Bill# Sponsors Title Bill Narrative History Position

* = amended strikethrough = Killed

HB12-1003 / Fischer
Nicholson / Authorize Graywater Use / Except in connection with individual septic systems, current law is unclear regarding whether, and under what conditions, graywater may be used. Section 1 of the bill declares the importance of water conservation to the economy of Colorado and the well-being of its
citizens. Section 2 defines "graywater" as wastewater from sources other than toilets, urinals, kitchen sinks, nonlaundry utility sinks, and dishwashers collected within a residential, commercial, or industrial
building that meets certain standards established by the water quality control commission. Section 3 authorizes the commission to adopt a control regulation establishing use standards and specifies that: Graywater
may be applied only to uses that are allowed by the water sources' well permits and water rights; and, if so used, the use of the graywater is deemed to not cause injury. Graywater can be used only if the commission has adopted a control regulation and a local government authorizes the use. The local
government has exclusive enforcement authority regarding compliance with the commission's control regulation. Section 5 allows counties to authorize graywater use, and section 6 allows municipalities to authorize graywater use. Section 4 repeals an obsolete provision authorizing local boards of health to adopt rules regarding graywater use with individual
septic systems. / 01/11/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
02/01/2012 House Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely / Monitor
HB12-1004 / Bradford
King S. / Colorado Timber Act / The bill requires county and municipal building codes to allow the use of lumber milled from lodgepole pine and Englemann spruce trees having a grade of "stud" or better as building framing material. County and municipal building codes must also encourage the use of lumber milled from these trees for this purpose. / 01/11/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Economic and Business Development / Monitor
HB12-1021 / Vaad / Coordinated And Rational Transp Planning / Sections 1 to 4 of the bill amend existing statutory provisions regarding transportation planning in order to coordinate such planning for any area of the state that is outside the jurisdiction of a metropolitan
planning organization (MPO) by:
! Eliminating non-MPO transportation planning regions and regional transportation plans and requiring the department of transportation (CDOT) to include all non-MPO areas of the state in its comprehensive statewide transportation plan using an appropriate level of planning and analysis to incorporate the needs of the areas in an equitable and consistent manner;
! Eliminating the state transportation advisory committee and the special interim transit and rail advisory committee;
! Emphasizing the importance of coordinated and rational CDOT and state transportation commission transportation planning relative to local government and regional transportation planning in the legislative declaration that pertains to the statutory provisions. / 01/11/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation / Oppose
HB12-1022 / Sonnenberg
Schwartz / Establish Mines Water Replacement Reqmnt / Water Resources Review Committee. Some mining operations construct impermeable areas that capture precipitation and eliminate preexisting natural evapotranspiration. Current law requires that the
portion of the captured precipitation that historically reached the stream must be replaced to prevent injury to senior water rights. However, capturing the amount of water that was lost through plant transpiration or
evaporation does not increase the actual stream depletions caused by the mining operation because the evapotranspiration did not historically reach the stream. Current law does not give the mine operator any credit for this reduction in evapotranspiration when calculating the obligation to replace stream depletions unless it is a sand and gravel mine. The bill specifies
that for all permitted mining operations, there will be no requirement to replace the amount of historic natural depletion to the waters of the state that was caused by the preexisting natural evapotranspiration on the
surface of an area that will be, or that has been, eliminated or made impermeable. / 01/23/2012 House Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources Refer Unamended to House Committee of the Whole
01/26/2012 House Second Reading Passed
01/27/2012 House Third Reading Laid Over Daily
01/30/2012 House Third Reading Passed
02/01/2012 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy / Monitor
HB12-1032 / Hamner
Nicholson / Continue Forest Restoration Programs 5 Years / The bill continues the forest restoration program, and its associated funding from severance taxes, for 5 years and specifies that the program is no longer a pilot program. The bill also extends for 5 years the annual
transfers from the operational account of the severance tax trust fund of $1.45 million to the healthy forests and vibrant communities fund and $50,000 to the wildland-urban interface training fund. / 01/11/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources + Appropriations
01/23/2012 House Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources Refer Unamended to Appropriations / Research
HB12-1056 / Kerr A.
Hodge / Regional Tourism Project Application Requirements / Section 1 of the bill:
! Clarifies the scope of analysis to be conducted by a
third-party analyst who is analyzing a regional tourism
project application under the "Colorado Regional Tourism Act" (application) by requiring the analyst to: (See bill) / 01/11/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government / Monitor
HB12-1105 / Becker / Wind Energy Property Rights / The bill establishes a nonseverable wind energy right in real property. / 01/19/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources
01/30/2012 House Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources Refer Amended to House Committee of the Whole / Monitor
HB12-1132 / Miklosi
Williams / Creative District Tax Incentives / Section 2 of the bill:
! Defines a creative business activity as an activity that
generates income for the person conducting it and that the creative industries division of the Colorado office of economic development (division) determines involves the design, creation, production, sale, exhibition, or performance of artistic, literary, musical, architectural, design, or other creative work product or otherwise directly relates to such work product; and
! For income tax years commencing on or after January 1, 2013, but before January 1, 2018, allows a person who earns income from engaging in creative business activities within a creative district certified by the division to claim a 50% income tax credit against the income tax liability attributable to income derived from the activities.
Section 3 of the bill reduces the rate of sales tax imposed on sales made within a creative district on and after January 1, 2013, but before January 1, 2018, from 2.9% to 1.45%; except that, for a creative district
certified on or after November 1, 2012, the reduced rate does not apply until the first day of the third month following the month of certification. / 01/20/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Finance / Monitor
HB12-1136 / Ramirez
Roberts / Prohibit Use Of Public Land For Retail Sales / The bill prohibits a public entity from operating, or contracting with a private entity to operate, for public use any truck stop, fueling station, or convenience store on or near public land, state highways, toll roads, or any other similar infrastructure supported by any state revenues. The bill does not prohibit a public entity from maintaining existing interstate public rest areas or constructing new interstate public rest areas as allowed by law. The bill also specifies that the prohibition is not
retroactive and does not apply to restaurants or service centers related to a golf course or any souvenir shops that are on or near such public land, state highways, toll roads, or such similar infrastructure. / 01/20/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs / Research
HB12-1148 / Sonnenberg / Neighborhood Revitalization Areas / The bill authorizes the governing body of a municipality (governing body) to designate any area within such municipality as a neighborhood revitalization area if the area satisfies certain requirements and the rehabilitation, conservation, or redevelopment of the area is necessary to protect the health, safety, or welfare of the residents of the
municipality. The governing body may also declare a building that is located outside the boundaries of a neighborhood revitalization area to be a dilapidated structure if the structure satisfies certain requirements. / 01/20/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government / Monitor
HB12-1154 / Coram & Hamner
Jahn & White / Regional Economic Development Through Partnerships / The bill tasks the Colorado office of economic development (office) with fostering a regional approach to economic development. A region is defined as a state planning and management region utilized by the department of local affairs. Currently, there are 14 such regions in the state. / 01/20/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Appropriations / Monitor
HB12-1157 / Vigil
Guzman / Special District Org Petition Procedures / If a service plan for a proposed special district is approved by a board of county commissioners, current law requires any interested party who appeared and objected to the plan to be given notice and have the
right to appear at a court hearing on the petition to organize the district.
Section 1 of the bill would require the party to also be a taxpayer or eligible elector of the proposed district in order to be given notice and have the right to appear at the hearing. Section 2 requires the notice of
court hearing to be sent by certified mail rather than registered mail. Current law allows the court, in the order authorizing the organizational election, to name an eligible elector as the designated election official. Section 3 allows the court, by any order of the court, to
name a person experienced in conducting special district elections to serve as the designated election official. / 01/20/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government / Monitor
HB12-1164 / Looper / Require Disclosure Severed Mineral Estate / Beginning in 2013, listing contracts, contracts of sale, and sellers' property disclosures for real estate must include a notice regarding whether the mineral estate has been severed from the surface estate and
a surface owner's right of first refusal to purchase the mineral estate when the taxes on the mineral estate have not been paid. The seller must
provide to the buyer a copy of each instrument that severed the mineral estate, the name and contact information of the owner of the mineral estate, and the name and contact information of any known current
lessees of the mineral estate, if that information is available. The seller must also indicate whether mineral exploration or development on the real property is or will be using water that would otherwise be available
to the buyer as an incident of ownership of the real property. / 01/20/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary / Monitor
HB12-1171 / Tyler / Limit Public Hwy Authorities Noncompete Agreements / The bill prohibits a public highway authority from entering into a noncompete agreement with a public entity if the agreement would degrade an existing roadway or delay or prevent the construction or
upgrading of a road or highway that is included in a fiscally constrained regional transportation plan or in the fiscally constrained statewide transportation plan. / 01/20/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation / Monitor
HB12-1176 / Ryden / Oil Gas Surface Owner Horizontal Drilling Setbacks / Section 1 of the bill specifies that the Colorado oil and gas conservation commission has authority to require:
! Increased setbacks from wells that will be treated with
hydraulic fracturing. The commission must require
setbacks of at least 1,000 feet from any school or residence but allow a surface owner who is not located in an urban area to request a shorter setback than would otherwise apply.
! That best management practices for new technologies be established by rule prior to use of the new technologies.
Section 2 includes the owners of land overlying that portion of a geologic formation within which horizontal hydraulic fracturing is conducted within the term "surface owner". / 01/20/2012 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government / Monitor
SB12-005 / Newell
Massey / Ofc Econ Dev Business Retention & Expansion Prog / In order to retain and grow existing businesses in the state, the bill directs the Colorado office of economic development (office) to develop and administer the Colorado business retention and expansion program
under the office's statewide economic development plan. The bill describes the office's specific duties under the program, including the requirement that the office annually report on the program to the general
assembly. / 01/11/2012 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Business, Labor and Technology
01/30/2012 Senate Committee on Business, Labor and Technology Refer Amended to Appropriations / Monitor
SB12-013 / Schwartz
Jones / Low-speed Electric Vehicles / Transportation Legislation Review Committee. The bill allows operation of low-speed electric vehicles on roadways at speeds up to 40 miles per hour. / 01/11/2012 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Transportation
01/31/2012 Senate Committee on Transportation Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole
02/02/2012 Senate Second Reading Laid Over Daily / Monitor
SB12-048 / Schwartz
Coram / Local Foods Local Jobs / The bill creates the "Colorado Cottage Foods Act", exempting small producers from the licensing requirements placed on retail food establishments and requiring producers to be certified in safe food
handling and processing. / 01/26/2012 Senate Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole
02/01/2012 Senate Second Reading Laid Over Daily / Monitor
SB12-081 / Grantham / Local Gov Sprinkler Installation Requirements / The bill prohibits a county or municipality from requiring sprinklers to be installed in single-family dwellings. / 01/19/2012 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government / Monitor
SB12-088 / Harvey / Preempt Local Regulation Of Oil & Gas Operations / The bill specifies that the regulation of oil and gas operations is a matter of statewide concern, the Colorado oil and gas conservation
commission has exclusive jurisdiction to regulate oil and gas operations, and local regulation of oil and gas operations is preempted by state law. / 01/19/2012 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government / Monitor
SB12-097 / Hodge / Streamline Change Of Surface Water Diversion Point / Under current law, all changes of water rights, including changes in the point of diversion, must be adjudicated. The bill creates a simplified procedure for the adjudication of a simple change in a surface
point of diversion, which is defined as a change in the point of diversion from a decreed surface diversion point that is not combined with and does not include any other type of change of water right and for which there is no intervening surface diversion point or inflow from a surface stream or other surface discharge between the new point of diversion and the
diversion point from which a change is being made. The new procedure applies to a change of point of diversion that has already been physically
accomplished or with respect to a requested future change of point of diversion. / 01/19/2012 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy
02/02/2012 Senate Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole / Monitor
SB12-101 / Nicholson
Bradford / Authority Of A Local Improvement District / The bill modifies certain provisions of the law governing county and city and county local improvement districts (districts) to make the
provisions consistent with the law governing improvement districts.
Section 1 of the bill allows a district in which a sales tax is levied to include noncontiguous areas.
Section 2 allows a district to use sales tax revenues for the organization, promotion, marketing, and management of public events. It further specifies procedures for a property owner to petition to be
included in or excluded from a district. / 01/26/2012 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government / Monitor
SB12-124 / Harvey / Eliminate Regional Tourism Project Limit / Current law limits the number of regional tourism projects that the Colorado economic development commission may approve to 2 initial projects plus 2 additional projects in each of the calendar years following the year in which the commission approves 2 initial projects. The bill eliminates the limit and specifies that a pending application must be
approved or disapproved before the commission may consider new applications submitted subject to new application submission requirements or new application review procedures. / 01/31/2012 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government / Monitor