PEP School Newsletter 2017

Check the website for updates:

Weekly Themes: Letter of the Week:

January 9 - 13 Night and Day Letter K

January 17 - 20 Pets No letter day

January 23 - 27 Pirates Letter L

January 30 - Feb 3 Nutrition Letter M

Letter Day continues to be on Monday for the M/W/F classes. Please help your child choose their sharing item to correspond with the letter of the day.

Ø  Please help your child learn to put on their own jacket. Names inside, please!

Pajama and Pancakes Days! We’ll be having a special PJ Day on January 12 & 13. Please send your child to school that day wearing their pajamas. (This is not mandatory.) If they wear slippers, please be sure to bring shoes suitable for the playground. He or she may bring along a favorite stuffed animal or other bedtime buddy for sharing. We will prepare pancakes with the children to enjoy for snack that day.


No School Monday, January 16

Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Observance

Pirate Dress Up days: January 26 & 27

Identification and Emergency Information Form: Please keep your child’s emergency information current, especially all phone numbers! Please stop in the PEP office to review your child’s emergency form to make certain all contact people and phone numbers are current!

Tax Information: Our PEP Tax ID #: 94-2194713. If you would like a statement of tuition paid during 2016, please request one from Mary Lou in the PEP office.

Thank You for your generosity! Because of your donations, we were able to purchase gifts for three children in the Christmas Wish program. Thank you so much for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with these children! We will keep the money jar out for the rest of the school year. The children really enjoy putting change that they find on the way to school in the jar. We will continue our talk about giving to others.

Stone Soup: We will be making Stone Soup for snack on Tuesday, January 31 and Wednesday, February 1. Please send one vegetable or one cup equivalent to school with your child to add to our soup (carrot, potato, onion, zucchini, green beans, green peas, etc.). Canned vegetables are welcome! If you are bringing fresh vegetables for stone soup, would you please slice/chop them with your child and put them in a labeled zip lock bag? This provides you some kitchen time with your child and is a real time saver for making the soup at PEP. If you have questions, please inquire with one of our teachers. Thank you!

No regular scheduled classes on February 2 & 3: We look forward to meeting with you on conference day to discuss your child's evaluation and answer any questions you may have regarding our PEP program. This conference is for parents and staff only. A substitute teacher will be in the classroom to watch your child while you meet with a teacher. A conference sign-up sheet will be posted on the hall bulletin board.

February 2: Parent/Teacher conferences for Tu/Th class.

February 3: Parent/Teacher conferences for MWF classes.

Please Remember: all tuition checks should be made payable to CPC or Community Presbyterian Church, not PEP School. Monthly tuition is due on the 1st, late on the 10th. Thank you!

January at a Glance

MWF a.m. & p.m. classes

Every Monday is Letter Day

Every Wednesday is Bible Story Day

9: Letter K day

13: Pajama Day

16: No School – King Holiday

23: Letter L day

27: Pirate dress up day

Feb 1: Stone Soup

Feb.3: Parent/Teacher conferences.

January at a Glance

Tu/Th AM Class

Every Tuesday is Bible Story Day

12: Pajama Day

26: Pirate dress up day

31: Stone Soup

Feb. 2: Parent/Teacher conferences