The need for reflection

–explain why reflection is important in humanlife, and give three reasons why it can beparticularly important in the life of a youngperson

–explain what is meant by the term “religiousexperience”

–describe the characteristics of religiousexperience.

2.2 The human being as pray-er

–present an example of people at prayer whichshows

– the religious tradition with which the prayeris associated

– the culture with which the prayer isassociated

– the relationship between the prayer and life

–describe, using evidence from two religious traditions, the importance of prayer in arelationship with God/the transcendent

–explain what is meant by “worship”

–describe the importance of the experience ofawe for participation in worship.

2.3 Contexts for prayer

–give two examples – from different religioustraditions - of a sacred space, and list thefeatures that identify the space as sacred

–give two examples – from different religioustraditions- of a sacred time, and list thefeatures that identify the time as sacred

–explain the differences between private andcommunal forms of prayer.

2.4 The praying tradition

–give an example of formal prayer from theChristian traditions and in each case

– explain when this prayer is usually used

– explain how the prayer originated anddeveloped

– select a formal prayer from either theBuddhist, Judaic, Hindu or Islamic traditionand compare and contrast it with theChristian prayer.


3.1 Meditation

–explain the term “meditation” and give anaccount of the significance of meditation in theprayer and worship of two major religioustraditions

–in the case of meditation with mantra andmeditation with sacred text:

– explain the origins of the particular form

– explain how it is used in contemporaryprayer

compare and contrast the Buddhist and Christian traditions of meditation.

3.2 The contemplative traditions

–for one contemplative tradition

– give an account of the origin of thetradition

– explain how it has developed into itscontemporary form

–explain the terms “hermitage”, “poustinia”,“pilgrimage”and “retreat” and for two of these

– explain the origins of the tradition

– name one example and describe itssignificance

– discuss why this particular tradition continuesto have popular appeal.

3.3 The mystictradition

–explain the term “mystic”

give the characteristics associated with the mystical traditions

give a brief account of the life of two mysticsand their particular contribution to the mysticaltradition.