Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Zanesville, Daybreak

Rotary Daybreak of Zanesville, in conjunction with its members and other community business

people, is teaming up for the annual “Have a Heart” program to help defray some of the expenses at Christ’s Table. WHIZ Radio AM-FM/TV, along with the Times Recorder, has endorsed this project and will be supporting it and bringing awareness of the needs of Christ’s Table to the community in hopes that others will find it in their hearts to help sponsor a day, three days, or a week by contributing funds to this most worthwhile project. With donations acquired through the “Have a Heart” program, Christ’s Table serves hot meals to the hungry in our community. Christ’s Table feeds between 350 - 400 needy individuals a day, six days a week. You can participate by contributing $200 for a one day sponsorship, $500 for a three day sponsorship, or $1000 to sponsor the entire week. WE NEED YOUR HELP. We have served 10,329 more meals this year than last year at this time. With the growing need of the hungry of our community comes the growing need for help from our community.

The name of the sponsor will be posted daily to let everyone who enters the establishment know the name of the generous sponsor for that particular day. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Signing Up For  A special day or week is requested

and is specified below.

______One Day @ $200


______Three Days @ $500

 The day of the week is up to the

______One Week @ $1000 discretion of Christ’s Table.

Other contributions will also be greatly appreciated.

Name ______

Address ______

City ______Phone ______

______Bill Us Make Checks Payable To:

Christ’s Table

P.O. Box 233

______Check Enclosed Zanesville, Ohio 43702-0233

e-mail: (740) 452-9766 - Ask for Gretchen Sayre