Minutes of 10/9/2016 Meeting

Recorded by Nathan Tramel

The meeting was called to order at 7:14 pm by Grand Knight Cesar Martinez. The rosary was led by Chuck prior to the meeting.

Officers Present: (P – present, A – absent)

Chaplain / A / Financial Secretary / P / Inside Guard / P
Grand Knight / P / Treasurer / P / Outside Guard / P
Deputy Grand Knight / P / Lecturer / A / Trustee (3rd Year) / P
Chancellor / P / Advocate / P / Trustee (2nd Year) / A
Recorder / P / Warden / P / Trustee (1st Year) / A

Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting was moved by Jesse and seconded by Chuck. The motion passed unanimously.

Grand Knight’s Report:

  • Columbiettes Taco Dinner
  • October 22nd after evening Mass, looking for help from the Knights
  • Already have over $100 in ticket sales
  • We have 4 seats at our table available for the parish auction
  • Jesse also has 2 tickets up for grabs
  • Veteran’s Center update
  • Bill has currently taken and run with it, but Jesse will assist.
  • Thank-you card from the veterans for what we’ve been doing for them.
  • Next dinner will be October 19th
  • Next week is Church Recruitment drive (weekend of the 16th)
  • Please help man the recruitment table after all Masses next weekend!
  • Cesar is asking Father if we can use regalia

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Council Checking: $4,605 (previously $4,928)
  • Corporate Account: $13,119 (previously $15,513)
  • Multifinancial: $227,306 (previously $233,120)

Financial Secretary’s Report:

Membership Report:

Associate / 63 / Honorary / 5
Insurance / 50 / Honorary Life / 13
Inactive / 8 / Disabled / 3
TOTAL / 121

Deputy Grand Knight’s Report:

  • Security cameras were installed this past month for security
  • There’s apparently a lot of activity in our parking lots overnight, which has been resolved with help from the Gladstone PD
  • Thanks to:
  • Tony for taking over as full-time Knights cook for events
  • Steven for being the full-time Columbiettes cook for meetings
  • October 12th (this Wednesday) will see Bishop Johnston hosting a Mass for the Knights and our families at 7pm.
  • ATM update
  • We’ve made 258 transactions since August 5th

Service Committee Reports:

  • Membership
  • Will be calling a veteran tomorrow
  • Church
  • Next pancake breakfast is October 30th
  • Will save costs by using what we have at Hall, as well as serving ham and biscuits and gravy
  • Please come help when you’re able; need some more help since we’re up in the gym and will be serving after both 8am and 11am Masses.
  • Program
  • No report
  • Community
  • No report
  • Respect Life
  • No report
  • Retention
  • No report
  • Youth
  • Trunk-or-treat on October 28th at the school
  • Need volunteers for a couple cars to decorate trunks and hand out candy
  • Building
  • Got the gathering room painted with a fresh coat
  • Installed door between kitchen and the bar
  • Donations
  • No report
  • 4th Degree
  • Assembly is holding the Memorial Mass on November 10th at 7pm
  • Next meeting of general assembly is at St. Therese, with rosary at 7:15 and meeting at 7:30

Old Business:

  • In order to save time in Council meetings and keep management for Knights events and Hall management as separate entities for Supreme, we have moved all financial aspects of Hall management to Father HA Incorporated. The monthly Council meetings will still handle our charity events and any other business to be handled by the Knights.
  • Because this has been established, the previous motion for $30,000 in building renovations has been deferred to the exec committee for the incorporation.

New Business:

  • Tootsie Roll Drive
  • October 21-23rd
  • Shifts from 8am to 6pm on Friday, October 21st and Saturday, October 22nd at the Riverside Corner Café
  • Also handing out candy at all weekend Masses
  • Contact Nathan Tramel for any questions
  • Chili Cookoff
  • February 11th will be the next event
  • No t-shirts this year
  • $10 entry fees

District Deputy’s Report:

  • Keep promoting “Building the Domestic Church”
  • Last Sunday in Occtober is a 5th Sunday, so stay visible in the parish by leading a Rosary, sitting together at Mass, etc.
  • If the Council is engaged in any feature programs (essay contest, soccer/freethrow tournament, poster contest, etc.) then we need to let the District Deputy know so we can coordinate district competitions before going to state.