BOARD Bryce Boyer, Vice-Chair

Jeff Luck, Supervisor

Josh Troxell, Supervisor

Walt Wise, Supervisor

STAFF Doug Erickson, Township Manager

Kim Wyatt, Finance Director

Brent Brubaker, Township Engineer

Pat Hubert, Assistant Township Engineer

John Petrick, Chief of Police

Betsy Dupuis, Solicitor

Joe Price, Senior Planner

Susan Wheeler

ABSENT Elliot Abrams, Chair

AUDIENCE CNET 3 Volunteers

Matt Harlow, ELA Group, Inc

William Shuey

William Tressler

A. Scott Fogelsanger

Larry Orkus

Reed McCormick

Roy W. Beck

Brian B. Witmer

Arnold Doden

Brian Dempsey, CRBC

Duff Gold

Jim May, CRPA

Paul Silvis

Deb Johnson

Lisa Ashcraft

B. Perry and Jacque Babb

Bob Donaldson


The March 23, 2011 Patton Township Board of Supervisors meeting held at the Township Municipal Building was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mr. Boyer, Vice Chairman.


Mr. Troxell moved to approve the minutes of the March 9, 2011 meeting. Seconded by Mr. Luck, the motion passed 4-0.


Mr. Brian Dempsey, a representative from the Centre Region Bicycle Coalition, addressed the Board regarding Bicycle Awareness Month in May and gaining Bicycle-Friendly Community status for the Centre Region.

Mr. Luck moved to approve the resolution, seconded by Mr. Troxell, motion passed 4-0.


a. Police Update

Chief Petrick stated that in the February 2011 Public Safety Report it shows there were 22 thefts in which 20 of those were retail theft.


a. Planning Commission Report

Commission member Jeff Kokoskie was not present to give a report on the activities of the Planning Commission.

b. Master Plan and Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan: Bernel Road Park:

Mr. Erickson informed the Board that Patton Township owns Parcel #18-02-030A, located at 2501 Bernel Road upon which the future Bernel Road Park will be constructed. In 1991, the land was purchased by the Township as parkland to satisfy the Township’s need for two “community parks”. (The other park was established as Circleville Park.) The tract lies entirely within the residential area of the Planned Airport District (PAD).

Mr. Harlow stated that the Master and Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan proposes development over two phases. Upon completion of both phases, the park will consist of the following facilities: baseball field (1), softball field (1), multi-purpose fields (2), tennis courts (6), 9-hole disc golf course, interconnected walking/ training trails, playground (airport-themed), paved labyrinth and pavilions (4). Access to the site will be provided by way of a drive intersecting with Bernel Road, which will require a Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PADOT), meeting PADOT requirements for sight distance and usage. A total of 201 parking spaces will be installed in two separate parking fields. The parking allotment is based upon “Basic Park Design Information”, prepared by PA DCNR, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation; and research of other similar uses. The plan meets the limits for maximum allowable impervious coverage of 50% (7% proposed) and maximum structural coverage of 20% (<1% proposed). Stormwater will be directed to above-ground detention ponds. There are no water or sanitary sewer utilities proposed as part of the plan and the proposed landscaping exceeds the code requirements for this land use.

Mr. Erickson stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval with completion of all items noted on staff’s marked up comment letter.

Mr. Wise moved to approve the master plan and preliminary /final land development plan for Bernel Road Park. Seconded by Mr. Luck, the motion passed 4-0.

c.  Ridge Overlay Zoning in Ferguson and Harris Townships

Mr. Boyer reminded the Board that in December the Board directed staff to provide a summary of the Ridge Overlay Districts enacted by Ferguson and Harris Townships and a comparison to the proposal reviewed and rejected by the Patton Township Planning Commission last year.

Mr. Price stated that this initially proposed item was opposed by most Township residents owning property in the proposed overlay district area and following

5. PLANNING & ZONING (cont’d)

c. Ridge Overlay Zoning in Ferguson and Harris Townships (cont’d)

discussions at the Planning Commission, it was recommended that only those items dealing with pyritic rock be advanced and that development of those regulations is ongoing with assistance from local experts in the field. He stated that the regulations are similar to Harris and Ferguson Townships but with the key factor being steep slopes and unstable soils.

Mr. Luck asked when the Harris and Ferguson Township adopted their regulations. Mr. Erickson stated within the last three years.

Mr. Erickson stated that the underlying zoning district in Patton Township is A1 and primarily developed under the rural preservation design standards where the density is defined by where there are suitable septic sites.

Mr. Luck asked Ms. Dupuis about the pyritic rock problem effecting drinking wells and what would the liability be. Ms. Dupuis stated that the government entities do not have liability in these issues.

Mr. Silvis distributed a letter that was sent to the Planning Commission in August that went through all the regulations of the ordinance. He stated that the property owners were unanimously against the ordinance and felt there was a significant difference between them and Harris and Ferguson Township due to the fact that a lot of Harris and Ferguson Township land is state forest land.

Mr. Price stated that this ordinance was to only be used as a parameter on how to create the overlay district.

Mr. Wise suggested that the ordinance goes back to Planning Commission.

Mr. Luck stated that the ordinance should pursue the pyritic rock issues.

Mr. Boyer stated that it is not safe for homes to be built on the mountainside. Mr. Wise stated that it would be difficult for fire trucks to access the homes.

Mr. Erickson suggested a work session so that the public can voice their opinion then bringing it back to the Board for endorsement before giving it to the Planning Commission.

Mr. Donaldson stated that Spring Creek Watershed Committee believe that protecting the watershed is highest of priority.

Mr. Witmer stated that he does not think it is fair to compare what Patton Township does to Ferguson or Harris Township due to the fact he did not vote for their Board members.


a. Resolutions to be Forwarded to County Association and Pennsylvania State

Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS)

Mr. Erickson introduce the matter by noting that the membership of PSATS considers and votes on proposed resolutions at the annual convention in April. These resolutions provide direction to the Association in developing policy and advancing or opposing legislation.

Mr. Wise and Mr. Boyer both agreed to see if PSATS would support a proposal that would permit municipalities to make the sprinkler system mandatory for new one and two family home construction.

Mr. Troxell suggested a proposal that prohibits insurance companies from dropping auto coverage for volunteer emergency responders.

Mr. Erickson stated that he would prepare the documents.


Mr. Erickson noted the items included below are routine in nature and it is not anticipated that any will generate discussion or questions. The actual Consent Agenda with a brief description of each item is included with the agenda packet materials distributed to the Board and will also be available to the public at the sign-in table. At the request of a Board member any single item or all items on the Consent Agenda can be discussed and voted on separately. If no items are “pulled,” the Board should consider a motion for “approval of the Consent Agenda items as shown on the agenda.”

a.  Administration

1) Pension Resolution – Asset Smoothing

Pension Resolution - Asset Smoothing for recovery from the 2008 drop in stock market.

It is recommended that the Board approve the Pension Resolution.

2) Voucher Report

A copy of the February 2011 Voucher Report is enclosed. Board members having questions should contact the Township office prior to the meeting so the necessary information can be obtained.

It is recommended that the Board approve the February 2011 Voucher Report.

Mr. Luck moved to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Mr. Troxell, motion passed 4-0.


Mr. Erickson informed the Board that enclosed with the packets was a development update.


Mr. Luck informed the Board that MPO met yesterday in which they discussed the Circleville bike path and it is on the list to be funded in 2013 and 2014. Mr. Erickson stated that we will fund the design and they will fund 100% of construction.

Mr. Wise informed the Board that at the Finance Committee met and discussed bank loans for regional parks and may look into a bond sale if the loan does not come back with good terms. He stated that the committee has a draft of the capital improvement program.


There was no other business brought before the Board.


There being no further business, by Mr. Luck’s motion and Mr. Troxell’s second, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.


Douglas J. Erickson, Township Secretary