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Rules during course

  • Person who organised the camp stay responsible for overall discipline of his/her group.YOU ALSO SLEEP WITH GROUP. Except with prior arrangements.
  • All campersare here at own risk. Indemnity forms!!
  • All activities are on own risk. Indemnity forms!!
  • Respect neighbours, nobody near houses, sawmill or sawmill office.
  • Consider neighbours during night hikes/activities, when passing houses.
  • No person is allowed to leave the campsite without prior approval from their camp leaders.
  • No Alcohol or Drugs.
  • No smoking.
  • No swearing or fighting.
  • No weapons on campsite.
  • No loud music. If you bring instruments - no music after - 11Pm. – STICTLY!!!
  • Nobody in kitchen without permission.
  • No boys in girl’s bathroom and no girls in boy’s bathroom.
  • Maintain good manners.
  • All persons need to attend breakfast, lunch supper times.
  • Keep campsite, tents, bathrooms, toilets etc. neat and clean at all times. This is the responsibility of the church/school or organization who organized the camp. Camp will be stop to be cleaned if necessary.
  • Throw all papers, fruit peels etc. in garbage bins.
  • Everybody should respond on notice (whistle) immediately.
  • No loud noise after 11pm.
  • No damage of infrastructure or nature.
  • Fire only allowed in designated places.
  • No talking while leaders are talking to group.
  • No cellphones.
  • Don’t bring along any valuable items to the campsite.


  • Nomatches or playing around with toothpaste, shaving cream or something like that allowed in tents. Any damage to infrastructures, tents, or furniture will be claimed from person or organisation who booked the camp.
  • No papers or food under themattresses.
  • No mattresses outside tent or on ground. Any damage to mattresses will be claimed from person or organisation.
  • No writing on beds, tents or buildings.
  • Tents should always be closed if group is not around.


  • Be alert for snakes and spiders. Don’t walk through bushes or look under rocks.
  • Three warnings are given. If anybody doesn’tadhere, he/she has to leave the campsite immediately. In that way nobody will be allowed to spoil the camp for someone else.
  • If we find or suspect alcohol or drugs are used on camp, the police will just be called in to investigate, without prior warning to the person or organization.
  • Forest Fire Danger will be explained on arrival.