Overseas Competitors

The club would like to inform overseas competitors that 360 sports logistics are offering the following deals for anyone who may be travelling over to this years rally. The contact details for them are as follows should you have any queries or wish to make a booking.

Tel: +353 86 4057752
Tel: +353 61 307242


A typical price for a Van, Trailer and 2 passengers

Out Holyhead @ 13.50 to Dublin 6th of May

Back Dublin @ 08.20 to Holyhead 9th of May

Price €330 and €28.50 per each additional passenger

Out Fishguard @ 14.30 to Rosslare 6th of May

Back Rosslare @ 09.00 to Fishguard 9th of May

Price €330 and €28.50 per each additional passenger

Marshals Needed

With the rally fast approaching the club are looking for marshals for this years rally, Derek Cummins is the chief marshal for the event, if you wish to help out please contact Derek on 087/2800767 or email . Marshals are a vital part of the efficient and safe running of all motorsport events and without whose help the running of such events would not be possible. The club would like to thank all marshals who have volunteered so far and look forward hearing from more of you out there, as a thank you the club will host a draw for a voucher for dinner for two, the draw will take place back at the hotel after the event, all marshals who help out at this years rally will be entered into this draw.

Launch Night

The launch night for the 2011 Carlow Stages Rally will take place on Holy Thursday April 21st in the Mount Wolseley Hotel Tullow at 9pm. RTE celebrity Michael Lyster will be the compare on the evening and a special guest speaker will also be in attendance. A raffle will be held on the night with a free entry to the rally up for grabs along with plenty of spot prizes, a donation will be made to a local charity on the night from the money raised from the raffle. A range of cars will be on display outside the hotel, finger food will be served and all are welcome.