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The meeting was called to order by President Mayur Patel at 7:38 PM. Present were
President Mayur Patel, Secretary Barbara Nazar, Director Nancy Ranks and Property Manager Chuck Anklam.
READING OF THE MINUTES: A motion was madeby Mayur Patel to accept the minutes of 8/10/10, with the exception of the correction in the date of the Clubhouse Committee Meeting
which was actually held on August 16 , 2010, and not August 19 , 2010. Nancy Ranks seconded the motion with the above change. All in favor. Motion passed.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: We are concerned regarding the trees in the community in regard
they are not being trimmed properly. An Arborist is coming and we are looking for a report
as to this situation. Once we have the reports, we will decide The reports should be in the
next couple of weeks. Nancy Ranks stated that we should ask if we have the right type of trees for our Florida area. Hugh Healy said that the EPA gave the site plan for this property. All the
contracts for PSL were to have the Live Oaks.
While the President was riding around the neighborhood, a gentlemen approached him from a
security company. This person said they could replace the guard with cameras through computers. We asked for approximate cost and it would be about $20,000. The person said that the camera does the same thing but no live person is at the gate. This would take care of the Resident’s side only, not the visitor’s side.
Another person asked if we could build a roof, sort of a canopy over the Resident’s side. This could be an option. Mayur to brainstorm this session again.
SECRTARY’S REPORT: None at this time.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: None at this time.
TREASURER’S REPORT: None at this time. (Financials given with Property Managers report)
9/6/2010 Barbeque - Volleyball at 4 PM; Dinner at 5 PM, and dancing at 6 PM
9/11/2010 Teen-parent meeting at 4 PM
10/2/2010 Garage Sale
10/23/2010 Auction
These events will be broadcasted.
At a date yet to be determined, Nancy Ranks may give instructions for water aerobics.
ARB (ARCHITECTUAL REVIEW BOARD) This committee had a very successful seminar
on 8/24/2010, explaining the procedures of this Board and it’s place in our community.
Nancy suggested another meeting and it was decided that sometime in October would be the
best time to have another session. A resident in the audience thanked Fred DiSisto for the meeting and the guidelines.
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A person asked about the cutting of the lawn in the preserve area - the land from our property line to the preserve. .People are not cutting the grass. Chuck and Fred will look into this regarding cutting and cleaning up. This would be a violation if it is not cut by the homeowner.
APPEALS COMMITTEE: Nothing at this time.
GROUNDS COMMITTEE: Hugh Healy said that if anyone sees any persons in the preserve,
to please call the office or Sheriff’s Dept. These people are trespassing. Now is the time whencertain persons are entering the preserves to pick the palmetto berries.
Hugh made a proposal for planting of a few more trees and shrubs in the outlying preserve area, but due to money, this will be put on hold for the time being.
Hugh reported that two large trees were planted while both he and Chuck were out on medical leave - one on Arlington and one on Spanish River.Both trees very expensive. Chuck will look into this inasmuch as we don’t usually buy newtrees.
PROPERTY MANAGER: Chuck reported that there is $100,000 in the operating account;
$245,213 in the Sweep account; $271,721 bad debt collection account, year to date. In the month of August, $17,046 was deposited from home sales or collections. Year to date on the sweep account interest is $635. Last year it was $792 for the year. Our reserves are $97,307, way low compared to whatwe should have. Violations written for the month was 134, of which 91 was for lawn maintenance. Out of that number, five have gone to fines. Four homes closed, two leases andthree lease renewals. Chuck congratulated Fred DiSisto and his crew for an exceptional jobdone with the ARB as there were 83 requests. There is currently 5l vacant homes. A total of152 homes that we classify as rented. Currently, there is 29.2% of homes rented in the association. Normally, this would be extremely high; however, in this market, many associations have 35-55%rental. There arecurrently 19 homes for sale on the MLS, average price is $120,000, high being $149,000 and the low of $90,000.
Flu shots will be given by the VNA (Visiting Nurse Assn) on Thursday, 9/23/2010 from 10AM
to 2 PM and again on 9/25/2010 from 10AM to 2PM. There will also be pneumonia shots
Ian LaBrun will have an Open House this Sunday, August 29, 2010. Gates will be opened and
the Realtors will be in the homes that they have listed for sale.
WORKERS COMP. Frank Egidio had spoken to Mayur Patel and stated that in his opinion, all our vendors, even the ones that do not have contracts with us, must supply us with Workers Comp certificates, together with the General Liability and Commerical Auto coverage with
Add’l Insured endorsement attached to the General Liability and the Commercial Auto. Regarding theletters that were sent out by the office with reference to the new insurance motion, all vendors have contracts with us are complying with our request.
Nancy Ranks made a motion, Barbara Nazar seconded for Chuck to make out a “Preferred List” of contractors for jobs that we currently do not have a contract WITH at this time and advise that Proof of the above insurance requirements must be shown before they start the job.
or must be shown before they can be paid. All in favor. Motion passed.
There were three bids: one for $1080 a month; one for $790.23 per month; and one for $2240
per month. Barbara Nazar motioned to have Mary Mack Services, lowest bidder do the work.
Nancy Ranks seconded. All in Favor. Motion passed to be effective 9/11/2010.
Regarding the FPL light pole that was down...the office has contacted FPL three times. They said theywill get out and take care of it and we will be credited from the date when it fell down.
The Prime Builders law suit involves recovery of more than $100,000.
Attorney fees could be $87,000 which makes the law suit about $190,000. If we lost, we could have to pay Prime’s attorney fees. It would cost about $5000 in expense to send this to the
membership. Fred Di Sisto said that Abbo belongs to the South Florida Builders Assn for
many years and the father is a life-time member. Fred feels that very polite telephone calls
to these people may just want them to settle.
Barbara Nazar made a motion to bring this to the membership. Nancy Ranks seconded.
All in favor. Motion passed.
The Amendment to the Documents have been tabled until the next meeting. Nancy Ranks
motioned that we table. Mayur Patel seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. The office
will make copies of the “Amendments to the Docs” and the forms will be there to pick
up at the office. Mayur Patel will put them on the Website this weekend.
CLUBHOUSE RENTAL: After discussion, Nancy Ranks motioned that we table this until
we have a full Board present. Mayur Patel seconded. All in favor. Motion passes for
some time in October.
Alice Schmitz recommended that we have a Central Calendar so that all committees are
aware of each other’s meetings. Calendar to show events planned by the Clubhouse
Committee, as well as all ARB meetings Screening Committee and Board meetings. This will
also include the Clubhouse events such as Zumba and Water Aerobics. The office makes a calendar but not all committees submit their activities to the office in time. Peggy was to contact all committees to correct this.
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A letter was sent to the tenant at 5605 Sun Valley, requiring them to pay rent to PSPOA. The tenant has responded to our attorneys that they have not been paying the landlord any rent, due to the landlord not living up to the lease particulars. The tenant stated she would pay the monthly POA dues to PSPOA if that was acceptable.
We will accept the tenant paying the monthly payments to us. Barbara Nazar made a
motion to accept payment. Nancy Ranks seconded. All in Favor. Motion passed.
Amendment to the Minutes dated August 16, 2010--Nancy Ranks wanted it known that
she did not approve to have workers comp coverage carried by our contractors due to the
hardship that would prevail with the contractors.
Our next Board Meetings will be September 9th and September 23, 2010.
Nancy Ranks motioned to adjourn at 9:42 PM. Mayur Patel seconded. All in
favor. Motion passed.
Barbara Nazar