The Franklin County Agricultural Society: Hilliard, Ohio


Date:Saturday, July 25Buyers’ Breakfast – Jr Fair Activities Tent 9:00 AM – 11:00AM

Sale Begins: 11:00 AM in Burke Bldg

1. Sale Management:This sale is under the direction of a committee of any interested individuals, under the guidance of the Franklin County Agricultural Society.The committee meets monthly,January through June.

2. Committee Officers: Co-Chairperson-Denise Buergel, Co-Chairperson–Paden Brobst, Co-Treasurer–Rachel Bausch, Co-Treasurer– Denise Buergel, Secretary–Tina Hickman.

Sale Managers: Beef–Rachel Bausch & Paden Brobst, Swine–Gus Kessler,Paden BrobstDenise Buergel

Sheep–Dave BerkPaden Brobst, Goats–Tina Hickman DeniseBuergel

Rabbits–Rachel Bausch & Denise Buergel, Poultry–Tina HickmanDenise Buergel

Facilities–Brian Luebben, Photos–Carrie Parker, Sale Bill–Denise Kieffer, Advertisements–Denise Kieffer

3. Sale Committee Purpose: The purpose of the Junior Fair Livestock Sale is to provide a market for Junior Fair exhibitors' market animal projects.

4. Animal Eligibility for Sale: Only those animals exhibited by Junior Fair exhibitors in the market classes of swine, sheep, beef cattle, rabbits, goats or poultry at the Franklin County Junior Fair may be sold in this sale. Each Junior Fair exhibitor with eligible animals is invited to consign.

5. Sale Commission: A commission will be charged to all Junior Fair livestock consignors. This commission fee will be used by the Junior Fair Livestock Sale Committee to cover sale management costs. The commission charge will be as follows:ALL CONSIGNORS-7% of selling price and add on amounts.

6. Premium Sale: Junior Fair exhibitors consigning animals to Franklin County Junior Fair Livestock Sale will have their animals sold on a premium basis. This means the buyer bids in dollars of premium they will pay an exhibitor over the market value for that animal. The bid is an exact dollar amount in excess of the market value (i.e. $200, $300, etc.)rather than a dollar per pound bid. The premium bid assumes that the animal is resold for market value. Therefore, if the buyer wants to take the animal home or have it processed, the buyer would have to pay the market value in addition to the premium bid. Exhibitors will receive the entire value of the animal sold - market value plus premium bid minus commission and check-off. Questions regarding the premium sale process should be directed to Denise Buergel at 614-519-7628 or email to . Please allow up to 48 hours for an email response.

7. Market Value: Market value will be figured using the bid price obtained by the Livestock Sale Committee and the weights taken Saturday, July 18 at the following times:Market Hogs 9:00AM; Market Lambs and Goats 1:00-2:00 PM; Market Rabbits 2:00-2:30 PM: Market Poultry 2:45-3:30 PM; Market Beef and Market Dairy Beef 4:00-5:00 PM.

8. Sale Order: As determined by the sale committee the order of the animals selling shall be rotated each year. The order for 2015 is Goats / Swine / Beef / Poultry / Sheep / Rabbits. The Goat, Swine and Sheep pens will sell after all individual animals.

9. Exhibitors' Responsibility: No livestock will be sold unless accompanied to the ring by the owner or his/her pre-authorized Junior Fair representative.It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to submit a letter to the Livestock Sale Committee by Friday at Noon, to designate your replacement person for the livestock sale. It is the Exhibitors' responsibility to be in their place in the sale order line up. If the exhibitor is not in their place by their turn to sell, they automatically go to the end of the sale order for that species.

10. Sale Pictures:

If you are unable to attend the photo sessions listed below: exhibitors can provide their own photo to a sale committee member or email the photo to the sale committee: by Friday at 10AM.

If an acceptable picture is not available by Friday July 24 at Noon, the animal will not sell.

� Market Beef and Dairy Beef: Saturday, July 18, 4:00-5:00 PM (BEFORE going to weigh-in)

�Market Hogs: Tuesday, July 21, 10:00-Noon

� Market Lambs: Saturday, July 18, 1:00-2:00 PM (BEFORE going to weigh-in)

� Market Goats: Saturday, July 18, 1:00-2:00 PM (BEFORE going to weigh-in)

� Market Rabbits: Saturday, July 18, 2:00-2:30 PM (BEFORE going to weigh-in)

� Market Poultry:Saturday, July 18, 2:45-3:30 PM (BEFORE going to weigh-in)

11. Pen Photo's: Individual Swine exhibitors, who are assigned to a pen in the sale order, will have a group photo of that pen taken during the individual photos. Market Goat and Sheep exhibitors assigned to pens will have those pictures taken later in the week after the sale orderis determined.

12. Mandatory Thank You Notes: All exhibitors are required to provide the Sale Committee with a thank you note for all buyers before checks will be issued. A Thank you table will be available by the Burke office for the exhibitor to complete their Thank You cards. Thank you cards should not be sealed and include the buyers name, the exhibitors name and sale number on the front of the envelope.

13. Display of Champions: Following each species' shows the Grand Champion and Reserve Champion shall be placed in the Row of Champions as designated by the Sale Committee. If the Row of Champion pens are not available, the Champion signs will be hung by the champion animal.

14. Sale Checks: Checks will be issued no sooner than 15 days after the sale assuming the payment has been received from the buyer.

15. Eligible Goats, Hogs and Sheep for the Livestock Sale:

� Individual Grand and Reserve Champions will sell first for every species

�The show judge’s placing will determine the sale order.

�Each exhibitor will be limited to one animal per species in the sale order.A Grand or Reserve Champion animal counts as the exhibitor's one animal to sell per species. If an exhibitor wins both Grand and Reserve Champion in the same species, they are permitted to sell both animals.

�Exhibitors club and geographic location of exhibitors will be used as the criteria for grouping animals into pens.

� Withdrawal procedures are in effect.

16. Eligible Beef for the Livestock Sale:

� All beef (steers, heifers and feeders) will be sold in the sale.

� Individual Grand and Reserve Champions will sell first for every species.

�The show judge’s placing will determine the sale order.

� Withdrawal procedures are in effect.

17. Eligible Rabbits for the Livestock Sale:

� The Champion and Reserve Champion individual and Pen of Three Market Rabbits will be sold in the sale. Pen champions must have three animals in them in order to sell.

�The show judge’s placing will determine the sale order.

�Each exhibitor will be limited to one animal per species in the sale order.A Grand or Reserve Champion animal counts as the exhibitor's one animal to sell per species. If an exhibitor wins both Grand and Reserve Champion in the same species, they are permitted to sell both animals.

�Those exhibitors who are not Grand and Reserve Champion will have the opportunity to sell one market project which will be determined by the individual.Exhibitorsmust contact a sale committee member as to which market project they wish to sell, if no contact is received, that individual will not sell their animal(s).

18. Eligible Poultry for the Livestock Sale:

� Grand and Reserve Champion individual will sell first for every species

�The show judge’s placing will determine the sale order.

�Each exhibitor will be limited to one animal per species in the sale order. (A Grand or Reserve Champion animal counts as the exhibitor's one animal to sell per species unless they have multiple Grand and Reserve winnings within the species (ducks, geese, turkeys, roasters, and broilers) in which they can sell all Grand and Reserve animals.

�Those exhibitors who are not Grand and Reserve Champion will have the opportunity to sell one market project, this will be determined by the individual. . Exhibitors must contact a sale committee member as to which market project they wish to sell, if no contact is received, that individual will not sell their animal(s).

19.Withdrawals from the Livestock Sale: All market animals will be sold in the Junior Fair Livestock Sale unless withdrawn in writing to a Sale Committee member by 10:00 AM the day following that species’ show. Forms are available outside the Junior Fair Office and must be signed by the parent or advisor and the Sale Committee Manager, Chairpersons, Secretary or Treasurer.CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPIONS FROM EACH SPECIES MAY NOT BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE SALE. If you withdrawal your individual animal from the sale, your next highest ranking animal will become your individual animal and be placed at the bottom of the sale order for that species.

20. Exhibitors Responsibility until Sale Animals Leave the Fairgrounds: All animals sold remain the responsibility of the exhibitors until called for by the buyer or his/her representative.

21. Animals Given Back to the Exhibitor by the Buyer: The exhibitor is responsible to make arrangements to have the animal removed from the fairgrounds or make arrangements with the sale office to have the animal loaded on the truck for the stockyard.

22.Processing of Champions:All Grand Champions and Reserve Champions for Market Hogs, Sheep, Goat and Steer/heifer must go to a processor at the site and time designated by the Sale Committee. The buyers of these animals have no other option but to send the animals to be processed. The Ohio Department of Agriculture will be notified and be available for meat inspection. It is the buyers' responsibility to find a purchaser of the meat if the buyer does not want the meat.

23. Exhibitor's Responsibility if an Acceptable Packer Bid cannot be Obtained for a Species: In the event that a packer buyer is not acquired for a market animal species by the Junior Fair Livestock Sale Committee, the member will be responsible to market their own animal and would receive only the premium bid for their eligible market project(s) minus the sale commission fee. This premium bid is the amount the Junior Fair Livestock Sale buyer bids as a premium to the exhibitor without the market value of the animal. As an example: A buyer bids $100.00. The member receives $93.00 ($100.00 -$7.00 sale commission). The member would then be responsible for removing the animal from the fairgrounds at the release time and taking the animal home or to market. This would happen only if an acceptable packer could not be acquired.

24. Weigh-In Guidelines: Only the Weigh Master and Sale Committee members will be allowed behind scales during weigh ins. NO re-weighs unless due to equipment malfunction. Poultry and Rabbit exhibitors must declare their pens before they come to the official scales for weigh in. An unofficial scale will be available for exhibitors.

25. Drug Use Notification Forms: Drug Use Notification Forms are required for all Market Steers, Hogs, Lambs, Goats, and Poultry. Drug Use Notification Forms must be turned in by 7:00 PM, the first Saturday of the fair. If animals are treated, a new form must be submitted ASAP to a Sale Committee member. The Sale Committee can disallow an exhibitor from showing if the Drug Use Notification Form is incomplete. Champions and Reserve Champions for Beef (Steers/Heifers), Swine, Lambs, and Goats must complete a new form when urine/hair samples are taken. In the event of a positive result from ODA drug testing, it is the owner’s responsibility to find a suitable location to hold the animal until ODA releases the animal. It is also the owner’s responsibility to notify the Sale Committee of the location where the animal is being held. Poultry exhibitors can list two birds (pen) on one form. Rabbits, Beef Feeders, and Dairy Beef Feeders are not required to complete Drug User Notification Forms.

26. Country of Origin Labeling Affidavit (COOL): This form is required for all Market Beef (this includes Steers, Heifers, Dairy Beef Feeders and Beef Feeders), Market Swine, Market Sheep, Market Goats and Poultry. Forms must be turned in by 7:00 PM, the first Saturday of the fair.

27. Treated Animals: Any animal treated and has a withdrawal period ending after Sunday July 26, cannot sell their animal through the Livestock Sale. If the exhibitor has another animal in a pen, that animal will replace the animal that was treated will be placed at the bottom of the sale order. It is the exhibitor's responsibility to remove the treated animal from the fairgrounds. See Junior Fair book for animal release time.

28. Sale Committee Executive members have final decision.

29. Sale Order Postings / Notification of Errors: Sale order will be posted no later than four hours after sale withdrawal time ends. Youth or parents have until 9:00 AM, Friday, July 24 to let the Sale Committee know of any sale order errors.