2018 TLBA Entrepreneurial Scholarship Award

16th Annual Award of $1000

Presented by the Towne Lake Business Association

Congratulations! You've been nominated to receive the prestigious Towne Lake Business Association Entrepreneurial Spirit Scholarship Award. This award is given annually to a graduating senior at each of the following high schools: Etowah and Woodstock. We are looking for the student who is burning with the desire to have his or her own business one day. Several criteria will be considered as we evaluate the candidates for this award: leadership, academic accomplishment, community service, and most importantly, entrepreneurial spirit.

The next step is up to you. Please complete this application and return it to:

Your Counselor in charge of scholarships office by 10AM Thursday, March 29, 2018

If you have any questions, please contact us at (678) 431-2691 or by email at . (If you are e-mailing your completed application directly to us at , please call (678) 431-2691 to confirm receipt.)

Finalists will be chosen from these applications and will be called for a personal interview with our Scholarship Selection Committee. Winners will be announced at your school's Honors Day Program

The winner of this award will receive a cash scholarship of $1,000.00. He/she will also be featured in the July issue of the Towne Laker.

Please complete the following application yourself. Be open. We want your ideas and thoughts. Attach additional pages if necessary. Answers may be typed or printed neatly.



Date of Birth:

Phone Number:

Mother’s Name:

Father’s Name:


Nominated by:

Academic achievements/honors (not the most important criteria) GPA:

Rank in class:

Leadership Roles /Memberships in school, church, sports, clubs, Other community activities:

What are your post-graduation plans (secondary education)?:

What are your career aspirations (and why have you chosen this path?). Limit to 50 words.

Describe what you consider your greatest achievement in life so far? Limit to 50 words.

What do you think is the key (or keys) to a successful business venture? Limit to 50 words.

Describe any entrepreneurial ventures with which you have been involved. Explain your role. (This could be a community service project if you have no entrepreneurial experience.) Limit to 100 words.

If you had the financial ability today to open up any business (service or product), what would it be? Describe what you would open and why. Limit to 100 words.

With my signature below, I verify that this application is my own work.

Signature of Applicant Date

Congratulations again on being nominated for this award!! We wish you the best of luck!!
