2nd Indonesian Textile Conference 2017

8 November 2017, Bandung, Indonesia


title of the paper (12 pt, bold)

Presenting Author Name1, Author Name2 (11 pt, bold)

1University, Faculty, Department/Laboratory, Address, City, Country (10 pt, italic)

2Company, Address, City, Country (10 pt, italic)

E-mail of the Presenting Author

An expanded abstract must be prepared for oral and poster presentations. Please, use this template in order to shape your text correctly. It is the author’s responsibility to submit an appropriate abstract (spelling, grammar, scientific facts, accuracy and layouts).

Title of the abstract

The title of the abstract must be written in CAPITAL BOLD LETTERS with the font size 12 pt and maximum length of two lines. The name of the authors must be written in bold letters, with the font size 11 pt. The name(s) of the presenting author(s) must be underlined. The name(s) of the institution must be in italic letters, with the font size 10 pt. Add an e-mail contact information of the presenting author. Leave two blank lines with the font size 11 pt before the body text. The body text must be written with the font size 11 pt.

Abstract structure and style

The content of the abstract must include an Introduction with the research problem, a short literature review and the aim of the research, an Experimental part with a short description of materials, procedures and analytical methods, main Results, a Discussion, Conclusion, Keywords and References. Each abstract will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and selected for oral or poster presentations in the context of conference topics.

You are kindly asked to write your text in MS Word format directly into this document template, since all styles are already prepared.

The abstract must be written in the English language. Please use Arial font and a single line spacing for the entire abstract. There must be a top margin of 3.0 mm and a bottom, left and right margins of 2.5 mm. The length of the abstract should be up to two pages with the total length of 800–1000 words, including up to two Figures or Tables.

Keywords: the keywords must include 4–5 words. After the keywords, leave two blank lines before the reference list.

Referencing guide

For the abstract, Harvard citation style is used. In the body text, references must be cited with the surname of the first author, followed by the publishing year in parentheses, e.g. (Jampala et al. 2008; Yamada et al. 1996; Franklin & Snow 2005).

The reference list entries must be alphabetized by the surname of the first author of each cited work (cf. examples below). (Wojdyr 2010; Wojdyr n.d.; Anon n.d.; Graham 2001).

References (selection):

Anon, Plasmatreat - Atmospheric plasma technology – surface activation. Available at: http://www.plasmatreat.com/ [Accessed March 19, 2010].

Franklin, T.J. & Snow, G.A., 2005. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Antimicrobial Drug Action 6th ed., Springer.

Graham, B., 2001. Technological Plasmas. Physics World, 14(3), pp.31–36.

Jampala, S.N. et al., 2008. Plasma-Enhanced Synthesis of Bactericidal Quaternary Ammonium Thin Layers on Stainless Steel and Cellulose Surfaces. Langmuir, 24(16), pp.8583–8591.

Wojdyr, M., fityk — curve fitting software. Available at: http://www.unipress.waw.pl/fityk/ [Accessed November 7, 2010].

Wojdyr, M., 2010. Fityk: a general-purpose peak fitting program. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 43(5 Part 1), pp.1126–1128.

Yamada, K., Haraguchi, T. & Kajiyama, T., 1996. Plasma-graft polymerization of vinyl monomers with reactive groups onto a surface of poly(p-phenylene terephthalamide) fiber. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 60(11), pp.1847–1853.

Kostajnsek, K; Dimitrovski, K 2015, ‘Fast effective method for predicting UV protective properties of woven fabrics’, in 15th Autex Conference, June 10–12, 2015, Bucharest, Romania: Proceedings, ed M Blaga, Iasi: "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University, Faculty of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management, Asachi.

The corresponding address must be written at the end of the abstract and prepared as demonstrated below.

Corresponding author:


University/Company, Faculty, Department/Laboratory

Address, Postal code, City, State

Phone: Fax: E-mail:


Options indication*

1. Indicate the option for the presentation: Oral, Poster.

2. Indicate the option for the topic (see “Topics and Scope” on the Conference website: http://stttekstil.ac.id/itc2017/themes/): TEX, CLO, IME, ENV, FIB, ADV, SPE

* Cross those that do not apply (for example: Oral, Poster).

Abstract submission

Please save the abstract under name of the corresponding author: Surname_Name_Abstract_ITC2017.doc and send it by e-mail to the following address: .

The deadline for abstract submissions is 31 August 2017.


All presenting authors must register by latest 30 September 2017..