Hantsport School Agenda 2015-2016


11 School Street – Box 392

Hantsport, Nova ScotiaB0P 1P0

Tel: 902-684-4000

Fax: 902-684-4004



Mission Statement:

Hantsport School, as a community of learners, is committed to promoting and ensuring a

supportive, caring and respectful learning environment. We believe this will be achieved through mutual trust, cooperation, communication, understanding and responsible decision making. We encourage the achievement of personal excellence in all endeavours.

Principal’s Message

Welcome to HantsportSchool. We are configured as a P-5 Elementary School and a 6-8 Middle School. I am very proud of the work and dedication I have seen from the students and staff of this school and am excited by the potential in this coming year.

HantsportSchool is a community of learners that includes students, staff, families, and interested community members. This school community truly has the best interests of its students at heart.

I wish all of you to have a great school year. Work hard, play hard and get involved!

Let’s do our best so that we MAKE this a great school year!

Mr. Colin Chase

Principal, HantsportSchool

Hantsport Home and School Association:

Hantsport School’s Home and School Association meets the third Wednesday of each month, excluding June-August, at 7:30 pm.

Organization of School Day:

8:00-Teachers to Homerooms to meet students as they arrive

8:10 -Students should be at school (except 1 bus)

8:15-Announcements/O Canada






At 2:30, bus students are dismissed with the end of day bell. “Walkers” will only be dismissed by the office, once the busses have left the premises.

Staff List

Principal:Mr. Chase

Secretary:Mrs. Hudson

Day Maintenance:Mr. Spencer

Library Technician:Ms. Noseworthy

Teachers: Education Assistants:

Ms. AuCoin LeBlanc (Gr. P/1) Ms. Schofield

Mrs. MacPherson(Gr. 1/2) Ms. Peach

Mr. Hines (Gr. 3) Mrs. Harvey

Ms. Doucette(Gr. 4/5) Mrs. Salter

Ms. Warren (Gr. 6)

Ms. Hoare (Gr.7)

Ms. Brothers (Gr. 7)

Ms. Pulsifer (Gr. 8)

Mrs. VanderToorn (Phys. Ed.)

Mr. Taylor (Music, Band)

Ms. Lewis (Resource)

Ms. Lockhart (Resource)

TBA(Grade 1 Math, Academic Support)

School’s Sign-In Policy:

Any visitor to the school, including parents and guardians, must sign in at the office upon entering the school. Parents are discouraged from going upstairs to visit students in the classrooms as this can be disruptive.

Any student signing in late or signing out must also report to the office, and a student leaving the campus must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Bus Notes:

In order for a student to ride on a bus, for special reasons, a bus note must be made up by the office and presented to the driver at the end of the day. A note from the student’s parents/guardians must be brought into the office and will be attached to the note. The bus note can be picked up at the office at the end of the day, prior to bus departure. Students are also expected to follow the rules of the bus, and can have their privileges suspended should their actions prove to be unacceptable.

Permission to Leave Campus:

HantsportSchool is a Closed Campus. This means that students remain at school for the entire day once they arrive at school in the morning. There will be more information on the lunch program distributed via the newsletters.

Extra-Curricular Policy:

At the end of each grading period, the staff will review each student’s grades. If a student is not passing three or more of their courses, they will be made ineligible for participation in all extra-curricular events for a period of time. At the end of that time, their efforts will be re-examined, and may then be re-admitted, should they be passing the minimum amount required. Extra-curricular events include all sports, clubs, teams, Students Council and participation in school dances. It is HantsportSchool’s strong belief that should a student wish to represent their school outside of the classroom, they must first be a student in good academic standing.

Parent Volunteers:

Parent Volunteers are an invaluable asset to the school community. Whether chaperoning, coaching or helping with student transportation to extra-curricular events, all is greatly appreciated.

Any parent MUST complete a Criminal Record Check and be screened through the Child Abuse Registry before they can volunteer. These forms are available at the school office or from the RCMP. These checks must be renewed every three years.

Electronic Device Usage:

Students are encouraged to use their electronic devices for school work according to our Digital Citizenship Policy.However, texting during class time is not allowed.Taking pictures of other students and/or posting pictures on social networking sites is also not allowed.

The school will not be responsible if such devices are lost or stolen if they are brought to school.

Dress Code:

As a P-8 school, Hantsport has a dress code in place that respects the rights and comfort zones of all students. Think of school as a workplace and please dress for the workplace.


Dress Codes assist in ensuring that staff and students show respect for self and those around them by dressing appropriately for the learning environment.

Staff and Students at HantsportSchool are expected to abide by the following dress code while attending school and school functions. Everyone is expected to dress in a manner appropriate for a public workplace and practice reasonable hygiene while attending school to create a better working environment that is conducive to learning:

  1. Hats, hoods, and sunglasses must be removed in the building.
  2. Jackets must be removed in class.
  3. Tops covering the midriff, cleavage, sides, back and sleeveless tops are appropriate. Low cut tops, muscle shirts, see through clothing, spaghetti straps, backless and side-less tops, tops exposing the midriff and tube tops are not appropriate. Cleavage is not to be shown. Two Finger Width on straps is a great guideline.
  4. Pants must be above the hip or the top must overlap the pants. If a student is wearing pants in such a way that they fall down the student must correct the problem.
  5. Excessively tight fitting or baggy clothing is not to be worn.
  6. Undergarments are not to be shown at any time and students are not to wear pants or tops that are made to reveal undergarments or a large amount of skin. Hose are not to be worn as leggings.
  7. Shorts and skirts must reach the mid-thigh. A good guide is that the clothing reach finger tips when arms are at the sides,
  8. Messages displaying pictures, tattoos, slogans, jewelry, etc., suggesting actions of a sexual, inappropriate, discriminatory, racist, or illegal manner (including alcohol) are not acceptable.
  9. Indoor and outdoor shoes are required for the elementary students.
  10. Footwearis to be worn in school.
  11. Hygiene is important and students are reminded to be conscious of their personal hygiene and to wear unscented deodorant by the middle school level (Grades 6-8). Body sprays are not to be used.
  12. Unscented products are to be used. Strong scents (for example: perfumes, TAG, AXE) are not to be used by anyone attending or visiting HantsportSchool. There are many students and staff that are highly allergic)

Dress code applies at all school functions: i.e. sporting events, dances, field trips, gym class, etc.

We believe these rules are necessary to attain an organized, efficient and comfortable learning environment for all staff and students of HantsportSchool. Thank you for following these guidelines and helping to keep our school a healthy and friendly place for everyone.


The normal consequence would be that the individual is made aware of the dress code and asked to correct the problem. Contact will be made with home should the behavior continue.

For repeat offences a student may receive detentions, be sent home, have privileges withdrawn or be suspended.

*In the event of a disagreement in interpreting this dress code, the final decision rests with the administration of the school.

Recycling Containers:

Students are encouraged to make use of the many recycling cans throughout the school. Trash, recycling, paper and compost bins are available for use, and students are strongly encouraged to use the proper bins.

Parking Lot:

Parents and guardians are asked to drop their children off in the lower parking lot areas, and not drive up to the main doors. This area is a play area during the school day. Parents are asked to conform to the regulations that are found on the posts in the parking area. Gates are in place as well to ensure the safety of our children.

Provincial Code of Conduct:

Hantsport School is guided by the new Nova Scotia Code of Conduct. As a general indicator of expectations, please see the attached matrix which describes our set of norms and expectations for student and staff behaviours within the school, in the community and towards the environment. The key tenets this are respect and responsibility: respect for self, others, learning and the environment. [please see PEBS matrix] As well, all students and staff must adhere to the Education Act, and the school administration will hand down consequences that are consistent with the violation in question.

Band Program:

Hantsport School offers Music classes and Choir throughout the Elementary school grades, as well as Band and Choir for grades 6-8. For more information on Hantsport’s Music, Band or Choir Programs, please contact Mr. Roger Taylor at the school.

Sports Programs:

Hantsport School boasts a strong, varied, inclusive and enjoyable sports program. Hantsport participates in many sports throughout the year, and has a “no-cut” policy in place. Students are encouraged to participate in the various activities available. For more information on the sports programs, please contact Mrs. Renda VanderToorn, our school’s Physical Education teacher.

Gym Rules:

  1. No food or drink in the gym during school hours.
  2. Proper gym attire, including sneakers, must be worn during Gym class.
  3. Any student misusing gym equipment will be asked to leave the area.
  4. Students are to respect one another and be supportive of the efforts of all involved.

Co-Curricular Activities Policy:

HantsportSchool has a no-cut policy for all extra-curricular activities. Any student who wishes to participate will do so, so long as they exhibit these behaviours:

  1. academics first – students must be in good standing academically and with attendance
  2. students must show a commitment to attending practices and meetings, as required, and to partake in fundraisers for the good of the team as a whole.
  3. participants must communicate to their supervisor, in advance, if they will not be attending an event.
  4. participants must show good sportsmanship, fair play and strong behaviour at all times.
  5. participants must show respect to coaches, advisors and officials. The decisions of coaches at all times will be respected, and teams representing Hantsport at the District, Regional and/or Provincial levels may be comprised of those who the coach deems to be best suited. All coaches will adhere to the NSSAF guidelines, and will hold proper coaching certification.
  6. parents/guardians must sign an extra-curricular that outlines these expectations.

Dance Rules:

HantsportSchool has a minimum of four dances a year, put on by the Students Council. The following rules have been established in consultation with the governing student body:

  1. the school’s dress code is to be followed for the dances.
  2. students from grades 6-8 are permitted to attend.
  3. dances run from 6:30-8:30 pm.
  4. students who wish to sign students in from other schools must do so by the announced deadline. The administration will contact the schools to ensure that the students in question are in good standing.
  5. if a student leaves the dance, they will not be permitted to re-enter, and parents/guardians will be contacted.
  6. grade 9 students from Horton, who used to attend Hantsport, are permitted to attend the dances, if they have been signed in by a current student.
  7. smoking, alcohol and drug use is not allowed, and if a student is deemed to be under the influence of these illegal substances, they will be suspended for a minimum of five days, as per the Department of Education policy.
  8. students who are suspended at the time are not permitted to attend, nor is a student on academic ineligibility.

School Library:

The library is open for all studentsMondays and Thursdays for classes and during recess and lunch. Reading is required!!!

Honours Students:

Honours and Honours with Distinction are awarded to grades 7 and 8 as per the School Board Policy.

Lost and Found:

A Lost and Found section is in the main foyer for both Middle School and Elementary students. After a reasonable period of time and notice in the school’s monthly newsletters, items not claimed will be donated to charity.


Each month, HantsportSchool will send home newsletters with important dates and events. As well, copies of each newsletter will be placed on the school’s website for the year in question.


HantsportSchool boasts a strong website which provides updated news and information on the school. Staff members regularly update the homework site. Students and parents are encouraged to visit and bookmark the site. Its address is

PEBS Matrix


Behaviour Expectations

“Respect and Responsibility”

R & R
Self / R & R
Others / R & R
Learning / R & R
Classrooms & All Other Settings including out in the Community / - Be positive
- Give your best effort
- Take pride in our school and community
- Get involved
- Be on time for class
- Dress appropriately
- If not sure of the rules, please be responsible and ask. / - Be respectful
- Listen attentively
- Keep school scent free
- Use respectful words and tone when speaking
- Be friendly and supportive / - Be prepared
- Be positive
- When not sure of the right thing to do, ask an adult / - Be responsible for your own space & possessions
- Water only during class
- Personal electronic devices (cell phones, music players) are for use in the main lobby or outdoors during non class time
- Put waste in the proper containers
Washrooms / - Wash your hands, using soap
- Put waste and paper towel in the proper place / - Respect the privacy of others
- Socialize elsewhere / - Speak quietly
- Move quickly to and from washrooms / - Keep washrooms clean and graffiti free
- Put paper towel in the garbage can
- Please flush
Assemblies - continued / - Keep hands & feet to yourself
- Practice active listening (eyes and ears on the speaker) / - Let others listen
- Stay with your class / - Show appropriate respect and appreciation
- Listen to the presentation / - Enter and exit quietly
- Personal belongings and back packs remain in classroom and/or locker
Common Areas (hall, lobby, stairs, lockers) / - Keep to the right in the hallways and stairwells
- Keep moving during class changes / - Make others feel safe and welcome
- Respect others’ personal space
- Be aware of visitors and treat them with respect / - Move and speak quietly
- Access lockers at break times only / - Keep school clear of litter, debris, graffiti and personal belongings
- Put waste in the proper container
- Keep lockers and locker areas neat and uncluttered
- Put personal belongings in lockers or on shelves or coat hooks
Gym / -Participate safely and be active in class
- Wear proper footwear and clothing
- Leave inappropriate or dirty footwear outside / - Follow fair play
- Give positive support for other participants
- Respect others’ property and belongings / - Listen attentively
- Give your best effort no matter what your ability / - Eat and/or drink elsewhere
- Return equipment after use
- Keep the floor and change rooms clean
Bus / - Stay in assigned seat
- Follow the directions of the adult in charge / - Respect the personal space of the people sitting around you
- Talk quietly / - Follow rules
- Listen attentively / - Leave the space as you found it
School Grounds, on Trips and at Sporting Events / - Follow school behaviour expectations / - Respect the personal space of others / - Play fair
- Be positive / - Sort waste by putting it into the proper container
Fire Drill / - Know the exit route from each room you work in
- Wear shoes
- Dress appropriately for the season / - Move calmly and quietly to the correct exit in single file with your class
- Hold the door if you are first in line / - Look and listen for instructions from the adult in charge / - Move in single file
- Stay with your class
- Line up quietly in the designated spot and listen for attendance to be taken
In the Community/ Downtown / - Show respectful behaviours and language
- Use proper manners
- Use sidewalks and crosswalks / - Share the sidewalks with community members
- Be respectful of noise when conversing
- Share the tables at lunch / - Show appreciation and respect for businesses and community members
- Take every opportunity to do acts of kindness and otherwise be positive school ambassadors / - Respect private property
- Keep the community clean by using the appropriate garbage containers
Computer Use / - Know your user name and password so you can get to work right away
- Use your school email
- Gaming is not a good use of class time
- Please use computer time appropriately and productively / - Respect the personal space of others working in the lab
- Work quietly so that others are not disturbed / - If you are not sure what to do, be patient and wait for your teacher
- Use your device for educational reasons / - Treat the equipment with respect and use it properly
- Report any damaged or equipment problems
- Print only what is needed and put waste paper in the proper container
Library / - Read and visit the library often
- Use a quiet voice / - Enter and leave respectfully and use a quiet voice
- Learn and follow the library rules / - Ask the librarian for book recommendations
- Try new genres of books / - Take care of the books while you have them and return them promptly when you are done