Approved by officers: March 18, 2010


Managementby Objectives Program

January 1, 2010- December 31, 2010

Key Results Area / Objectives / Measurement / End of Year Goal
S=3, ES=4, O=5 / Q3Results
Marketing and Communications
1) Understand moms in order to help her increase fruit/vegetable consumption among her family members. / 1. Fruit/veg consumption of moms and her family vs. full population (NPD data)
2010 Goal: Determine baseline
2. Mom’s intention to serve more fruit/veg to her family
2009 Results: 69%
2010 Goal: 70%+
3. Self-reported “likely to purchase” when seeing FVMM logo on product
2009 Results: 40%
2010 Goal: 41%+ / S= Determine baseline
S= 70%
ES= 71-72%
O= >72%
S= 41%
ES= 42-43%
O= >43% / Baseline determined
66% of Mom’s
45% likely to purchase
2) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) specifically through outreach efforts via the internet / 1. Monthly average FVMM web visits
2009 Results: 61,318 visits
2010 Goal: 5% increase
2. Increase number of opt-in participants
2009 Results: 20,350
2010 Goal: 8% increase
3. Measure site referrals to determine breadth of industry support
2009 Results: 311
2010 Goal: 5% increase / S= 5% increase
ES = 6-7% increase
O= > 7%
S= 8% increase
ES= 9-10% increase
O= >10%
S= 5%-7% increase
ES= 8-10% increase
O= >10% increase / 69,614 (8.8% increase)
25,291 (24% increase)
533 total (71% increase)
3) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) through retail support of the new Fruits & Veggies—More Matters brand / 1. Measure percent of FVMM licensed retail members’ against all supermarkets
2009 Results: 76%
2010 Goal: Maintain 75%
2. Increase % of consumer impressions as measured by Leemis compared to 2007
2009 Results: 2.74 Billion
2010 Goal: 4% increase
3. Increase number of retail role models and those nearing role model status as measured by retail role model criteria
2009 Results: 9 role models and 2 champions
2010 Goal: 7 role models; 4 champions
4. PBH Foundation website is updated according to the production schedule. / S= Maintain 75% level
ES= 76-77%
O= > 77%
S= 4% increase
ES= 5% increase
O= 6%+ increase
S= 7 role models; 4 champions
ES = 7 role models; 6 champions
O = 8+ role models; 6 champions
S = Updates made by 12/31/10
ES = Updates made by 10/31/10
O = Updates made by 8/31/10 / 65% licensed
29.7 M impressions
7 Role Models; 7 Champions
Design and navigation approved; existing content needing edits identified; areas of new content to be written identified. Completion of this metric has been pushed to 2011 due to resources/work associated with the pledge and f/v happenings page on the consumer website.
4) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) through grower/shipper/processor support of the new Fruits & Veggies—More Matters brand / 1. Increase percent of licensees compared to number of 2009 licensees (excluding retailers & states)
2009 Results: 314 licensees
2010 Goal: 4% increase (12 new)
2. Increase number of different products (SKU’s) with brand on packaging or PLU stickers
2009 Results:440 SKU’s (1803 total labels)
2010 Goal: 300 new; 2103 total
3. Increase the number of cross promotion partners
2009 Results: 4
2010 Goal: 5
4. Increase number of role models (measuring “depth” of brand support)
2009 Results: 5 role models; 2 champions
2010 Goal: 7 role models; 4 champions
5. Nutrition education information is placed in schools by distributors/suppliers. / S = 4% increase
ES = 5% increase
O= 6%+ increase
S = 300-350 new
ES = 351-400
O= >400
S = 5
ES = 6
O= 7+
S = 7 role models; 4 champions
ES = 7 role models; 6 champions
O = 8+ role models; 6 champions
S = 1-2 distributors/suppliers are engaged
ES = 3 distributors/suppliers are engaged
O = 4+ distributors/suppliers are engaged / 16 net new (5% increase)
8 new labels in Q4; 177 for year; 1980 total (59% of goal)
6 total
14 Role Models; 3 Champions
5 major suppliers identified; initial outreach occurred during Q3
5) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) through increased state and national public health partner support of the new Fruits & Veggies—More Matters brand / 1. Increase number of National Role Models (“depth”)
2009 Results: 1 Champion - CDC
2010 Goal: CDC maintain Champion Status
2. Measure level of engagement by states
2010 Goal: Establish tracking mechanism to measure level of engagement by states.
3. Increase number of site referrals to FVMM website from states & public health partners (.gov and .org)
2009 Results: 966
2010 Goal: 5% increase / S= CDC Maintains Champion Status
ES = CDC Champion; 1 Ally
O = CDC Champion; 2 Allies
S = Establish tracking mechanism to measure level of engagement
ES = S +Develop criteria for Ally, Champion and Role Model status
O = 1 State Champion
S = 5% increase
ES = 6-8% increase
O = >8% increase / CDC and association of state coordinators are champions
Unsuccessful at tracking mechanism; switched to solicitations from public health community instead.
1367 total site referrals
6) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) with educational materials through educators, health professionals, and schools / 1. Increase the number of impressions from catalog efforts
2009 Results: 14.65 M
2010 Goal: 5% increase (15.38 M)
2. Increase the number of FVMM educational products sold to educators and health professionals.
2009 Results: $1,910,301
Goal 2009: 3% increase / S= 5% increase
ES= 6-7% increase
O= >7% increase
S= 3% increase
ES = 4-5 % increase
O = > 5% / 16.56M (13% increase)
$2.015M (5.5% increase)
7) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) through the media / 1. Increase the number of impressions captured during the annual media analysis
2009 Results: 102.8 million
2010 Goal: 5% increase
2. Maintain high favorability rating in media coverage conducted by CARMA
2009 Results: 63
2010 Goal: Maintain 63-65 CARMA rating
3. Maintain high favorability rating in Fruits & Veggies—More Matters conversations occurring on-line
2009 Results: 97%
2010 Goal: 84%
4. Maintain high rating of core messages being captured in media
2009 Results: 32%
2010 Goal: 45%
5. Increase amount of internet/blog “buzz” about fruits and veggies/ FVMM
2009 Results: 626
2010 Goal: 10% Increase / S =5% increase
ES= 6-7% increase
O= >7%
S =Maintain 63-65 CARMA rating
ES=66 CARMA rating
O=67 CARMA rating
S =84%
S = 45%
O= >50%
S = 10% increase
ES = 10-12% increase
O = >12% / 111.6M (8.5% increase)
Did not pay for analysis
Did not pay for analysis
Did not pay for analysis
589 (86% of goal)
National Action Plan Monitoring
1) Update National Action Plan / 1. Dissemination of updated NAP to key stakeholders and media / S = Plan is updated and disseminated by 12/31/10
ES = Plan is updated and disseminated by 11/15/10
O = Plan is updated and disseminated by 9/30/10 / Document completed; media tele-briefing held Nov 17, 2010
2) Monitor Research / 1. Ad hoc and/or research advisory group is identified/mobilized / S = Group(s) are identified and formed
ES = Research is used in press releases and on FVMM website / Research is used in press releases and on FVMM website
Average Score of Key Result Areas 1&2, weighted at 50% / 83/23=3.61
Key Results Area / Objectives / Measurement / End of Year Goal / Q3 Results
Increase Funding Sources
Weighted at 50%
1) Expand funding sources to sustain annual operating budget / A. Secure $2.0M from industry in annual contributions, special events, sponsorships and inkind donations.
2009 Results: $1.818 million (excluding campaign contributions)
2010 Goal: $2.0 million (excluding campaign contributions)
B. Secure goal of $3M for Campaign for Children’s Health
2009 Results: Secured 91% of pledges
2010 Goal: Secure 90% of 2010 pledges / S = $2.0-$2.05 M
ES = $2.05- 2.1M
O= >$2.1 M
Budget was: $1,690,000
S = Secure 90% of 2010 pledges
ES = Secure 95% of 2010 pledged amount
O= Secure 96-100% of 2010 pledged amount / $1,721,588 (102% of budgeted goal)
96% of 2010 pledges secured
2) Expand revenue sources through catalog sales / A. Secure $2.0M in gross catalog sales
2009 Results: $2.123 M in gross sales
2010 Goal: Secure $2.0M gross sales
B. Measure inventory management
2009 Results: Average Monthly $444,024
2010 Goal: Maintain Average Monthly Inventory at $460,000 or less / S = $2.0 M
ES = $2.1 M
O= $2.2+M
S= $460,000
ES= $460,000-$440,000
O= <$440,000 / $2.335M (117% of goal)
Average Score of Key Result Area, weighted at 50% / 17/4=4.25
Total / (3.61+4.25)/2 = 3.93

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